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Posts posted by Akavakaku

  1. 5 hours ago, Etan-gK said:

    I was expecting some sort of backstory or explanation. Like, why is the older one a giant worm thing? how does the staff control certain people? is teshin a dax guard? why don't they just take his body? why can my tonkor insta-kill the supposedly invincible kuva guardians?

    1: Because her Grineer body needs modifications to sustain itself. The worm body may allow her to live in her current body longer.

    2: Dax are conditioned to obey the holder of the staff. 

    3: Yes. 

    4: Because then they would lose their Dax. Also he's already old, we don't know if Continuity even works on adults, and even if it did going right into another old body would not be that fun for the queen.

    5: Most top damage level weapons can. They are invincible only as long as they have their staffs. 

  2. No, I think based on her dialogue in the Natah quest, Lotus is pure Sentient, inhabiting a facsimile of Margulis's body. She wanted a family, but crossing the Void meant she could never have children herself, so the Tenno became her family.

  3. 2 hours ago, holysnir said:

    me and some other players were talking about it in another post, and we used the lore and for now the only two answers are: they did something ( i forgot what) to lower the queen's age

    And the second is that the first queen already died and the small one is a snake infested creature that got intellegent from the red water. worm said alot by the old queen

    What are you talking about? They're Orokin, meaning they change into new bodies when their old bodies get too old. The "young" queen has moved into a new body more recently.

  4. 8 minutes ago, AhmadIvu said:

    Hopefully you will see and so will we.

    I'm gonna re-quote that line for your reconsideration of better understanding.

    the lines in the end (of the quest) indicate your methodology of either being a saint or balanced or a devil which is decided by the choices (four choices) you made till that point (since very beginning of the quest).

    The quest choices aren't good or evil, though, and neither is the Void. Some characters have called the Void a "hell" because it's so bizarre, but that doesn't make it evil. It's just chaotic and illogical. If you end the quest with a Moon alignment, you have embraced the Void's unreasoning influence. If you end it with Sun, you have rejected the Void and remain firmly grounded.

  5. The Queens are Orokin, which doesn't determine their body, but their way of life. They continually change into new bodies as their old ones age. So they can clone a new queen. They can clone as many queens as they want, as long as they still have their Special Orokin Juice. Which they probably don't, because you stole it. So the old-bodied queen is dead or dying now and the new-bodied one's time is finite. In the case that you killed the old queen, the new queen might have cloned a replacement, who hasn't yet changed bodies, or needed to. So in that case we'd have a young queen and a baby queen who isn't even Orokin yet.

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