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Posts posted by mhyr1104

  1. You have not tried Spectra didn't you?

    Not enough Forma, so I have no idea what happens :(


    The cool think is that now, the only weapon how still really overpowered is the embolist, with its cute mini-range -> seems legit

    Hater gonna hate :3

    I also dont have the Embolist, but is it really that great? I'm starting to doubt everything about the Clan weapons now :(

    (p.s your english isnt that bad :D, I've seen worse in the Wiki)

  2. So I recently took my Acrid out of my collection and tried it out. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POISON DAMAGE....seriously, 2 poison damage per tick. I was seriously annoyed that I had crafted it as it had now become one of the worst weapon IMO, I dont think DE needed to remove the effects of mods on the ticks. What do you guys think about the Acrid now?

  3. To people who were saying that the Warframe suits were just empty, I swear I've seen something in the parts where the Excalibro was split up into (if you look at the dissected parts, I swear you can see that it's filled


    but if all of these frame were remotely controlled, that explains why we can do so :)

  4. It's because exp is binded to the lvls of the enemies, and since DE compressed the levels to a smaller number, we also get lower exp


    e.g lets just say that a Charge gave 90 exp at level 100 but since DE compressed the level into something like level 40, you would only get the exp from killing a level 40 Charger despite it being as difficult as a level 100 Charger

  5. If anything, they need an event to get another planet for them. They're being eliminated from the solar system as it stands. I think they only have Eris now.


    I'll admit, it is interesting to see the maps change dynamically over time, but they probably shouldn't get shoehorned to only one major planet. I know I'm likely months late in noticing, but I was saddened to see they don't even have a presence on Mercury anymore. I thought it was cool when I encountered them on Lares.

    I think they took it off in U11, saw them in Mercury pre-u11 (or my mind is making up memories)


    I agree with an Infested event but the problem is. How would the lore fit? The only thing the Infested can give us is their virus which doesn't seem that great+how will they communicate with us? The only boss who can 'communicate' with us is J3 but he will be wiped off Jupiter soon, and I don't think the Infested have units responsible for negotiations......


    But maybe as a reward could they give us some kind of Infested skin?

  6. Codex says 0 Armor, I went to Callisto with my Ember and used WoF, dealt slightly less than 1/3 damage on Leapers which is ridiculous as they take the same amount of time as Ancients to die


    edit:hp bar is yellow, so they are armored....what's happening.....

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