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Posts posted by Keiiken

  1. Play with friends. Problem solved.

    Changing anything in any game because of trolls or cheaters is usually a really bad idea.


    Besides, a few friends and I really benefited from the Tesla stick during a defense. It has good synergy with Cali's slashdash.


    Exactly problem solved and the Teslas have synergy with Rhino's charge and Ash's bladestorm too.

  2. How would the idea of a Conservative Artifact that gives a chance of not using ammunition when shooting? Wouldn't that be a working idea too?


    That would stack thing too much in favor of the full auto weapons and those players that play the spray and play game, aka accuracy by volume.

  3. Who really uses them apart from when you are running Afuris/Twin Vipers or Paris/Snipetron/Vulkar/Dread?


    You forgot Gorgon and on occasion I have run out of ammo for Kunai, Akbolto or Boltor.

  4. If there was a Ammo Regeneration Artifact, it'd make the Scavenge Artifacts pointless. So I think the immediate answer to this would be no from the people who have all the Scavenger Artifacts. :l


    Wouldn't necessarily make it useless it the rate is similar to that that of Health and Energy, it would still give less ammo than the extra drops. Also some times in a team you would want to have extra ammo for more than one type of weapons and not want to have to sacrifice Health Regen, Energy Regen, Enemy Radar or some other artifact that benefits the whole team more than boosted sniper/pistol ammo pickup when there isn't more than one person that needs it.

  5. Can we get an artifact that regens ammo slowly over time in the same way Energy Siphon regens energy and Rejuv does health?


    Having increased ammo pickup for specific weapons is nice but some times you want to have your squad each sporting different types of weapons on purpose. There are also some weapons that either burn through ammo too fast or naturally have a low max ammo capacity. Not fun when after burning all your ammo on a boss you have to conserve your shots, scrounge for pickups and carefully melee/circumvent enemies you come across on your way to the exit.

  6. To add to my earlier point, since a lot of people seem stuck on Molt.


    Saryn has a lot of HP and armor, fair shields and is slow. She has the abilities already discussed.

    Loki has garbage HP and shields, middling armor and is super fast. His abilities help him overcome his garbage survivability, which Saryn does not suffer from at all.


    I'm not here to rain on your parade, but it seems to me that a lot of people are forgetting that there is more to balancing a frame than just the abilities. My personal point here is I would hate it if they "buffed" Molt and took that out of Saryn's HP and armor pool! And if they didn't... would it really be fair to have Saryn be slow Loki with damage abilities and be more than twice as tanky?



    I think that Loki's decoy has health, armor, shields etc are based on the warframe itself. Could making your Saryn tankier with mods, which is something Loki players do instinctively due to its fragility, make Molt a more viable skill?

  7. It took me awhile to appreciate WHY he had a twin V slot [One is obviously for FOCUS : 30% DMG to Shuriken and Blade Storm is a HUGE difference]

    Its for

    CONTINUITY: Having an 8-9 second Smoke Bomb is AMAZING for critical attacks and for emergencys when You are hurt..and even better...for reviving people... it might be the BEST 'ninja medic' ability in the game..  ive literally revived hundreds of people thanks to this

    Forma his other spare slots if You,  like thats what i did...  but to Forma his 2nd V slot would be a real waste imo

    If You are gunna Forma him add a -- for STREAMLINE, and throw Shurikens all day long, or blast 3 Blade Storms, or for RUSH if You like that sort of thing




    I agree, use the forma for Streamline or Redirection/SteelFiber. I wouldn't use it for Rush even though I have a maxed Rush mod on mine.

  8. Just finished building my nyx, she is level 8 or so. Got really excited to test out the absorb move. Was on pluto, outer terminus, did some fancy wall running and sliding to get into a huge group of gineer. I popped my absorb and watched happily as they blasted away at me. The result? The blast hits most of them doing not even close to enough dmg to kill them and I am promptly shot down.

    I am a bit confused.


    Yeah that can happen, would be nice if you either aggroed them and they can't run or you can pop the ability early if they start ignoring you. I rarely use absorb anymore, too risky.


    Btw there seems to be a limit on how much damage you can absorb because on occasions when I have perfect placement to not lose aggro I have actually been knocked down and killed after absorb stops absorbing and then pops and kills the enemy a second or two later, NOT COOL!

  9. I'd be down for a Nyx fix for sure.


    And the idea that mind control could make you actually control units is ingenious.


    Maybe you could even turn off alarms or hack consoles with it.






    Sounded good at first but then I thought about it and that kind of micromanagement might get to be a bit much. I would settle for compelling the enemy fight beside you and follow when you run until it dies.

  10. ...

    That sounds like an awesome idea, but I'd rather that be a new frame (more variety). That way Trinity can get the love it needs with buff's/ alterations to it's single target skills and we keep a dedicated healer, with a bonus to a new frame!





    Sorry I was not implying that we need to change Trinity. I would actually want to see one more options for a support Warframe. We currently have more than one choice (in some cases more than two) for the roles of tank, melee heavy combat, assassin, crowd control, caster.

  11. Its been my experience that if the person stalker is after lands the "killing blow" (brings him under 10% hp) or does the most damage to him in the squad you are more likely to get drops. That is subjective however and I would like some confirmation of what I'm seeing since I can't test the hypothesis.

  12. The mines are slightly annoying, but I totally agree with the Shield Ospreys.


    ONE Corpus Tech in a room makes the room nearly impossible to clear because he's spitting out ospreys every 5 seconds which then shields every nearby Corpus. Kill one as its zooming around the room, oh lookie he spawned ANOTHER. And ANOTHER. And ANOTHER.


    It is a never-ending stream of Shield Ospreys.


    And people wonder why we "hide behind cover"? pfft. Yeah what else am I supposed to do when I have 10+ shielded Moas/Crewmen/Etc turning me into Swiss Cheese while I'm trying to kill these stupid ospreys that are buzzing around everywhere?


    Seriously, they need a bare minimum of 30 second cooldown on deplying Shield Ospreys. 1-2 is fine, but when they spit out 10+ in a battle, these mobs get very overpowered very quickly.


    And..........they only give 69 xp a kill?





    I understand the dilemma but then again it has to be a challenge where you need to find cover sometimes and not be killing everything in your path and running through missions in less than the time it takes do some microwave popcorn.

  13. I think instead of knocking enemies up to levitate make rhino stomp knock them away from Rhino and delivering that knock-back to other enemies they collide with. Also instead of doing it at the Rhino current position allow it to be target-able a short distance so Rhino will leap into the air and then stomp, BOOM SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE THE ROOM!

  14. I must have missed it too because i made a post about bladestorm's problems. Some times it indeed does seem to be base don Attack nearest and other times it seems based on the position and number of targets in range at cast. Because of the time involved to teleport and execute the attack animation I rarely get my full number of kills and many times I hit empty air because the target moved or has already been killed by someone else.


    If the skill is going by count and not going to just kill everything within a certain distance then I believe the targeting needs to be much better during teleport. More accurate and for better effect targeting enemies it know it will kill first and then enemies where it will do the greatest damage to their remaining health.

  15. I always thought it was bug in my video since I usually use smokescreen point blank to stun and melee the enemy. After reading this thread I started trying it out and yup it is a pain to use it in other situations just for the utility of invisibility.



    you are always in the middle of the screen ... you aim with your cursor as always.



    I always have trouble in some maps and with some effects seeing the cursor and I'm not the only one.

  16. I ran into this issues and had to max ghost so the sentinel will cloak itself ASAP after I stop attacking and to make up for its vulnerability I keep focusing on its redirection and fast deflection. Its a pain though because honestly I think my dethcube should be needing those mods more.

  17. ...More or less all frames can go meele very well, it's easier to list the ones that cannot (or that is better they dont), which in my opinion are:


    Volt, Mag and Nyx only...


    Some Warframes will take more work than others due to  to inherent lack of mobility or tankyness.


    Depending on build, melee vs crowds or a single strong enemy though I think we narrowed the list of top contenders for the easiest and most intuitive to Rhino, Loki, Excalibur, Saryn and Ash.


    edited to add Frost. Can't believe I forgot Frost.

  18. I do same build on my Nyx.

    Chaos does increase the duration on Chaos though not as much as it does Mind Control.
    Only problem with this is the enemies durability goes up with their damage in proportion so they don't die any faster as they get stronger.
    Also spamming Chaos means while they fight each other you get no credit for the kills or damage they do only for what you personally inflict so it slows the rate at which you rank. Unless you are fighting infested that have to get close to attack you or you are just trying to run past the enemy to the objective you end up hunting them down.



    Continuity (don't know exactly if it affects the duration of Chaos but is also useful for MC)

    Flow (450 Energy on my Nyx now)

    Streamline (-30% energy cost ~53 energy for Chaos now)

    Stretch (Reachs half the map now, except on the dam map)

    with Energy Siphon equipped you will be able to cast it 10-11 times without picking up energy (when your pool is fully filled)

  19. I guess it would be a difficult to balance solo play vs with a team but I think it can be done.
    Who wouldn't want a tema witha Warframe that can buff your shields, armor or damage just by being near them. You could also make this Warframe able to survive on its own by making it it boost itself more than the team.



    I don't think organization is the key(though it would help but that's what clans are for i'd assume) it's more the skills need to be made better

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