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Posts posted by Mizque

  1. 1) Why would a time themed frame control dark matter
    2) Nova/Nova Prime are both themed around Dark Matter control so wouldn't that literally just be taking from a unique frame to add it in?


    On the Abilities

    1) So, you want Saryn's 1 that takes the skill out of popping the zits to spread and instead becomes an AoE DoT after it nukes a guy?

    2)And you want a stronger form of Frost's shield that reflects the incoming damage instead of stopping it AND procs puncture at the same time

    3)You want a 'cloud' that does a multi stack procing slowva slow aaaand if they are in it for x time they are stasised like the rhino stop stasis...

    4)....so you want to make a controlable Null Sphere that nukes multiple dudes, and IF they survive they loose all their armor/shields permanantly....yeah that's not press 4 to win at all


    -1 Vote, seriously, all of the abilities he has are 'take the best parts of every other frame and make them better/easier'

  2. Aright so the original bug didn't happen this time, however, I did notice something with how the walls are set, you gain height as you 'wall hop' making the final segment ridiculously hard due to going over the first horizontal wall if you don't hit it near the bottom when you start to forward hop along it.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say this test was designed for the wall run which we had prior to the movement over haul and that this is an unintended difficulty spike due to how the movement works now (Honestly, no reason Rhino P should gain his own height vertically on the second hop when trying to horizontally hop)

  3. So, found this just a few minutes ago, if you fall at any point, after having shot one of the targets, that target doesn't respawn, and it's platform disappears, making the rank test literally impossible to do short of warp/fly capable frames

  4. No, it has nothing to do with Rengar, and other than the name nothing on here is similar to that predator wanna-be cat.  Secondly I don't appreciate the implication you are putting forth with that with your post.  The reason for the name is due to the offensive buff it gives followed by a heal based on the number of things you kill while the buff is active

  5. The only one I see in those that would be beneficial or reasonable is Architect room. If leaders isn't active and you want a new leader, just form a new clan. And kubrows are way too small of a niche to be designated a room. IF anything, have a sentinel construction room, where you can kinda make new sentinels with combination of parts that give certain perks.

    What if you've already done alot to help the clan or your alot of the other members are your friends and feel the same way

    The Kennel idea would be to add more to the Kubrow system, Kubrows should be more than just another sentinel, they should be more of a companion, and have more you can do with them, a 'kennel' style add on would allow DE to easily add in new content without changing much that's already in place

  6. as a Fate fan i am disappointed that one of his abilities isn't named Gae Bolg and instantly kills anything you target with the ability regardless if it is in invincibility frames or protected by a bubble or a icy D20. 

    So, your disappointed that I did try to make a balanced frame in hopes that it might pick up enough steam to maybe be at least slightly drawn from for the game?

  7. Eh....no offense but I don't think a blatant rip off would make it into the game.  Why not base it less on the movie Predator and more off of a mythological stalker/hunter?  I have noticed the significant trend of frames to relate to mythos figures.

  8. I agree on Kubrows, having to rez, DNA stabilization has always turned me off of Kubrows, plus nothing can compete with carrier's vacuum.

    But as a theme it has potential.

    I think Kubrows have alot of potential it's just they are still so new that bugs are being worked out on them, that aside, this is about the warframe concept idea I had here, so please give feed back on that, and thank you for at least trying to stay constructive about it.

  9. Yes

    Its certainly an interesting concept, but with everything focused around Kubrows it can be a bit limiting.

    1. If solo and the player does not have a Kubrow first two skills are useless.

    2. Only certain missions have feral or enemy kubrow.

    3. Commanding the squads pets can be a bit invasive. If I was to run off and have my companion follow, it won't because of skill 2 being used.

    I suggest to keep with the theme kubrows are called / summoned then leave after duration / action completed. You can then add kickers to skills that have additional effects on nearby kubrows, as long as they don't inconvenience other players.

    Seek: enemies don't really hide so much, and the Aura already does that, minus damage increase


    Seek was mainly to aid in Stealth themed missions so you don't have one guy you didn't notice trip the alarm right away, and I could see the other abilities as being slightly Invasive, however it would allow you to be able to rely better on Kubrow using their abilities.  The summons thing however, I hadn't thought of, that's a grand idea, I'm going to edit that in some.

  10. Kubrow and Tenno have worked together for aeons, dating back to the Orokin era, but no Tenno can get more out of his faithful companion than Cuchulainn.  A master of hounds and group tactics, Cuchulainn bolsters the power of Kubrow in his vicinity and easily coordinates attacks between them and his squad.


    Name: Cuchulainn


    Health: 125

    Shield: 50

    Armor: 50

    Power: 125

    Stamina: 10

    Special: Kubrow Bolster - Kubrow Companions have 10% extra Health/Shield while Cuchulainn is in the squad




    Command: A versatile ability, when used to target an Enemy it becomes Attack Command, summoning two Kubrow to attack the target until either they, or it, dies.  When used on the ground any Sahasa in the area will dig at the location. Targeting an allied Tenno will cause a Huras to cloak that Tenno if shields are full, if they are not instead a Raksa will attempt to restore shields.  If used on a Capture Target a Sunika will immediately use it's Unleashed ability on it.  If none of the needed Kubrow are in the squad a Random kubrow of the appropriate type will use the given ability.


    Guard: When this ability is used two Kubrow are summoned to defend the specified Tenno/Location for a duration.  Additionally Squad members within an area of the Guard Target get boosted shields and armor.


    Seek: Summons two specialty seeker kubrow which hunt down and take out the two closest enemy, and bring back anything dropped by those enemy to Chuchulainn.  Additionally any enemy 'spotted' by these two Kubrow's is marked and takes extra damage for a duration.


    Pack Tactics: Increases movement speed, attack speed and stamina regen of Squad members/Kubrow while active.  After the buff ends all Squad members/Kubrow regen Health and Energy based on the number of kills during the buff portion of the ability.  Can be reactivated early to cause the Heal and Energy proc more quickly



    Tweaked Command, Guard, and Seek.

  11. -Suggestions-

    Kubrow Kennel

    -Allows for advanced Kubrow research and development, allowing for additional breeds/training/gear/mods, perhaps (pipe dream here) even a Kubrow themed Frame, that has abilities that designate targets/boost kubrows (like Attack Command, marks single enemy all Kubrows target that guy, etc.) And would allow for clan insignia/patterning researches for Kubrows to be done (and things like the yet to be implemented Kubrow chow)



    -Allows players to initiate a 'change of warlord' if the current clan leader isn't upto snuff (aka isn't ever on, doesn't contribute to the clan, etc.)



    -Allows single room control on expansion of the Dojo, and allows rooms to be moved around without the messy deconstruction process (would double as a material vault for rooms)

  12. 1) Please stop quoting the massive images of entrants

    2) Surprised no one's made puppy chow and called it Kubrow Treats

    3) Equally surprised no one has made a cake look like a resource drop

    4) Uber surprised that no one has made White/Red/Blue/Gray candies for Affinity/Health/Energy/Nav Coord drops

  13. So, I friggin love Kubrow's right, but, here's the thing, they are a serious detriment on par with Deathcubes on stealth missions, not because they get seen, but because of the movement AI for them.  99/100 times when I'm leaning around a door frame to line up a snipe to keep going all sneaky sneaky my Kubrow will move into the doorway and block the shot.  It's a nuisance to be honest.  I love Kubrows, and I want to see more done with them (Maybe a Kubrow kennel dojo room for Kubrow specific researches :D) but the movement AI for them needs a slight fix.  Maybe when not in combat you could have Kubrow's move into a certain position based on breed?  Like Sahasa Kubrows being behind and to the left, Rakasa Immediately to the left, Sunika Left and slightly forward and Huras Kubrows being directly behind.  This would allow for stealthy runs (aka Spy) while using a Kubrow.  Additionally, this will allow for more easily getting the Kubrow to try and pry open lockers.


    Or, as an alternative, allow players to give Commands to a Kubrow, hell, maybe even make an 'animal tamer' type frame designed to work with a teams Kubrows and give special commands/buffs to them while causing them to use abilities (similar to Nyx but working entirely with Kubrow)

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