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Posts posted by Akavakaku

  1. Did a little of my own research, and killing a naïve enemy in one hit still seems to provide a stealth bonus even without a stealth finisher. Also, channeling leaves no bodies behind, so it seems like a great option for stealth play now. I know enemies that die of Heat damage disintegrate quickly, so modding your sniper or bow to do mainly Heat might also be viable.

  2. From the update notes:

    Nullifiers now notice and investigate their bubble taking damage

    Enemies will notice and investigate corpses

    The Nullifier one isn't a huge deal, but I'm predicting the second one will make it much harder to play stealthily, at least without channeling or using a disintegrating weapon.

  3. Don't worry about new stuff until after the big quest. Make sure you've decorated your loadout to your liking, and get all the requirements for that, such as the junction.

    When it's time to get a space cat, there are two ingredients you need: Cat DNA and a cat incubator. The first one drops by scanning Kavats in the Derelict. Until you scan them, they are invisible, but the scanner can still show you their location. The second one drops from Grineer, so you might get it in the Derelict, or just do a Grineer defense until that drops.

  4. Teshin isn't in this quest. Rather, the Grineer have just perfected a way to clone any human, and cloned him to test the power of their new technology. 

    Their plan is to clone Operators to create a rival corps of Grineer-loyal Operators who will fight us for Transference into our warframe. The operator who was seen hiking through the snow is one of their new clones who has defected away from their plan. 

  5. Hunhow- The Crabby Grandpa: Ever since Lotus ran away he's been bitter about her "tearing the family apart," but he keeps trying to rebuild ties with her, unaware that he's a real pain to be around.

    Stalker- The Worst Uncle: Hunhow's favorite but everyone else's embarrassment. Thinks he's the only one aware of what the world's really like, but he's really just painfully "edgy" and takes personal offense to everything. Impossible to talk about politics with.

    Acolytes- The Obnoxious Cousins: Stalker's kids, who never play nice with their Tenno cousins. Hunhow lets them do anything they want, spoiling them partly just to spite Lotus.

    The Queens: Clem's aunts, who disowned him and hate all of their in-laws. They make a big deal out of how successful all their other nieces and nephews turned out.

  6. No one's said Equinox yet? I love how both the design and the powers can flip to suit different gameplay scenarios, both forms are very elegant looking and very useful for missions.

    Zephyr's floaty passive and instant, shareable bulletproofness are a close second.

  7. My critique: I like Time's first ability, it seems unique and useful. But the second, third and fourth abilities all seem very similar to each other, and to other warframes' abilities (like Equinox and Nova). So instead how about this: 2nd Ability: Speeds up nearby enemies but makes them dizzy, so they can't aim well or find their melee targets. 3rd Ability: Freezes time for enemies in the vicinity, also slowing and reducing damage of projectiles. 4th Ability: Time becomes erratic for enemies, causing their bullets to sometimes reverse in time and fly backwards and self-hit, also the enemies will snap back in time to where they were earlier, disorienting them.

    For Gravity, the first ability should be changed so it doesn't hurt your teammates. Maybe it could be 2 abilities that can be used by allies, but don't have to be. One creates reduced-gravity pillars that let you jump super high, the other creates high-gravity patches where you aren't as fast but your attacks do more damage (since they have more weight). The remaining abilities could be like your second, third and fourth combined. One makes enemies shoot up and hit the ceiling (if there's none, they fall up until the ability ends) and then fall back down, hurting them. The other makes them ground-restricted, so they are slower and can't fly.

  8. I used to think Grakata was Grataka, Syandana was Syndana, and that Nezha was pronounced with the zh like the ge in garage.

    If you're having trouble with Caustacyst just say "Cost Assist," that's the correct pronunciation.

    The ones I still have trouble with: Is Nemes supposed to be "neemz" or "nemmess" like nemesis? Is Boltace "bolt ace" or "boltachi" like in Italian?

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