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Posts posted by Mizque

  1. Not sure what the heck is going on but the in game censor has gone completely bonkers, last night it wouldn't let me name a zaw hammer 'Nidus....SMASH' and now it's full censoring all Rathuum enemy names



    @[DE] Some one, could we get confirmation your aware of this, it's gotten very bloody absurd with what it considers 'profanity' Uranus, the planet, is considered profanity for pete's sake, yet things like 'hooker' aren't.  It's like walking on dad gum egg shells or a friggin minefield with what is/isn't considered 'profanity' in yall's system

  2. If host has to migrate due to a crash you still lose most, if not all your rewards, or crash yourself.  Could it be set to, like in the plains, 'save' your reward inventory (as in put it into your actual inventory) any time a conduit transition happens, maybe set the rewards to be given when the 'conduit spawning soon' bit happens so people stop loosing so dang much, as it's frustrating to go 8+ rounds and loose everything due to host migration.


    Also, one of the 'enemy groups' that spawns currently is the 'grineer labor force' which are non agressive, and they spawn in rather small numbers, basically it's a near instant fail rotation in later rounds and isn't fun.

  3. So....according to Warframe naming a Zaw "Nidus....SMASH" isn't allowed cause it's apparently 'profanity', screen shots included to show.  It's a plague handled heavy hammer zaw so I thought this would be a funny name for it after guilding





  4. So, after doing some testing, with changing equipped mods, and mod orders on my chesa I've determined a few things about how their ai 'thinks'

    1. Attacking enemies in the vicinity is the most important, so important in fact that it hyper prioritizes this over all other things
    2. Disarming opponents is the second most 'important' task, but is still only used on roughly 1 out of every 23ish enemies attacked
    3. Utility functions (fetching loot, opening lockers, and the hidden function that Chesa have to dig up scannable plants for you without using a codex scanner charge and ignoring scan progress) is done only if functions 1 or 2 cannot
    4. During combat, if directly passing over a pickup that the owner of the chesa could pick up then pick up, however do not path too said items if it would take longer to get to an enemy

    As a result, this means the main point of a chesa (to go fetch things for you and work similarly to a disarming loki when actively fighting) are rarely, if ever done despite those functions being the main reason to take a Chesa Kubrow, making them less viable than sentinels for general practicality.


    An easy fix for this would be to give players a new item that is 'equipped' when the kubrow is.  A special whistle.  It could have it's own hotkey (similarly to operator stuff) and function in a fashion similar to Ivara's or Vauban's 1st abilities.  You'd tap to cycle which behavior command you wanted to give, then hold to tell the kubrow to enter that behavior pattern, with a cool down on when you could switch patterns again.  This would be notably better than the 'buggy' at best 'load order' for mods that it tries to do, but better yet, give kubrows something that sentinels can't really have in a mission, interactivity other than resurrecting them.


    Examples of 'behavior' modes

    1. Attack: Works like current kubrow behavior set, they focus on attacking primarily, supporting abilities as a secondary, and utility abilities as a third, also allows the kubrow to roam further from the warframe to hunt down/attack/kill enemies.  Default behavior command for: Sunika, Helminth
    2. Protect: Kubrow stays notably closer to the warframe, using supporting abilities primarily and then prioritizing attacking enemies that get to close to the owner and finally uses utility abilities if there's no one to attack in that closer range, or it's supporting abilities would be wasted or are on cool down.  Default behavior command for: Huras, Raksa, 
    3. Utility: Kubrow focuses on using it's utility abilities, this being things like Dig, Scavenge, or Fetch, and if none of those are viable then on using support abilities such as Stalk or Protect, then finally it would move to attacking, albeit if focus 1, or 2 come back up as things to do, it would switch to doing those instead.  Default behavior command for: Sahasa, Chesa

    This would fix alot of the current problems with kubrow's usefulness in missions, and, in general, would be a vast improvement to how they function.


    Additionally to a just 'mechanics' way they functioning I also thing Genetic Integrity and Loyalty should be changed to be determined by the following

    -Genetic Integrity should only decay when the kubrow is downed in a mission, the amount it decays should be determined by the number of times it went down in the mission

    -Loyalty should go down based on the number of times a kubrow 'dies' in a mission, with the amount determined in the same fashion as genetic integrity

    -G.I. should slowly increase over time if your kubrow is left on the orbiter, but at a slow rate with the stabilizers used as a way to get the kubrow fighting fit again at the cost of loyalty

    -Loyalty should go up by completing missions without letting your kubrow die, or by buying/crafting special kubrow kibble for it, with favorite type of kibble being dependant on the breed of kubrow

    If these changes were enacted the 'nutrino' upgrade for the incubator should also be changed as follows

    -If your kubrow would die from the number of times downed in a given mission, it is instead automatically put in stasis post mission and in critical condition.  If removed from stasis in this condition it will die the next time it is downed.  Natural healing is disabled for 1 week if emergency stasis is proced.  Loyalty is dropped to -100 and it will no longer heed your commands in missions.


    Those are my thoughts on it, I know this is alot of stuff all at once, but honestly I do think that this would be a good change to the kubrows functionality, and what do I know about kubrows, I only have 5/6 breeds of them mastered, give them all unique names based on appearance and breed, and have about as many armor sets as I do for them as I do for armor set attachments for my warframes.


  5. It doesn't denote that, and I've tried a few nodes on every grineer controlled planet at this point.


    Also, the 'leader board' for synth daily for today is completely blank, meaning NO ONE is capturing them apparently.

  6. Have tried about 20 times now to get today's synth target to spawn (Drahk Master) on various planets and grineer tile sets, no luck, at all.  This makes opening some rivens LITERALLY impossible, as they require the synthesis target.


    Why is it doing this?

  7. 3 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Oh, ok.


    1. I know that. I literally talk about the relative value of a slot and potato to the price of the item several times.

    2. Not the point. It's about adding value to premium buys.

    3. I disagree. They'd be weaker than boosters, and it's not like the boosters would stop working, so you could stack them. The permanent premium boost also wouldn't affect things like Focus gain or shared affinity.

    4. Nonsense. It wouldn't need to include unique enemy drops like Vengeful Revenant or Blind Justice, and it would serve as an incentive to release more stances for all weapon types.

    If trade value is what you're worried about, I don't think DE should bother with trying to preserve how many hundreds of plat you can squeeze out of people in one go. Sell it while it's valuable, or miss out.

    5. If people are really spending plat on potatoes, wouldn't my suggestion not change anything about that given that potatoes are already included on premium gear?

    There already IS value in premium buys, a free slot, no need to spend resources on it, no need to wait for the build time, and it comes preloaded with a potato

    If it's not the point why did you even mention it in the OP

    A constant, always on affinity bonus is really strong and your also suggesting that it'd have to be coded in a way that does an if/than/else style statement for when it should work, which can break/bug out, pretty bad

    It's still free stance mods, which drop fairly commonly for the normal types (silver) so that's a moot point to have one included either way if it's just a 'basic' stance

    The back lash from them doing something that crashes the player market could cause some issues, that's why I mention it

    Yes, but it's not included in crafted gear, thus why I mentioned it's a way people spend plat, since outside of maybe getting it from sorties they only drop from gift of the lotus alerts reliably, but you'd included it in the op as a 'way to increase value' of plat purchase weapons/warframes when it's already included.


    Honestly I think plat is kinda fine how it is, outside of market items needing some price adjustments, and Darvo maybe having a somewhat better or expanded, daily stock of gear to sell.  As it stands Plat works more as a player to player currency that also has ways to remove it from circulation, and ways to add it to circulation

  8. On 11/13/2017 at 8:39 PM, DiabolusUrsus said:

    With the advent of Update 22 and the introduction of the latest batch of extra grind, it seems like the trend of increasing grind is at least somewhat related to increasing the profitability of micro-transactions. This may not be entirely accurate, but I doubt DE is willing to share anything remotely resembling sales metrics with the public and player impressions are definitely relevant when it comes to the fairness of the business model. (That isn't to say Warframe's business model is unfair.)

    Personally, I'll really only spend platinum on 3 things:

    1. Cosmetics
    2. Inventory space
    3. Trading

    I am going to take a gamble here and assume that many players would agree that Warframes and Weapons are overpriced for what you get, especially once you are an established player with tons of resources and credits stockpiled such that you can instantly craft most of the reinforcements that come out. Perhaps I'm wrong and there are tons of people who regularly buy weapons and Warframes, but I'd need to see some indication of that first.

    In the meantime, I'm faced with the indirect evidence of Warframe acquisition grinds increasing exponentially through multi-layered RNG and ever-increasing resource costs and a steady stream of brand-new resources introduced to temporarily counter player stockpiling. So I got to thinking:

    What would make me want to spend money on Warframes and weapons?

    • Lower total price.

    $15-20 is a little steep for a single character, in my opinion. Sure, you get the slot and potato, but those incentives really only amount to a couple of USD. That's a pretty bad deal when you consider that you're gambling on whether or not you'll actually like the Warframe and that it will inevitably be 1-upped by its Prime variant. Similarly, weapons are constantly displaced on the sliding scale of power creep and complete wild-cards when it comes to handling and mechanics. (e.g., Conceptually, the Cestra interests me. Practically, I find it insufferable.)

    I would much rather save my hard-earned money for more important purchases. I would be much more likely to buy a Warframe for something closer to $7-10 USD, provided we also get...

    • Better bundled value.

    As mentioned above, an inventory slot and pre-installed potato are peanuts in the greater scope of things. I would find purchasing characters and gear much more enticing if they also included things like an unlocked Exilus slot and a slightly boosted affinity gain.

    NOTE: I realize that the boosted XP rate strays from the convention of "all differences are cosmetic," but I think XP is fair for consideration because it doesn't affect relative power at all. It's simply more convenient, and it fits in nicely with DE's stated philosophy of "time or platinum." Affinity boosters already exist; it strikes me as reasonable to include a weaker-but-permanent boost as a premium incentive.

    • A reason to spend money for crafted Warframes and gear.

    Currently, you either buy a Weapon/Warframe or you craft it. Once it's crafted, there's no real reason to spend money on the Weapon/Warframe specifically. If DE offered a premium "upgrade"  option to acquire the above benefits for crafted items, that would give players a reason to still spend money on their favorite gear (again, besides cosmetics and inventory space).

    To summarize, a premium Weapon/Warframe purchase would include:

    • Weapon/Warframe
    • Catalyst/Reactor
    • Exilus/Stance (if applicable)
    • Inventory slot

    Additionally, players could pay a moderate amount of platinum to add the permanent affinity boost (and possibly any missing elements listed above depending on how hard that would be to code) to crafted gear.

    Why is this a good thing?

    1. Lowering the total price slightly makes the initial purchase a lot less daunting in combination with the more significant benefits.
    2. Bundling additional items into the reduced price translates to increased savings, and it's been shown that savings increase purchases.
    3. It alleviates the need to use heavy grinds to push players towards buying. Even if they grind out the Weapon/Warframe, the affinity boost alone (if appropriately priced) would likely get them to spend money on their favorite gear regardless. This would also apply to Primes.

    So, because I'm obviously not a businessperson or entrepreneur, let's talk about the things I am no-doubt failing to realize or consider when it comes to the implications of this sort of system.

    Purchased Warframes/Weapons do come with a potato in them already.

    Exilus Adapters aren't a problem, you can easily get one every day or so (assuming you didn't get 20 some when Megan pushed the button at the behest of Rebecca)

    Affinity gain rate bonus would defeat the purpose of boosters by devaluing them

    And granting a free stance mod would devalue that stance mod and how hard some of the better ones are to get.

    Also, if memory serves, weapon/warframe market purchase already give you a free slot for the purchased item to occupy so...that's a moot point.


    All in all, I do think there should be some changes to how the market works with plat (repricing for sure) but most of the 'suggestions' here are already things that do happen, or would devalue other items/purchases you could get (one of the main ways people spend plat from what I can tell is on potatoes) 

  9. So...I've noticed lately that archwing powers in the plains have MASSIVELY decressed effective range/usefullness is this an intentional thing as your basically air support when in skywing, but with normal guns now.  The only real power that seems to be 'useful' is the Nuke on the Elytron.  The flares from Odanata/Odanata Prime don't even seem to work properly for incoming projectiles, and that's assuming you even get the warning of an incoming projectile.


    Also: the Elytron nuke causes a MASSIVE blast of red lens flare, to the point of being painful like the (rather crappy) Bursa Flashbangs.  Seriously, why do we have to have flash bangs and such in this game, it's not call of warfare: MLG pro simulator, it's Warframe, a primarily, pve game.

  10. 10 hours ago, ShiraHagane said:

    File a separate support ticket with reference to that one and say you're not satisfied with the response.

    Tried to do that, it was marked as resolved already upon posting

  11. Actually, in a way there is a 'leader board' for the event, due to the way rewards for it.  Let me explain.


    Each item has a standing price as the event works like a syndicate, meaning all the non mod set rewards have a 'value' in standing numbers.

    Current Standing + spent standing = your score


    You just have to track it yourself

  12. Teloch Considering your post is basically saying 'oh your views don't mater' to people with different view points than you, it's kind of ridiculous.  Honestly for clan leader boards, I'd more like to see it track formorian/razor back invasion event contributions, as some of these events get VERY down to the wire with things.  They could also tie that into the rebuild of the relay's they've said will be coming in, in the future.  Instead of it being tied to 'one time only' events it's tied to 'who did the most to help the entire community' when one such thing that actually affects every player happens.

  13. On 11/10/2017 at 12:11 PM, ShiraHagane said:

    I've seen at least 10 cases of DE returning items just among my 30 member clan, mote amps, quest frames, ether daggers were one of them

    and I got basically told to go F*** myself after an inf loading screen after a teralyst hunt cost me all the drops as I didn't provide a recording of the session it's self, even though I provided screen shots, ee logs, and full summary of what happened :/

  14. And update: after TWO WEEKS of waiting, I get what seems like an Automated Response from [DE]Gavin, on a sunday, at 09:30 hrs, asking for MORE INFO when I'd provided a summary of the events, screen shots of the 'rewards' bit while we were stuck in infinite loading, EE Logs, the works, the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY more info could've been provided is if I were recording.  Hell I even went through the EE log after submitting and it shows the items that were rendered out, and the stages of the teralyst fight as they are all different assets.  When I point out I've given literally all the info I could, I get a kind of 'sucks to be you' kind of bs response and he just instantly closes the ticket.


    Freaking seriously DE, I've gotten better customer service from Comcast and Time Warner Cable, get your act together on this junk.


    Heck, I even went to 'respond' that it wasn't solved, and it's just LOCKED into solved, even though it wasn't solved, at all.  Freaking seriously, least offer to, in the words of your streams, turn my knobs, if your gonna bend me over with a pair of Ripkas

  15. Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Clearly not. Most similar businesses do the same. If the people developing products spent all their time answering questions and fixing individual problems then no actual development to improve everything would get done.

    Not saying the Dev Team should need to handle things, but if support team gets an EE log for a game breaking bug that results in what equates to a raids worth of loot then they should likely yanno, send that EE log over to some one that understands it instead of acting like not enough info was given (doubly so, when the original ticket explains EXACTLY what happened) it honestly feels like the support person that is, finally, handling my ticket (after 2 weeks, and multiple automated messages for a game breaking soft lock) didn't even bother to read the support ticket at all.

  16. Figured this would likely go here since I don't know where else to put it.  But is there a reason there is a 2 week wait time on support tickets, we get multiple 'oh check the FAQ/Forums' responses (when it was due to a glitch basically deleting a lot of progress) and then a response from a support team member that feels like it's yet another Automated Response as it shows they didn't read the initial ticket, at all, which had screen shots, a summary of what happened, and the full EE log from that session and they still say they need more info and then also inform you that only certain things apply with item losses (of which a successful teralyst hunt is one) then further say 'we can only restore ONE ITEM from these' (seriously you get A LOT more than one item from a teralyst hunt, a loooot more, so that's like a slap in the face to wait 2 weeks to basically be told 'haha, surprise, despite it being a soft lock (infinite load screen) you get NOTHING for your time/effort in that fight but some token item)


    This is an issue that is further compounded by the fact that apparently the support team is 100% separate from the development team, for some, unfathomable reason, wouldn't it make sense for them to be intermingling to get faster, more accurate responses?

  17. 2 hours ago, iamDDips said:

    all I was given was the fireworks and a ton of latron bps

    That's me as well, and I've yet to see any screen shots or the like of people showing they got it in with the message and I've gotten well over 100 drops I've gotten a few other things but nothing that fits the image they used for it, nor the description

  18. 1 minute ago, Spartan336 said:

    I've gotten a crap ton of fireworks. I know you can get good stuff from it, but it's up to RNG, like everything in Warframe. 

    Yes but could we actually get some hard percentages on the odds of actually getting anything worth while, especially for more established players (I'm mr 20 for petes sake, I don't need 30 latron blueprints) cause from my point of view it honestly seems like a way to just get more people watching streams, and give nothing of worth out so they can sell those things later.

  19. okay Ryme, you've been around the block a while so you've got much more credibility, how many drops did it take you to actually get anything other than consumables and bloody latron blueprints?  I'm mr 20 and have made almost a half mil credits JUST on the latron bp drops, so call it what you will but it seems that, from my view point, nothing but latron blueprints and fireworks seems to drop

    Aurea: I've not, but I've had over 100 drops now and the only 'notable' thing was a singular forma blue print.  IDK what RNG they are using but yeah it's bloody absurd.


    Hell: I'd take just the credits over the friggin fireworks and latron blueprints, and then the Ordis updating every time you read an Inbox Message....ugh.

  20. So, I spent alot of time in twitch lately, watching warframe partners for this, as the promo for it hinted at getting potential prime loot.....I wanted to know if any one has gotten even a prime part for something.  It strait up says 'from cosmetics to prime gear' but all I've gotten were consumable items, latron blue prints, a wyrm sentinel, and a forma blueprint, yet the 'add' for it shows a Nitain Extract, a gray scale color palete bit and a bloody Vectis Prime.  I don't wanna be the sour milk with this but seriously, this seems like a 'false promo' advert to bolster streaming partner subs.  And that's pretty scummy.  And no, I don't consider Forma Blueprints as 'prime gear' as you can get them from alerts and caches, and hell the rare container that spawns on Lua after you complete the Simon Says puzzle even has a chance to drop a PRE BUILT one.


    I wanna know if any one actually got some cosmetics (not friggin one time use consumable fireworks) or Prime Gear, that is ACTUALLY Prime Gear.

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