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Posts posted by chimp77

  1. Damn...am I the only person here who still hasn't received his founders e-mail? :[


    Check your spam, that's where mine was hiding.


    Also, I am excited for my headband as well... DE is pretty cool to do this.


    EDIT: Yeah, just check this thread instead if you're having problems: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/127253-how-to-claiming-your-founder-thank-you-gift-even-if-youre-missing-the-e-mail/?hl=founders

  2. You can't say that it was poorly explained... I understood it from day 1. Not trying to brag or anything, but everything was explained if you actually read the post last week...


    Also, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to future "invasions" and I'm confident DE will make it better next time around.

  3. But then who decides who gets to become and induvidual?

    "You are Sargas Ruk!"


    "You are Grineer Scorcher #112312314!"


    I would guess that they do. Just because you call him "Grineer Scorcher #112312314" doesn't mean he doesn't have a unique name and personality. I'm assuming their clones must have some free will, and these positions are chosen/earned by the individual clone who wants them and not handed out randomly to every 100th clone or something. Or maybe they are. Maybe certain clones (chosen by their leaders I would guess) receive special training from birth and the rest are left to be grunts. Either way, it seems plausible to me.

  4. Who's to say the Grineer aren't like the clone troopers from Star Wars? They are all clones of one dude, but each individual clone is raised separately and have their own unique personality traits and achieve varying levels of rank/recognition. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that the Grineer army functions similarly.

  5. For those thinking 20% health reduction is a lot, consider that Molecular Prime and Bullet Attractor effectively halve the health of affected enemies already, and Roar’s affected by Focus.


    Admittedly I was going to say 20% was a bit much, but you raise excellent points here :P


    As for everything else, I feel that it addresses all the major problems with Nekros and provides interesting/effective solutions. I'm sure people could debate the details endlessly, but the core concepts behind these changes are fantastic imo. Good stuff Archwizard!

  6. Thanks. Appreciate. I my first thought on a stream was that she is realy greate and I get Mike's train of thought, her lore but just she just don't have a looks to be called berserker. ( berserkers does not gets caught )


    Sorry, but I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that someone who utilizes frenzied close quarters combat is less likely to be captured. Not to mention the new frame was presumably captured while in cryogenic sleep.


    Also, you say she doesn't look like a berserker? How so? Did you not see the giant claws on her hands and feet? Or the whip gauntlets? She looks incredibly threatening to me. I can only imagine how much carnage she'll bring to the battlefield.

  7. It's just an extra challenge for those that are up to it or those looking to complete their collections. It's more of a status symbol than a tactical upgrade. There really isn't any major advantage to having a Prime over the original, so it's all preference really.

  8. DE's spreadsheet: 


    They clearly have three individual categories defined for melee, each one having specific advantages as well as extra effects like bleed dots and debuffs. Also, they categorized enemies based on Shield, Armor, Flesh, Infested, Robotic, each having its own resistances and weaknesses. They were incredibly thorough in their design, here's hoping it works out!

  9. Djinn's power is pretty bad. It is a tiny AOE Attack, similar to Saryn's Miasma. It begins "charging" it's power way before any enemies are in range, and often the enemies end up destroying Djinn before getting close enough for it to do anything. When they do get close enough, it does a whopping 150 damage. I can't confirm the reliability of the Aggro drawing mechanic of Djinn, so I can't really recommend it to you for use with Absorb either. Only good thing about this sentinel is the weapon it comes with imo.


    EDIT: It may be buffed with the other clantech stuff though. Just something to keep in mind i guess.

  10. Okay so the main goal of warframes future pick a side event thing is to put the war in warframe. okay that's good and all there should be war in warframe. but the grineer have been HUNTING US from the BEGINNING there goal is too make us extinct! and the corpus there try to abduct us dissect us study us. now we are joining them?  for what balance? were dieing going extinct! we don't have time for balance.


    I don't think this sounds like something a Tenno would say. It is important to view these conflicts objectively, as that is how the Tenno see the universe. I seem to recall Steve talking about how the Tenno don't have the same concepts of "good" and "evil" as modern western civilizations. Instead, they see patience vs aggression as being the main conflict within us all, similar to oriental cultures... or Jedi.


    The Tenno are not aggressive or vengeful. It is simply our duty to help our fellow Tenno; If we must side with the "evil" grineer to help free our fellow Tenno from Alad V's project, then we will (and the same applies to fighting the Grineer alongside the Corpus). Also, there was no mention that either side would keep the freed Tenno, as that would kinda defeat the purpose of us joining the conflict in the first place. The Tenno cache they are fighting for ties directly into the balance of power, as we are the balancing force; if either side got a hold of some of our brothers/sisters the balance would be lost.

  11. The easiest solution is to introduce vote kick and blacklist functions. This game just cries for it for several months already.


    Vote kick just gives the majority power and can be abused. What if you had two leechers like the OP? How would you get enough votes to kick them? Leechers could just join in groups of two to prevent being kicked and still get free loot. Also, you can use a blacklisting function if you want, but that still means you have to play with someone once to even know to blacklist them so you still always have a chance of running into another leech or new player or whatever each time you click a mission, which seems pointless imo.

  12. This problem isn't unique to survival or Warframe. literally any game with random matchmaking will produce similar results from time to time. DE can't patch out bad players, they will always be there. The easiest solution is to just play with friends/clanmates.

  13. By giving it the additional range, you wouldn't have to worry about Nekros' low shields.


    By making it a durational skill, you don't have to worry about cast-times.


    By making its damage dealt as a DoT (however minor), you could still prioritize Soul Punch both as a burst damage tool, and as a means to push enemies into the cloud or stun them inside it.


    By giving it some minor CC, you have a backup defensive skill for when Terrify is unable to be recast.


    By making it an AoE, you have a means to build up Shadows of the Dead quickly.


    Another thought occurs, that given the effects of ragdolls, one could push corpses into the cloud if they died just out of range.


    Dude, I want this in the game right now! It seems to synergize incredibly well with Nekros without being blatantly OP. I love it!

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