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Posts posted by (PSN)Alphonso-Alonso

  1. After months of waiting for Sands of Inaros I finally have a chance to sit down and play it only to be mired into the unfun easter egg hunt that is Eris for quota related reasons as per quest objective. The map marker is informing me to walk to the middle of a wrecked room where there is no exit, merely an entrance and four possible dead ends. The marker is not even associated with a doorway or hall, but literally the middle of the room. 


    This is but one example of many, many others I'm sure new and old players alike can provide. Just attach the marker to the UI already so we know where we are supposed to go or remove the feature entirely if we are meant to sleuth our way through derelict ships and ruins. ANYTHING so long as it is consistent. I'd rather see it as ARG or go about it on my own then try to negotiate three-dimensional spatial reasoning to a 2d map that will outright LIE to me in some instances :\.

  2. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

    That is a lie. Updates on PS4 have been free for more than a year now. The ones that comply to certain rules anyway. The 14 gb one might actually cost something. But normally they are free.

    Just for the record: Updates and story/quest content are ALWAYS free. That's the idea of a free to play game XD.

    I think mystik may be confusing this update with another popular game which is not relevant to this conversation that is also updating sometime in the next week with "free" content> It is rumored that such content on THAT particular game may come with an optional price tag under the same reasoning that PS4 "charges money" or some such nonsense that DE has been able to get around for the last 2.5 years on console without bringing to our attention. 

  3. Hey all,


    This morning I popped in for the Thousand Cuts event and MY GOD are there so many Tenno AFKing or just downing themselves ASAP to go into spectator mode so that they can avoid participating to get the award. I mean, the first time fine because that's just a single instance and someone who clearly misses the point of playing the game entirely- but every mission so far has been the case. When I got to the Assassination I logged in to find one spectator just hanging out so I dropped and started a new mission from scratch only to ultimately have TWO PEOPLE spectating this time. Finally I just solo'd the mission.


    TL;DR It isn't so much a matter of difficulty or elitism but equity, I mean, most people who have been playing this game long enough could handle an event like Thousand Cuts will little resistance but for those who do need or just plainly want to co-op, AFKers are an annoyance at best or a downright hindrance at worst since they are occupying a slot that an active Tenno would be greatly appreciative to have. I share DE's stance that kicking would lead to a lot of griefing and gating (Destiny is a great example of how systems are abused to segregate players) but if there was a passive time of 3-5 minutes or at least until the objective is complete SO LONG AS A SPECTATOR HAS REVIVES LEFT TO SPEND- I think that would be fair.  


  4. SALT: Just tried J3 Golem after genuinely trying to "git gude" with Archwing. Seriously, potato'd gear, the amount of grind it took to get a velocitus, the amount of time it took to level it, trading mods to get everything right, and the fight remains to be one of the most unbalanced experiences this game has to offer outside of T3 Sortie Missions featuring enemies with plot armor. That is time, platinum and effort I am not  getting any return on and I will certainly not make the mistake of giving Archwing a chance again until some drastic change occurs (presumably in the far future since New Player Experience is rightfully the priority that's cool and admirable). 

    PEPPER: Archwing gets a bad rap, it's a gigantic grind and so inconsistent with it's rewards that people don't even know if the wiki is correct most of the time because the drops are so low that people stop updating the pages (check the wiki comments I swear I am not being hyperbolic). About the most fun I've had with it was accidental when I was trying to get a Kazsas Blade on Neptune- the defense was like a gigantic Gundam battle with Archwings and Enemies zipping around like X-wings and Tie Fighters. I saw a lot of potential there and it definitely struck me right in the Otaku what the intent of this mode was. The problem is that unlike the main game where frustrations do exist but are blotted out by those moments of "X-wings and Tie Fighers", Archwing has no real playground to just enjoy the mode and take it all in. As it is now, our benchmark is a veritable Raid Boss and he's possibly the most formidable bullet sponge in the game and, incidentally, ABOVE LEVEL CAP. At default we are chasing a standard that is possibly above the demands of a Tenno on flat ground! 

    A phorid-style random encounter corpus mecha you could periodically fight that would random drop parts from a set of an Archwing weapon would be nice. You'd still have to play RNG but you'd know what you were investing your time in. If that isn't feasible then perhaps some sort of inter-planetary convoy we could raid Fast and Furious style for a shipment of Tellurium, Argon Crystals, or Nitain (or if those are too rare how about just Cryotic?). Given that our enemies loot as much as we do, it would only make sense that they have significant volumes of resources they push between their fleets. Basically, anything that assuredly rewards us for our efforts so that grinding doesn't advance your progress but engaging the game does. 

  5. As the title says, I've recently decided to give Archwing a shot again and while everything is going much smoother than before, the damage immunity shield guys continually give me grief because I simply don't know how to damage them without risking death myself.

    I play solo so having someone else distract them is a no-go. All they really do is lurch toward me and take potshots while I cannot hit them back. When I go all-in to kill them with my melee they either pop like balloons on impact OR no-sell my damage until the passive slash proc of their shields bleeds me dry. Flawed as this game mechanic is, it doesn't bother me near as much as the fact that Archwing leveling is slow as it is and yet I still have to spend XP to revive myself just so I can risk getting killed again by their shields. 

    Does anyone have any advice for this or does anyone really play archwing anymore outside of raiding and that one time we got Atlas?

  6. For sake of posterity months after the fact and being a "team player" through the majority of the ups and downs Sorties have provided me, I don't think this mode is a matter of "skill" so much as a matter of "tolerance". Do you have X Frame? You'll be fine. Do you not mind being one-shotted and clicking continue to scum that last quarter of an endless mission despite spending upwards of a year building your frame to avoid being one shotted? You'll fit right in. Did you get another receiver despite musings of repeat rewards being patched out, go "gosh darn it" and patiently await the next day with anticipation to do it all over again? You are far more qualified than I am these days and I'm MR 14 :\. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Flirk2 said:

    This post will be long. You have been warned.


    First of all I'll state clearly that this is not another QQ thread, nor am I under any delusion that my thoughts on this subject have weight or value.


    Second, I have not spent any amount of money on the game and had a lot of fun playing it. Always felt bad trading with other people for plat to get those weapon and warframe slots. Would gladly pay for those to support the developers, but living and working in what amounts to a third world country gives me no such option.

    I have absolutely no problem with the game's business model.

    So why did I suddenly decide to post on the forums?

    Because on the 25 of February 2016, I logged in, failed the 24.02.2016-th first part of a sortie and could not play today anymore.


    22 June 2015 was the date I created my account in Warframe.

    Since then I logged in nearly every day, as far as I can remember, and did not go to forums until recently or played any other game for any meaningful amount of time.


    I joined because I saw a stream where Gopher played the game for the first time and thought I could have fun with this game.

    Being in no hurry to get prime gear and not even knowing what it was precisely, I went through the star chart at a pace that I felt comfortable. Doing the low level missions over and over and over again just because I was sure I'd die horribly if I rush too fast. And I enjoy feeling powerful while I hate to loose.

    Then I came to a point where there were too much missions I could not solo. Defense, interception. Spying gave me a headache and rescue missions I did not like. Survival was a pain also. As you can see, there was 1 game mode I enjoyed and that was extermination. And crossfire. Because that's extermination with a mixed opposition.

    So I asked to join Gopher's minions clan and they were kind enough to let me in.

    Getting people to play with gives you a lot in this game. So the pace I progressed sped up quite a bit.

    And here I am half way between mr19 and mr20 (my profile tells me that I played this game for 1032 hours), writing a post for the forum instead of playing the game. Because as I said earlier, I logged in, went for a sortie corpus extermination on Ivara with Opticor, Lex Prime and an Orthos Prime, and by about the 50 enemy killed and some “bursa incoming” messages from Lotus noticed the total amount of enemies I needed to slaughter was not about 260 as at the start but about 280. By the time I killed 110 more or less, it was 310 total. And it kept rising. When I saw 319 I decided to abandon the mission. Making my missions abandoned score 53 against the 5102 completed and 62 failed.


    So I sit in my orbiter, feeling miserable, and ask myself the same question that corpus crewmen ask when you kill them: “Why?”. What's the point of an endless extermination?

    And before anyone patient enough to get to this place in the post says: “But you should have turned the alarms off, they would stop spawning.” I did. Did not help.

    First of all they started spawning while all the consoles to hack were unresponsive as if the alarms were never on.

    Second: Ordis refused to do the hacking citing “no security protocols to shut down”,

    Third, when the alarms were finally set off, it went into a lock-down, I hacked the console twice. But the enemy counter kept increasing.

    I really hate to loose. And abandon missions. But I know my limits: killing the physically enhanced bursa faster then they spawn is totally out of them.


    When the focus system was introduced and a couple of weeks passed I went to the forums to see if I was the only one who thinks the gains were too low and the “shared affinity gives no focus” will get fixed soon. When the focus gains were nerfed to the ground and the convergence was introduced I started to make a point of not taking any lensed items with me on missions if I could possibly help it to not have the horrible arcady pickup spawning for me. And went to the forums every day to see what the community thinks of it and if there is hope for a change.

    Not getting all the event mods hurts. But I did not go out of my way to get them.

    When I saw mentions of bursa in normal corpus missions I was not liking it at all, really feeling for those who don't have the gear to deal with them yet, but was thinking that there will be some sort of a solution.

    But facing the infinite spawn of bursas in the sortie extermination myself killed my mood for playing the game almost completely.


    So returning to the topic, I don't like where this game is going. The things become more and more difficult to acquire. Getting event-exclusive stuff depends more and more on luck. When was the last catalyst alert that you could do within 2 weeks of playing solo? I don't remember. If bursa spawned on Jupiter when I went through it for the first time I would most likely quit the game.

    And the sortie reward changes. They look so good on paper. But I have dera vandal and some spare parts left, karak wraith and some spare parts. From the fourth season I have strun wraith blueprint, a full Nezha set (never mind I already have it built and leveled, and some spare parts for it) and 3 of the 4 lenses possible. And no parts for the strun. And where would I get those if everyone who got the parts got only one of each? And I did not do a lot less sorties then before.

    I don't want to put lenses on anything now because convergence happened. Getting an epic sound and flashy visual effects with a message of “0 focus points earned” because I was playing solo and did not kill with the lensed weapon is not my idea of fun. So lenses are rather useless for me at the moment.

    But I guess as we have bursa spawn on the 5-th excavator on Triton, and since the changes you can't do 2 excavators at once if you solo anymore, sorties became THE place to get fusion cores.

    So new players get more and more walls to climb and obstacles to overcome.

    And when I looked at the void section of the star chart I thought about corrupted arctic eximus nullifiers, extrapolated those to corrupted arctic eximus bursa and quit the game in abject horror.


    Sorry for the long post but I needed to get some of it out of my system.

    It would come off very snobbish to say your first mistake was playing Sorties in the first place but as a guy who's been playing the game longer than you have AND doesn't mind the grind (I assembled a Velocitus after literally months of grinding "Casually"). Sorties are just ridiculous and are not worth the effort or sanity. Every time I feel like I've been too harsh on them I go back with an open mind and whether it be the broken balance of enemy scaling or just the insane amount of lag that cripples you at the wrong moment, they are never worth the time. Essentially, I put my hand on the stove to remind myself fire burns me. 

    Like others have said, take a break and walk away from the game for awhile. Also: Avoid sorties unless you absolutely find it entertaining or fun to play them either alone or with friends who have a good attitude about it. As you have clearly outlined, the rewards aren't worth the invalidation. Trying to make yourself fall in love with a portion of the game that the Dev's are clearly doubling down on with no sign of tweaking in the near future will not make things better for either of us. 

  8. On 2/23/2016 at 1:18 PM, Trichouette said:

    Some people really have trouble understanding what RNG is...


    Passive aggression, charming. But no, most people do they just wonder if it's actually a dragon they are chasing or merely a rumor of one.

    Ash parts on Grineer manics, if you are feeling quirky feel free to try to nab all those pieces and deliberately farm each grineer tileset for a chance at a manic for a chance at a a part and an additional chance it isn't a part you already own. Then we'll see how sarcastic you are after x_x. 

    RNG or not, there are some aspects of this game that are intentionally preying on triggering a persons latent compusive issues or just dangling the platinum price for you in the market to take the easy way out via your wallet. It's free to play and we definitely see the results of that so it isn't as gross as it could be- but that still doesn't excuse the grind even the most hardened, tokewl4skool Tenno can defend or deny. 

  9. I had this very question a few days ago after formaing a number of my frames to fit a corrosive projection on and thinking perhaps I wasted them. 


    In short: While other auras do give you damage buffs to specialized portions of your loadout, against armored enemies corrosive projection is like a universal buff to increase your damage output across the spectrum. With more than one person equipping it, the aura is all the more potent. 

    My advice is to try both and see what works for you personally, but my personal perspective has been that Corrosive Projection makes my builds function more reliably and that's my own mileage. There are a number of ways to achieve the same result based on your build and Warframe so just go with whatever provides you with the results you prefer.


    That being said: Yes, enemy armor needs a rework. There is no strategy to gitgude against Sortie levels of damage resistances- there are only work-arounds and Corrosive Projection is but one of them x_x.

  10. I still maintain that DE can do whatever they want to the weapons and I'll adapt- but at the same time they have to do something about the spongeyness of late-game enemy damage resistance. Difficulty is difficulty and I know a few hardxcore Tenno are foaming at the mouth at my utterance of this, but seriously, spamming 4 wouldn't be a thing if our actual weapons were still viable at high levels.

  11. omfg I saw this on the devstream last week- that is the coolest thing I've seen on this game XD. Damn it I've never wanted the steam workshop to make a licensing deal with Sony so bad- I would make an Ironman build just so I can sport this thing proudly lol. 

  12. On 2/23/2016 at 6:51 PM, Bloodskll said:

    Since De has confirmed that eventually syndicate melees will be a thing what do you hope or think should be the melee for each syndicate

    me personally

    steel meridian:

    ack and brunt because meridians signia is a shield

    arbiters of hexis:


    red veil:

    karyst its lore says it all used by Tenno assassins I'm sure we can all agree red veil fits this and DE did mention that players thought daggers needed a buff

    cephalon, Perrin, and new Loka are the ones I'm not to sure about personally 

    Great choices and cool idea for a thread! ^~^


    My personal picks-


    Steel Meredian 

    I actually agree with Ack & Brunt, Steel Meredian is all about protecting people or providing relief efforts so it would make sense to equip them with a melee that could facilitate first-response activities rather than all out assaults. My biggest wish would be that the Silva & Aegis get some love, but lore dictates that it should be Ack & Brunt so I'm cool with that. 


    Arbiters of Hexis

    Fragor - they are characterized as Judges and Tenno (???) so a gigantic gavel would be fitting but I could see why people wouldn't be down with this since the fragor isn't a popular weapon. More than likely with the Boltor theme going on it will probably be the boltace to round out that set.


    Red Veil:

    Almost confirmed from Devs it will be a dagger although it would be cool if it was given to a weapon class that needed the buff more. Scythes come to mind immediately, but in my wildest dreams I'm hoping for a Rakta Glaive that had some knockback  or at least a stun mechanic via channeling similar to kestral to leave an opponent open to a finisher but still didn't alarm nearby enemies. It would really facilitate the assassin playstyle a lot more if it had a built-in flashbang to help us get an advantage or backtrack in case we bit off more than we could chew.


    Perrin Sequence

    Prova comes to mind since they are a hallmark of Corpus melee (to comical affect at times) but if they really wanted to drive in the idea of an evil corporate entity they could go with the Perrin Lecta instead. Althugh this is where the synergy gets weird because each following syndicate weapon combination doesn't mesh well at all. The dual cestra and grenade launcher (name escapes me sorry) don't seem like they mesh well so the whip or machete would make even less sense.


    New Loka

    Stealth castanas and a louder-than-hell Tigris also leave me scratching my head but if we are going for a versatile saboteur with CQC specialization then I'm going to go out on a limb and ask for a sparring syndicate weapon. My personal preference is the obex because you can catapult enemies with the ground pound and when combined with berseker + volt shocking speed you can basically become The Flash and machine-gun-punch enemies to death. The idea of having buffed damage WITH a syndicate proc makes me giddy. At the very least New Loka is all about purity of spirit so being a martial artist makes more sense I suppose. 


    Cephalon Suda

    D-:  ......... I'm at a loss here. Gammacore, Simulor... Seems like they specialize toward zoning and funneling enemies into tight spots- more of a defensive posture than anything else and traditionally melee weapons are more about rushing down and neutralizing enemies personally... Yeah I'm not sure at all, that's a tough one.


    Anyway, that's my input and either way I'm excited to diversify my arsenal once they launch. At least one of my melee builds will be guaranteed to have one equipped, even if I have to make a build from scratch surrounding the new addition.

  13. It's pretty cool. I was super invested last time because the Formian was going after the Strata Relay and I know that's where a lot of new people congregate. I felt like it highlighted a lot of what makes the Warframe community great, older players looking out and providing for newer players to preserve the future. 

    Edit: OH- but as for this one, looks like they are aiming at Saturn for us so I'm not as quick to jump in but perhaps tomorrow or for sure Friday I'll do my fair share of running for sake of some cores and getting some XP on my Itzal which has been at rank 11 for nearly a month now (damn it's difficult to rank Archwings).

  14. I think the vast majority of us had the same reaction when we first saw Warframe (the game and the physical entity itself), but the designs grow on you.

    And in case anyone is thinking of giving OP a hard time, this is just a genuine statementthey are expressing and not as inflammatory as one may expect. For instance, I recently spent weeks trying to get new players onboard with the game only for one to get to the end of the second dream and ask "UMMMMMM- Is THAT supposed to look realistic?" or "Hmmm... That doesn't look much like {spoiler} to me". My heart was broken that day ._. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Kaiczar said:

    Did you just admit to using other people's accounts?

    Yeah that'll probably get you banned.

    You're just unlucky that you got Sheev blade 3 times.

    Meanwhile I wish I'd got a Sheev part from it. I got a friggin Nezha systems. I already own Nezha.

    Granted I also already own Sheev, but still. I want to build a bunch of them.


    I think he means that he has three friends who he plays with who also got the same roll with RNG. You know, randomly and such.


    I dunno. Sorties seem pointless to me these days. I got tired of playing "top tier" frames and always having to resort to the same broken tactics time and time again or else you get the dreaded "Oh he's not going to use Valkyr, Trinity, Rhino, Excal, Vauban, etc? TENNO HAS LEFT THE SQUAD". The idea that The Sheev is going to be the new carrot on the string doesn't motivate me to put my hand back on the stove.

  16. On 2/18/2016 at 8:35 AM, p3z1 said:

    Note: Enemy levels are at 40+



    1. Seekers one-burst kill attack, even at a pretty long range

    2. Ballistas still love quickscoping, and are pretty accurate and deadly

    3. Napalms and bombards, insane damage + AoE

    4. Scorches and their massive DPS and range

    5. Ever seen an eviscerator go in cover and spray their miter in high levels? You should.

    6. I still don't get why ramparts' damage scale when used by the grineer but deal ~10 damage when used by the tenno. Also don't get me started on them not needing to cool down/reload.



    1. Snipers and Nullifiers, as the ballista, loves accurate quickscopes, and they ignore some walls as well with innate punch through.

    2. Sapper ospreys and their massive field of denial. Their denial AoE matching perfectly with nullifier bubbles.

    3. Modular corpus using angstrum and/or detron = dead tenno

    4. Railgun moa, less damage, more CC. A death sentence really, worse than scorpions.

    5. The newly re-implemented bursas and their godly resists.

    6. Mine ospreys laying, well, mines. Would be easy to handle if there were less than 3 laying their mines around.

    7. Corpus techs, dealing as much damage as lanka per bullet. Too bad supra can go fast in the shots/sec...



    1. Tar hurts, a LOT

    2. Toxic ancient farts WILL kill.

    3. Poison procs + Parasitics

    4. Stacking ancient healers



    1. Nullifiers

    2. Bombards

    3. Grenades


    Look at all these 1 hit wonders DE has given these guys. Now I could mention insane health for parasitics/leeches, but that's a given.


    Again, scaling needs a SERIOUS look, along with broken rewards (another story), and some weapons being broken/dysfunctional (Staticor atm, another story).


    Oh and bugs (another story).


    I have to agree with the majority of these, although many issues I've learned to just accept entirely (Scorpion/Healer adamantium grappling hooks that can track you in mid-jump) and others are just things that I have learned to punish/outmanuever but will still get me if I'm not paying attention (Scorches always sneak behind me in interception/survivals XD) but yeah, a few of these definitely need some tough love.


    1) Ramparts are a fun idea but in implementation they tend to turn a tileset into a spinning plate act. EVERY ENEMY dashes to it and in order to avoid being blindsided by the wretched thing or be bled to death but insta-slash procs you have to babysit it like an overprotective mother hen. God forbid an enemy spawn in there after you've left the room because otherwise you'll be hailed with DPS as soon as you come back. Destroying the thing isn't an option unless you happen to have one of the weaker ones spawn in or you have a weapon you've min-maxed to dismantle the bullet sponge in an acceptable amount of time  (5 forma Hek with 15k damage output barely does a 1/3 damage- that is just stupid). As I understand it, these bastards are scaled to your damage output which means we are essentially punished for touching forma.


    And before anyone chimes in with some hilarious quip about jumping over them. Yes, they are easy to avoid if you have a visual of them prior to engaging them- but there are some times when they spawn in and there's absolutely no way to avoid having to eat a revive. Especially when they are mounted in choke points that you can't jump over or are left in a lower position on flat land without any other means of taking cover . Some pro-gamers argue "But that's just tactical, u are bad and don't think tactically, u just gotta try harder u scrub". But seriously, there's no cover and no way to close the gap without eating some DPS which will ultimately leave some slash procs that will wipe me of my health if it doesn't outright kill me in a matter of moments- what the hell is anyone supposed to do in that situation? It'd be one thing if these levels had alternate spy 2.0 pathways or if hacking the security system would allow us to disable the ramparts if not permanently then for short windows of time....HINT... HINT.... But that isn't the case at all. 


    2) Also, if I may additionally suggest the new loka Ancients. They have a 100% success rate to grapple you in close for their combined poison procs that bypass shields, a fire burst to vault your &#! across the map once they pull you in- and then an additional grappling hook to repeat the process as often as they like until they give you permission to try and- 


    -Oh look at that, the poison proc just killed you. Enjoy that revive!


    3) Dear DE, Damage immunity (Sentients/Stalker/Sortie Modifier) is a terrible idea and an even worse precedent. If you wanted to invalidate the effort I've put into my builds then allow me to delete them personally rather than inconsistently take that investment away from me whenever you want to artificially establish difficulty. Cruelty begets cruelty, if you put me at a disadvantage then odds are I will be one of the many players who spam 4 because that's the only viable option you've left me. No it isn't fun to spam 4 but it's even less fun to be one-shotted by an enemy you know you could beat if they weren't granted plot-armor just to make the game seem more difficult. But no, pro-gamers will argue against this point and just say to specialize toward these missions- much like these same pro gamers will demand in recruiting: "H Draco, MR 15+ only!!!!!!!!  Nova/Mesa only, pm for evaluation and ill inv".....:/......




  17. The only concept art I saw for Saryn was a fan art that looked remarkably like a render for the final product. It had more of a armored look with an orokin "cold and gold" stocking going up one leg. Not really my style but I felt like it did the character a lot of justice as a femme-fatale frame with noticeable curves. 


    The final product is cool, but seems to ret-con Saryn as a samurai-style tragic figure and possibly one of the first few Warframes created to dispatch the infested. Which is awesome because until now Saryn was just 'curvy girl frame people tried not to stare at". Neither are better or worse but the final product is a much more drastic change than I think a lot of people were anticipating. 

  18. Naw.. I think I'm just getting burned out from this game (happens every 4 months or so).


    The ramparts were the thing that made me take a hiatus the last time and perhaps it's just the cycle continuing again. 


    But seriously, what's the metric for establishing what level immortal vampire these things spawn in at? I have multi-forma primaries that barely graze them at Nightfall-Grade armor and I'm running solo o_o with nothing special outside of my loadout. Given that my weapons are reliable enough I really don't feel inclined to swap them out for a terrible rail-shooting mini game that doesn't even scratch the mobs that shred me with them.


    Do I really need to downgrade my artillery just so I don't have to baby sit the goddamn thing like an overprotective mother hen???. 

  19. So Ramparts, you can shoot through the window with a weapon that has punchthrough but the damn things are still bullet spongey. 


    ProGamer: UAHGAHUGAH... y nawt try hopping in2 1 skrub?! 



    If the animation doesn't cost you a death in the process of... standing against it- sure. But I'm a space ninja and I don't want to play a rail shooter. 


    ProGamer: *eyes rolling in back of head to establish the subtle hint of disgust with my response* Sew y dun u jus kill the thing?!


    Ramparts currently have inconsistent amounts of HP in my experience. Their HP ranges from "Particle Wood" to "Valus Ta'Auc w/ no burns & an epic modifier"


    ProGamer: u poopydookiegarbagetrashscrub, my lato can 1hko them u mus be bad #brohaveuhedofforma #mabeenintendoismoarurspeedlolz


    Riveting. So because of this unreasonable amount of HP what each room with a Rampart turns into is a spinning plate act in which every enemy with no sense of self-preservation and an overly active knowledge of meta is going to try and pilot this bullet sponge to rek you with this DPS cannon that ALSO has a slash proc. Because go F*** yourself that's why.


    So as we are trying to play keep-away with the rampart only for another grineer to hop into it instead, the objective is usually suffering as a result. 


    This happened so often yesterday with Sorties- just griefing the entire squad with that wretched machine and no way to shut it down given it had extra sortie-grade spongeyness attached to it. Finally during the melee only suvival I decided to hop into it knowing the animation might have gotten be one-shotted in mid-animation (SPOILER ALERT: I died while trying to hop out of it thanks to a shield grineer). And what did I find?


    Say it with me:


    Although the rampart could kill us in mere moments during the T3 Sortie- it tickled the enemies otherwise.


    Also, how many times do we have to step into a bottlenecked hallway with no cover only to find one of these bastards camped at the end of it?


    ProGamer: HAH u mus nawt no the 1rst hing about military stratege- tahts actually a smart idea-


    THIS IS A GAME IT ISN'T REAL. Yes, that is a fool-proof plan but "realistically" what do we usually do about it?


    A) Run ahead and hope they don't nick us with their slash procs and kill the pilot and then engage in the spinning plate act to kill all of the other aspiring pilots?


    B) Cheese it with invisbility or powers and then engage in the spinning plate act to kill all of the other aspiring pilots?


    C) Try to rush in, forget that the low ceiling clearance doesn't allow you to jump over the effective vertical range of the rampart and get killed, then eat revives until you get to the end of the hall and kill the pilot?..... And then engage in the spinning plate act to kill all of the other aspiring pilots?

    TRICK QUESTION- it's all of the above + advance to the end of the level where an enemy either spawned in or straggled behind- run back to kill the enemy and then get mowed down because you forgot the rampart was there and he was camping all along.





    TL;DR: Ramparts, what the hell man?!

  20. So much this and thanks for making it relatively salt-free so it's more useful than hyperbole. 


    I mean, I get that there's rampant cynicism among gaming culture in general and I try to shun those thoughts or sentiments- but after mulitple consecutive rounds of the Endurance Alert (Saturday was time I will never ever get back), a month and change STRAIGHT of Sorties with only about 5 rewards worth mentioning out of 30+ runs and en entire day worth of playtime, it feels less like our investment of time is being reciprocated and more like these are just vague promises to keep us playing without any intent of paying off.



    It reeks of Destiny Nightfall logic in which "People won't want to play these modes normally but if we add a mystery box at the end they will dedicate entire nights to running it just to get a resource they could earn doing a mission they actually want to play". 


    Also, I used to be pro-storefront/auction house/free market but after seeing what Rhino Prime and the promises of Buzzkills have been doing to the trade chat I'm beginning to see why so many people are against them. RNG is making this entire process very materialistic, we all WANT loot as a byproduct of the adventure, not for the adventure to be all the loot we sit on like greedy Dragon Gold. 

  21. #Salt - But if they still give me nothing but Karak Parts and Lenses then I see no point in doing them.


    #Pepper - Really had fun doing these for a straight month for SCIENCE but the honeymoon period is falling off fast and the builds I developed are becoming very stale to work with on a frequent basis (I hate playing Trinity so much now). RNG hasn't been all that motivating so I believe I may be out of compelling reasons to really push the way that I used to. Sorties were once a call to action but now they are just nagging in the corner while I nod vacantly and try my best remember the good ol' days while the number of that divorce attorney is klaxxoning from my wallet.

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