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Posts posted by Redpaws

  1. On 2022-05-14 at 3:26 AM, (PSN)ShadowProctor said:

    I was going to report this myself, then I see it's been reported... years ago. Lol, wow. And by the comment about the Sepfahn, same with the Nikana Zaw's blade piece being misaligned to the point that it clips out of the sheath every half second I'm guessing. Yikes. Well, uh, bump - 'cause I'd like to build a Nychus but it currently looks horrible without a neck - you just can't unsee these issues once you see them. I love my Nikana Zaw, but I stare at the blade sticking out so much it might as well be the only thing I notice with it equipped lol. I'm on PS4 btw so, issue seems to be cross-platform.

    Yeah, it has certainly been a while. Even tried contacting support after a year had passed, but didn't help. Doubt they're in the right department for this issue, and doubt they can contact those that are. Not much that can be done from our end as players. All I can do personally is keep this thread bumped so the issue remains visible, and speaking of which...

    June bump! The more active this thread is, the more likely it'll get picked up on.

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  2. The Nychus MOA head is placed way too low. This bug was introduced with Deimos Arcana. Other heads appear correctly.

    This happens to all MOA configurations using the Nychus head, 100% of the time. This includes Legs daily special (if it has the Nychus head), build previews, and linked MOAs. I do not know of a way to NOT reproduce this bug. As long as the MOA got the Nychus head, it will show the issue, no matter where.

    How it should be. (picture taken before Deimos Arcana)

    How it is. You can even see the neck clipping into the 'eyes'.


    Vulpaphyla Adra tail misalignment bonus bit:


    The Adra tail (default one) for Vulpaphylas are also misaligned, placed slightly too low. This applies to both vulpaphyla pets and wild ones. This issue has been in the game since the introduction of Vulpaphylas.

    How it should be. Aligned with the spine.

    How it is. Placed too low. Other tails look fine.


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  3. It'd be really nice if there was a way to 'fuse' a modular weapon of the same type to change the parts while keeping any polarities you have. This would make it far less punishing for someone that have already invested several formas into a kitgun or zaw, before realizing they'd want to slightly tweak the build. Also makes it not feel nearly as bad when weapon balance changes happens, like what happened to the primary kitguns. Or just for players that have used a kitgun/zaw for a long time, and want to change the build without throwing 5+ forma out the window.

    Some limitations would obviously apply. Example: a Plague Kripath polearm can only fuse with another Plague Kripath polearm, and a primary Tombfinger can only fuse with another primary Tombfinger. But you'd still be able change which two-handed grip is used. Like changing Shtung for Seekala, or Brash for Tremor.

    Alternatively, if it is possible, add a way to directly replace one part at their respective builder instead. So you could bring your kitgun to Zuud, and change your Splat for a Killstream, Lovetap for Haymaker etc, assuming you've built the part. Losing the part you replace is honestly fine.

    The modular items (with restrictions) this would apply to:
    Kitguns (can't change chamber, can't change primary to secondary or vice versa)
    Zaws (can't change strike, can't change one-handed to two-handed or vice versa)
    MOA (Can't change head, polarity from legs doesn't change)

    The three main things that made me make this thread is the rather drastic rebalance of primary kitguns so shortly after release, the massive changes to Zaws and melee as a whole with melee 3.0, and the massive changes to status. Also the more personal reason that I want to change one part on my secondary kitgun (due to the status changes), but I've already invested 8 forma + exilus adapter into it, which makes it VERY hard to justify rebuilding it. Even if it costed a forma to fuse/change parts, that's still way better than having to spend another 9 forma rebuilding it from scratch.

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