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Posts posted by SkacikPLz

  1. well i don't think we were even meant to see it in the first place, but i speculate that the area that we have been fighting in is only the start point and the rest of the map will be available after the game starts.  

    To be honest DE perfectly knows what they're pushing into the game.


    They must've been aware of it, I treat it as an Easter Egg.

  2. the despair + a tanky frame just seems to wreck

    me and my friend were doing a dual ash comp

    we completely destroyed everyone

    Well modded Snipetron Vandal one hits my Frost with 1050 shields and 600 health (and over 200 armor).


    So yes, PVP will require some separate tweaking.

  3. about 10th thread about this in 3 hours time.


    1)2v2 PVP has already been confirmed on the live streams

    2)you can play 2v2 PVP in its current form by going either to Mercury/Venus or mars finding the right planet and pressing A/Left arrow and you start by hitting enter on the Keyboard.


    It is FUN, but it brings out the difference between how weapons work on mobs and how they work on other tennos.

  4. Whys the video so small?

    well, most likely somebody felt like "i know how to get in and i'm going to tease you because of that".


    The secret is to go to either mercury venus or mars and find the right planet, press A or left arrow key and press enter (on the keyboard).

  5. Well, nobody is forced to PVP anyways.


    However it's nice of them to have it left (hidden or not) for simple crowd to try it, even if it's rough around the edges.

    Fact that it's so well hidden basically means that they don't want to be bashed because of how it works/looks at this stage, which would be inevitable if they would have not hidden it.


    However i predict a hotfix which will remove this 2v2 pvp mode until U10.

  6. That's odd. Work-in-progress already implemented.

    I went to the menu and it's also a work-in-progress, apparently. It contains a Secrets section.

    It's old basic menu.


    Somebody told me that it's similar to the one from PC version of Dark Sector but i can't confirm that anyhow.

  7. Do you have local reflections enabled?


    If not, then game is using good old cubemaps, which almost never produce believable reflection unless you stand exactly in the point of cubemap capture.


    Unless you see other texture artifacts, especially flickering and green/pink colors i'd say your GPU is fine.

  8. Scarves in general serve no function except to look cool.

    Debatable on multiple levels.


    However, the point is that the feature has even less right of existence in this game than the scarves themselves.

    Especially since it doesn't double but almost quadruple amount of required work.


    Plus if you've seen the concept shots you already know that they've focused the scarves on the players back.

    You won't be able to even see the mouthpiece unless you stop and rotate the camera.

  9. I recognize it, it's polish.


    Should've said "Broń Systemu"



    It's the same bug which replaces blueprints and cryopod caption with native language version of the host.


    Host uses german languages you drop blauprints(or schemas, don't remember), host plays in russian you drop *********

  10. To queue a research you need to have Oracle system and respective research lab built in your dojo, you start research in the lab.


    To change clan emblem you need to get to your profile on the main warframe webpage (not the forums), however it costs a lot of platinum

  11. Texture streaming issues.


    Unless you've got really decent amount of VRAM, the game will keep juggling between mipmapped versions of the same texture in order to keep within the texture budget.


    I don't know whether it scales along with the amount of VRAM you've got or it's a pre-set value on all three settings, however, getting close to the limit = textures go low res.

  12. OMFG frost and its players frustrate me more than anything else in this game. all everyone does is butt kiss frost for snowglobe, and seem to forget it has 3 other ability's. 90% of people who actually use frost, constantly just snowglobe for no reason, and dont give a second thought to the rest of the squad, do they forget that other players cant shoot in, so that means the more fragile frames, mag, nyx, loki,  have to come up for close quarters and end up getting killed. most peoples response, is: ''stay inside the snowglobe and shoot out'' yeah, Thats one sure way to get swarmed and killed 


    now i know all im going to get in response to this post is frost fan boys butt kissing Frost, and going on about how good it is, and how much u need to for high level defence and stuff, but the truth is, if ur a half decent player, you dont. i cant count the number of times it has been frost and its snowglobe which has gotten me killed, and the rest of the squad, which the led to the failure of a mission. 


    The worst part is, is if u ask a frost player to not snowglobe, they will just tell you to F-off, stop whining and deal with it. in my opinion something needs to be done about snowglobe, so make it more suitable for squads and let of a screw over for the team.

    1.Frost is best as Defensive tank, whilst Rhino is an offensive tank

    2.Buttkiss for snowglobe? Well good luck on T3Def without it


    And jerks aren't jerks just because they play that specific frame.

  13. Well, most likely it's not a game issue per se.


    I've never had WF crash neither in 64 nor in 32 bit for me.

    However i do remember games crashing a lot when i was tight on RAM.

    This is likely to happen when Windows has to snapshot the game to the HDD because it cannot stay fully in RAM when you Alt Tab.

    Not like devs couldn't make the game more alt tab friendly, however it's most likely low on the priority list since everyone runs with bazilion gigabytes of ram nowadays.

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