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Posts posted by AMDMAD

  1. And I asked myself till now why nobody thought it was strange that neither the Redeemer nor Hysteria got Syndiecate procs - the powercreep is strong in the Warframe playerbase...

    Hysteria is a totally difrent skill that is very akward to use and limits pretty much eveything.

    If hysteria had procs would by no means be op . However all u guys think that every Valkyr

    player uses Hysteria exclusivly because it is "op" because u take no damage.Here is the

    truth : Hysteria handicaps the player MORE when u are using it than not using it . Hysteria

    is just used to revive ppl . Warcry on the other hand is far FAR better than hysteria and

    usefull and in my opinion it surpasses it if used corectly and with proper modding of the

    meelee weapons of course

  2. For those complaining about hydroid, consider this:


    This is in all actuality a buff to that augment due to the following:


    The augment was only working on things killed with tentacle swarm on their way OUT or on their way back into the ground.


    My build for this used to be all 3 power strength mods, and max negative duration.  Which made my tentacles last for about 3 seconds.


    After about 20 waves in an ODD -- stuff stops dying from the tentacles and then everything gets #Rekt from other abilities.


    Consider this:  Now you can mod for duration / range, perhaps throw a few different mods on- and benefit throughout the entire duration of a mission with the augment, as anything caught in the tentacles that is killed will be dropping extra resources.  I don't know about you all but spamming a 3 second tentacle swarm over and over was very tedious and boring IMO.


    Again-- this is just my opinion on the change of one of my favorite mods in the game, because I am currently at like 5k Polymer bundle and about 100 nano spores due to energy restores / trials.


    I am ecstatic to try out the change!


    Atleast try the change with some different builds before complaining guys!  If you still feel that you don't like it as well - please take it to feedback without raging/bashing...


    Last thought: perhaps give things a chance or at least tad longer than 5 seconds after the hotfix is released to start complaining that it was "nerfed".


    I am taking overextended + stretch to the derelict and bringing a speed nova with me, Equinox and Ember .... I shall have all the resources!!!!

    Of course you should support DE why would not u?

    I mean there are not breaking bugs that do nothing

    about in meele and other modes/missions that need asap fixing.

    Nope better nerf Hydroid he was usefull and was able to

    overpass our ridiculous grind wall we cant allow effective

    grinding in a grinding game can we now?

  3. Unlike those of us who spend this much time on the forums, DE probably doesn't have the time to waste reading hate posted in place of constructive criticism... maybe they'll actually listen to a "Buff Hydroid" thread that doesn't start with "but Pilfering Swarm" or get hijacked by it, so get cracking!


    (Or should I say... get kraken.)

    Hydroids buff are all over teh place and there is a ton

    of constructive feedback on why this move towards

    hydroid is bad in this thread . But i agree on you DE does not

    want to read them

  4. Thank you to F*** us again DE <3 


    Mag = Dead

    Hydroid = Dead



    Awsome... What is the next thing you want to ruin? Just tell us for i don't waste my goddamn time with it.

    Better Nerf Trinity just to be sure

  5. I prefer to buy them than care about raids

    and that what DE wants to achieve.They know all of the problems

    but dont really care since u spent  plat to obtain them.

    They made it like so you as aplayer to buy them instead

    of playing them.Raid is awful as a mission and gathering

    team is a nightmare.Not to mention the horrible lack of

    dedicated servers for something like that or the horrible hosting


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