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Posts posted by SkacikPLz

  1. It needs to have much lower arm height, but the damage needs to scale with height.

    Falling from 5 meters platform should be a viable move and excal with superjump should have his way to shine.



    As of now, this seems to be a waste of slots and points if used on anything else besides Excal.

  2. I actually can read russian so i'd appreciate having actual russian alphabet ingame over asterisks.

    Most likely same would apply for english people who know chinese/japanese/arabic/korean and all other languages which have custom alphabets.

  3. I tried to record myself doing this, but it turns out Bandicam does some weird things to Warframe's physics. Maybe it's the framerate drop? Anyway, I may post how to do this later, but for now I'd like to see what you guys think.

    Bandicam, you serious?


    Use proper recording software like DXtory/Fraps/MSI afterburner(free)/Mirillis Action!

  4. Technically, none of planets besides earth have "breathable" or human friendly (assuming that corpus are pretty close to the current human) atmosphere.


    Which makes me assume that the planet was terraformed and artificially filled with oxygen.

    Since the process is artificial, most likely it can be reversed.

  5. For every single time he gets shredded with dread or frozen with snowglobe he takes his revenge on tutorial players.




    I think I remember meeting him a couple times before when he didn't mention a boss I killed. So I don't think it matters if he needs some one to avenge.


    Nope, you need to kill a boss.

    If you don't see his messages in public match, then it means he wasn't after you.

  6. So, Strun got nerfed.


    ~Gee i surely hope it wasn't because it was good and not commonly accessible, unlike certain frame which is OP and commonly accessible so not many people want to nerf it.

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