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Posts posted by AMDMAD

  1. this is what I got from googling sea dragon.





    What exactly did you search?  And what engine, if not google?


    It seems to me that, Google, a worldwide and highly renowned search engine seems to depict the words "sea dragon" as seahorses/sea-fish, primarily, BEFORE offering the other choices.

    Well this is akward


    Surely i can see it also but it only 2/12 of the page the rest are mythical dragons

  2. Do not like the design. Personally, this came across more like an Infested frame rather than a proper dragon frame. Heck, even thinking about dragon armor, I think about something with more scales and layers. But this frame instead has flesh. Tons of flesh design. I won't judge against the frame itself but because it breaks how I would actually envision a dragon frame to be after all the hype, it's definitely lower on my list of favourite frames. Maybe the ability mechanics can save it from being one of my hated frames.


    EDIT: So, DE said blue = electric and white = cold. What does black equals to? Finisher?

    Black for depresion makes them think their life and then shoot themselves . Regardless the design is kinda torelabe but what i cant stand is the feet are too damn small to lift such a heavy frame they are just TOO SMALL

  3. Huh, how did I miss this? Yet again, you forget you weren't talking to me anymore.

    To be fair, somehow I misunderstood the concept of this thread and assumed it was talking about enemy difficulty IN-GENERAL, but it is indeed specific to endless missions. Infinite scaling THERE is stupid for other reasons. Reasons like Viver, which kinda proved how simply making enemies tougher and more hard-hitting doesn't necessarily make them more difficult.

    If DE wants a clever way to force people out of endless missions they need to choose something Players can't find loopholes around, like... simply making endless missions not endless anymore. It's clear that the enemy scaling was kind-of their way of whispering "we don't actually want you to be here very long. This isn't a challenge, this is us trying to kick you out, dammit.". The fact that players find ways around this isn't showing that DE was merely challenging us and some rose to meet it, it's showing us that DE didn't think we could, and were wrong.

    No i was talking about whole solar map because if you read again if you enter a lets call "zone" in solar map with low level enemies then your gear will downgrade according to that  damage zone in order to be also challenging and not 1 shooting everything . However the weapon damage / mods will scale according to leve enemies . FOr example even if you enter a low level zone lets say 5 if you farm long enough to reach them at a max level lets say 150 your weapon will have full damage there . So your damage mods will scale with enemies thus never being too op or too up (regarding the class of the weapon because if it is low tier it the max damage will be considerly lower than a high rank weapon ) making it always challenging and fun no matter on what planet you are


    Lately I have been using the Torid a bit, Sancti Castanas, Synoid Gamacore, Tellos AKBoltos, Vaycor Marelok and also doing some testing with the Angstrum. I found that you can hit grenades/Castanas on the floor near the Nullifer, the explosion will hit targets inside that it can reach. The same thing goes for the Syndicate weapons, all targets except the nullifiers that can be reached will sustain damage.

    Yeah it is kinda weird that some aoe can hit other mobs but not nullifier and also sancti castana bounces back if you throw it at its shield XD

  5. I said this six months ago, they coulld solve a whole load of problems on the game if they just sat down, today, and said as of the next patch we will be removing the infinite enemy scaling.

    Then they could focus on actual content rather than chasing their tales with nerfs, buffs, "balancing (stealth nerfs)" and creating ever more convoluted damage and weapon types and status cards.

    Then they could get rid of RNG in the next patch and put the content and weapon types behind challengs like Destinys bounty system, but with the bounties available to the player and not hidden behind RNG.

    You want a boltor receiver? Sure, but this is what you've got to do- kill 500 enemies with melee only on appolodorus, kill 500 enemies with pistol headshots, defeat x boss 5 times.

    Ok, I know what I have to do. I know that if I do that, I will get that part, in a certain amount of time, rather than going over and over and over and over and over again attacking the same mission type for part with a 3% drop rate.

    They could put a little tab at the bottom that says purchase part for X platinum, they could make the bounties as awkward or as tedious as they like, but at least a player would know what he had to do.

    I agree on that but how about making the Void kinda like syndicates ? Hear me out each void mission you achieve you get certain points when you get the amount of points that you need ( lets say 1000 points for boltor bp ) you can buy it from a special void market . The Void points will escalate of course of your mastery thus rewarding the higher ranked players and giving the lower ones to have  a purpose . How that sounds 

  6. Ah PS4 it explains the post and the attitude. Maybe you are unaible to level them up yourself thus being jealous for other having it and instead working to get it you come here to find 'excuses " for them to be removed because you are unable to get them . Which means if other having fun with something that you CANT it means it must be removed .Annoying ppl  , all those mods WILL stay because that is how the way of warframe works atm . IF they get removed the WHOLE game must be remaked so i dont see it happening soon . It may happen but not now . Besides how all the ppl that have used formas on all weapons to get teh maximum damage potential gonan get a refund? and if you say " it is de they can change everything because they can" a huge HUGE amount of players will be leave and rage quit which is a no move from DE . But hey at least you will happy right? Because everything is roating around you and your perfect little world

  7. Really? Because I'm pretty sure that if you hole yourself up in a bunker with high tech guns and the enemy keeps losing units, then also loses a few tanks - god knows how that could happen - they would shrug and nuke the place from orbit. If THAT also failed, then probably getting the local Star to go Nova might be the next step, all other life in the system be damned.


    I don't give a rats tail how strong you think you should be, "infinite escalation" means that the units coming against you are only SHAPED like people. Last time I looked, Superman is also shaped like a person, but regardless of how "prepared" you are, you can't beat him. And before you say "but Kriptonite", you should remember that he can hit you with a thrown rock from orbit, THAT is the entire point, that being if "you" can prepare, so can the damn enemy when they scale high enough, and when they have scaled enough, you WILL always lose.


    Enemies in this game don't scale for challenge sake, they do it to stop people farming endlessly, which they try and do, constantly, by exploiting every weakness in the game and AI they can find.

    Ppl exploit here because of the ridiculsy high RNG that excists which stops any other form of "fair play " to be achieved . Aka DE forces us to exploit in order to overpass their huge walls of grind etc . Also you can kill Superman with magic so if he is in orbit and dies  i can call magic thus your argument is invalid :p

  8. If you die in the bubble it is your fault, too. The nullifiers are really slow in turning around and aiming - I see absolutely NO problem in melee him down and finish him along side with the bombards around him. Seriously there is nothing easier than slide inside and get him down.

    You see absolutly no problem because you will run at 10~20 min mark and wont stay longer . But for ppl who actually can play longer and are better they have problem because of the massive size and protection that it offers in ALL enemies inside the bubble . Tell me how you counter knock down lock by Grineer while you eat ridicilsy high damage Bombard rockets /Lanka and heavy gunner? you cant you get locked down inside the bubble and you mostly die . Still cant realize it?still is our fault?  

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