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(XBOX)Gray Silhouette

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Gray Silhouette

  1. If you want to play games on a Mac, your gonna have a bad time.

    Getting a game to work natively on a mac requires recoding the entire thing to run on mac architecture, which is obviously going to take alot of time and effort.

    Secondly, macs aren't built for gaming. Sure they have decent specs, but a decent gaming pc will tar and feather them. And given that you cannot upgrade a mac beyond adding some more ram, which won't help all that much.

    If you have a mac and want to play games with it, your course of action is to install bootcamp, build a windows partition and play on that.

    Gaming on macs is like taking a prius to a car race

    Unfortunately, this.

    I have no money, and the only computers at ny house are Mac since my dad is a fanboy.

    So PC gaming isn't really an option. I've just accepted it at this point.

  2. Just yesterday I was helping a nee guy with a low level interception. I was doing a good job of holding two objectives, and he usually had one, so we were barely winning for the whole thing.

    Gustrag Three showed up to kill me, only to be #REKT by unending war valkyr. One of them dropped Split Chamber.

    I've never gotten a split chamber.

    So score at that point was about 53% (us) to 46% (grineer). New guy dies, and doesn't revive. I have to hold two points or we're screwed.

    I lose one point, which meant I had to leave the one I was guarding.

    Long story short, I couldn't hold both, and we lost by about 4%.

    I was salty.

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