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(XBOX)Gray Silhouette

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Gray Silhouette

  1. Hey all!

    So I have 13 warframes: zephyr, banshee, nekros, ember p, frost p, loki p, limbo, saryn, valkyr, nyx p, excalibro, broberon, and trinity.

    Of those frames I use: zephyr, banshee, trinity, nyx p, and valkyr.

    The reason is, I find them to be fun, not just useful.

    Zephyr has max strength and duration jet stream (gotta go FAST)

    Banshee has high strength high duration resonance (oh look, walking christmas trees)

    Trin is just a god

    Nyx has mind freak and has max range chaos

    And valkyr has max strength max duration warcry build

    All of these have two things in common: they are effective, and they are fun.

    The problem i'm having is getting the other frames to be either fun, useful, or both. Here's my view on my non used frames:

    Nekros: all of his powers just seem 'meh' to me. Not much damage, SoD is sorta good, and terror is only relatively helpful

    Ember: got to rank 30 and left to gather dust PRE BUFF. I'm not sure how much better she's gotten. DPS frame lacking dps

    Frost: so slow, and his powers seem pretty lame to me

    Loki: got to rank 30 and ditched because he provides no challenge at all

    Limbo: honestly, i stopped leveling him because no one liked me bringing him, and catacalysm prevents pickups

    Saryn: pretty meh. 4 is a nuke, that's about it. Boring.

    Excalibro: big turn offs are slash dash and "super" jump. Waste of two powers. Kinda boring.

    Broberon: he was in my top five faves, but after he hit 30 I just got bored of him and replaced him with trinity.

    If anyone has advice on how to mod/use these frames in a both fun and effective way, please help!

  2. Personally I want GLaDOS.


    Logging in: "Oh it's just you", "Hello tenno I've *bzzzt* missed you"

    Unread inbox messages: "There's mail for you, I doubt it's from anyone important", "You have mail, don't worry about viruses I always read your mails first"

    Completed Foundry item: "It seems like you built, a thing, wow it's almost as useful as you"

    DE, plz
  3. Hello, everyone.

    So, i'm looking for the absolute fastest zephyr build. My friend mains a rhino so I get lots on enjoyment is zooming throughout the map while he trudges along.

    I feel max strength would be best, because of jet stream. Thoughts?

  4. See - I disagree - even if DE said they're going to do it - I don't think its an especially good idea - or even necessary.


    But hey, people have asked for it - lets shove it in there with all the other stuff that doesn't work or fit, amiright?


    I mean look at the guy who posted suggestions a few posts up - every idea directly undermines (or buffs obscenely) a frame's already present abilties. Whats the point - seriously?!


    Why add fire damage innately to Ember's attacks - what's the point in her 1 anymore - or the augment?!


    And every thread asking for passive abliities is the same deal - people just want them because it would be FREE - not because it would make any sense or even add anything to the gameplay. There is already enough going on between mods & weapons & powers - personally I don't see any mechanical sense in adding more buffs/debuffs.


    And let's continue assuming DE is going to do this - they've mentioned it sure - but I don't recall anything being said in a devstream other than the idea bouncing around - granted I missed the last one.


    But what if they do? What do you think we'll get? Do you honestly think any of the thematic ideas put forward in all these threads will occur? No - it will be a few half-baked buffs to base mechanics and they'll be spread over all the frames - 1/2 of them will be good and the rest will be pointless - it'll be CP or ES (x4) all over again.


    Honestly it just looks like they're latching on to this "hot topic" as a means to stick duct tape on the Focus system they cannibalised to make Syndicate augments - because they don't know what to do with it (Focus) otherwise.

    Ah, yes. Giving the fire dps frame innate fire damage doesn't fit at all.

    "Buffs obscenely", look i'm not saying full cold resistance for frost or 100 base toxic on saryn. I'm saying maybe 10% resistance and maybe 10 toxic. This isn't meant to be overpowered, just to show the frame isn't just another set of four abilities.

    "Why add fire damage innately to Ember's attacks - what's the point in her 1 anymore - or the augment?!" Be honest. Is her 1 even that useful? But, I digress. I already clarified I don't mean SOOPER 1337 amounts of damage. Just enough to know there's something there.

    This is a mechanic to make frames seem even more themed, ember with fire, loki with stealth, valkyr with fist/claw melee. You can't tell me that none of those seem fitting.

  5. Gonna give my opinion on what passives each frame should have:

    1. Rhino - Not sure here

    2. Nova - Not sure here

    3. Oberon - inherent health regen

    4. Vauban - inherent energy regen

    5. Trinity - inherent health regen

    6. Ash - harder to detect

    7. Volt - electric damage and electric proc resistance

    8. Excalibur - enhanced melee with swords

    9. Saryn - inherent toxic damage on all attacks

    10. Valkyr - enhanced melee with claws/fists

    11. Frost - cold damage resistance

    12. Ember - inherent fire damage on all attacks

    13. Banshee - silent attacks

    14. Nekros - reduced bleedout

    15. Mag - faster shield recharge

    16. Loki - harder to detect

    18. Nyx - not sure either

  6. Wind your neck in pal; it was a joke as I don't want a Banshee nerf. Check my previous post. This community takes itself too seriously sometimes. Maybe I should have added an emoticon?


    Banshee is the most underrated frame in the game. Her CC is one of the best in the game and Silence is quite special when used in an offensive way...nerf inbound...

    An emoticon would've helped lol

    I had to think about it, but I do agree that banshee is the most underrated (which will hopefully keep her from getting nerfed...)

  7. Mod lock this please.

    This isn't your thread...

    Anyway, to the OP:

    I was a Banshee naysayer like your friend. She was the first frame I got (besides volt but he doesn't count), and I regretted getting her, since I bought her. I was pretty much constantly dissing her and pointing out her flaws to my friends.

    And then resonance came out.

    She is now my main frame.

    So to answer "What bring's banshee's full potential put?", then it's definetely resonance in my opinion.

    To answer "What's her major downsides", i'd have to say her relative squishiness (though 3 of her 4 abilities are cc, so you shouldn't have an issue with that)

  8. Three dream teams:

    Banshee prime, with extra energy and movement speed

    Akstilletto Prime with extra mag cap and damage

    Tipedo prime with extra attack speed (AHAHAHAHAHAHADIEDIEDIE) and damage

    Valkyr prime with extra armor and health

    Tysis prime with extra damage

    Venka Prime with extra attack speed and damage (you know, to make them useful)

    Trinity prime with extra health and energy

    Akbolto prime with higher mag cap and faster RoF

    Dual Ichors prime, with lower attack speed but with an innate life steal (+10 hp per hit, NOT based on damage)

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