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(XBOX)Gray Silhouette

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Gray Silhouette

  1. *sigh* A sea dragon is a real animal.

    Ok? What's your point?

    Does it breath fire? Does it resemble a dragon at all?

    Look, the problem is that the "dragon frame" that people were asking for was a traditional dragon themed frame, not a sea dragon. DE played this up like they were making something that the community had long asked for, when the TRUTH is that the community DIDN'T ask for this. So DE should have never even said that they were making what the community wanted. That's the problem, and why there is a backlash (including the lack of excitement from the TennoLive attendees). All they had to say was that they were going with a dragon theme, but that it wouldn't be a traditional dragon. Just that would've been enough. But no. They misrepresented what they were doing.

  2. Look, the problem is that the "dragon frame" that people were asking for was a traditional dragon themed frame, not a sea dragon. DE played this up like they were making something that the community had long asked for, when the TRUTH is that the community DIDN'T ask for this. So DE should have never even said that they were making what the community wanted. That's the problem, and why there is a backlash (including the lack of excitement from the TennoLive attendees). All they had to say was that they were going with a dragon theme, but that it wouldn't be a traditional dragon. Just that would've been enough. But no. They misrepresented what they were doing.


    If they would've been clearer in what they meant by "dragon", I know I wouldn't be here complaining.

  3. Oh come on, now that's just being stupid.

    So is trying to call this thing a "dragon", but people manage to do it.

    Posted it somewhere else, but I'll post it here:



    The Dragon frame most resembles a Neak dragon mixed, perhaps, with a Basilisk.


    Those are dragons.

    Doesn't really resemble a Neak... The snout is kinda similar but not by much...

    You can't bring the Basilisk into this since it's commonly regarded as a shape shifting creature, so it doesn't look like anything.

  4. It's got a tail, it's got wings, it breaths fire, and it's red. Looks like a dragon to me

    I assume you call the dangly bit in the back that doesn't look like a tail it's tail?

    Well then, limbo has two.

    Wings? Lumps. They resemble wings as much as it resembles a dragon.

    Breathes fire? GG, argument over, can't top that.

    Hahahah, really. Nothing can breath fire except dragons? Nothing?

  5. Not liking a look is fine, complaining that they did not accomplish each person's view of what  a dragon theme is, is a bit crazy since people all have different versions of what that theme is. Like i mentioned here, i was hoping for some dragon beast thing and they gave us a beast-like look which is why i ended up being ok with it.

    Um, no.

    This isn't some people complaining because it doesn't look like the dragon they'd wish it looked like.

    This is people complaining because it doesn't even RESEMBLE a dragon.

    You were hoping for a dragon beast and got a beast, and you're happy with that?

    They didn't advertise it as a beast frame, they advertised it as a dragon frame, and the fact is, they did not deliver.

  6. Yes it does. You might refuse this fact, but Japan calls them Sea Dragons. They're as much a dragon as the Komodo Dragon is. They are real life living dragons, and you will never get anything closer then that. It's the very basis for the pokemon Kingdra being a Dragon type.

    Real life living dragons? Really?

    What difference does it make anyway, he doesn't look like either.

    The only thing someone could say is the snout looks vaguely like one from a seahorse.

    But you can not tell me that he looks like a dragon without lying to me.

  7. The haters are hating cus it's not the Ultrabuff "Eats Rhinos every hour" giant cod pieced scaled dragon they wanted. And instead a Sea Dragon design. Aka a Sea horse. As it means they never will get that. Dragonframe is this, no second pass through.


    People wanted a giant mythological ultra monster and forgot it still had to be a warframe. And got a play on words. They can be angry, they can complain. But any and all disappointment is on them.


    Does not.



  8. it looks more like an infested warframe than a dragon warframe

    the default 'helm' definitely got sea dragon / sea horse going on 


    if u denoted something with "dragon" you better make sure it looks like a dragon because most people have pretty set ideas about what dragons look like, this is why we are seeing these threads

    dragons inspire us with their magnificence and granduer and burn dread into our hearts with their ferocity and power 

    the western dragon is the most physical representation whereas the asian dragon is more of a ethereal spiritual entity 


    well its too late now

    but chroma would have been a great infested warframe variant with his current model


    The problem is not that we don't like the look of the frame; it could make a cool infested color changer.


    You DO NOT bring out the word "Dragon" and then NOT make something elegant, wise, and powerful looking.

    If they never said it was dragon themed, there would be a lot less unhappy players.

  9. Oh you're one of THOSE people.

    Jk. The reason most don't use the lasers is the same reason lots don't want a mesa/excal/nova on their team. You just sit there and watch them/it kill everything, hoping that something survives so you aren't just sitting there twiddling your thumbs.

    I don't use lasers because everyone is out slaughtering the enemies anyway; if they aren't going down then they don't need the lasers to help.

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