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Posts posted by DaftMeat

  1. Per title, ran a Bounty today that instructed me to find caches. Was directed to the edge of the map, with half the target area cut off by force-field. No caches were found on the half of the target area I could access (Sentinel had Animal Instinct, there were no loot items left after I was done searching), so I'm guessing that all 3 were behind the wall at the edge of the map.


  2. 1 minute ago, LordMidnightX said:

    Hmm that would be interesting. Like we could mix a spy and sabotage where you have to steal the data and destroy the ship. Or you start a mobile defense then the enemies turn off life support, you could then sneak into the control room (spy) and turn the life support back on even. Another idea that is kind of raid like is have a large ship that has multiple reactors you have to destroy all the while you have to distract a boss. Basically more missions with more things going on without over complicating things like “cough cough” JV.

    This guy get it. :thumbup:

  3. Multiple missions types that need to be performed at the same time by squad members, for example: A Survival mission where not only do the players  have to monitor oxygen levels, but also have to monitor Mobile Defense points as well as break into various Spy vaults. Failing any one task incurs a penalty on the remaining tasks. Successful completions bring about a reward multiplier (randomized boosts for XP, Credits, Resources, Focus, etc.).

    Kind of what the raids tried to do, but not as complicated.

  4. I would recommend that you at least consider the Sepfahn strike, as it does have a minor Crit/Status boost over other strikes:

    • Has 10% base critical chance and status chance, while other Zaw strikes, excluding Plague Keewar and Plague Kripath, have 8%.
      • Increases to 20% when gilded.

    Apart from that, I'd recommend a Grip that offers a lot of -Speed/+Damage if you have Primed Fury or plan on using stacked Berzerker to off-set the reduction (I use the former mod).

    If you're using Blood Rush, personally I'd pick a Link that gives a slight boost to Status over Crit since it's easier to ramp up your Crit Chance with the combo counter (but to be honest, I'm not a numbers guy, not really a mathmologist here).


    Good luck, happy gaming, Tenno.


  5. 8 minutes ago, Elyndr said:

    If you do not play it and ignore the fact that it is there, would that not be the same as it being removed from the game for you? 

    ^This. I'm just going to ignore this game mode it until the Devs find out a way to fix host migration/disconnect issues.

    I've lost several Vandal parts and it got old fast.

  6. Warframe Support has specific selections to report AFK players:




    If it's there, it may as well be used. Whenever tickets are submitted with full details (Day, time, node, mission, player names, screenshot, etc.) the support staff make it very clear they appreciate players bringing this behavior to their attention and they will follow-up even if they cannot share the results with you. They will thank you for caring enough to provide information like this.


  7. Removing the IPS switching really took away a lot of what I was looking forward to and expecting with Khora. Despite that, I was determined to give her a chance and see how she played out. Unfortunately, she seems kind of lackluster...

    Passive - Beastshield: 15% per allied pet is OK, I guess. Having  a 15-30% boost is functional, and I understand it has to be limited as a Squad of 4 Khoras using companions and Venari would be (15% x 8 = ) 120% armor boost? That's fair. The problem is, it's backwards: your pets tend to die when endless missions get really hard, and that's when you need more armor not less. This passive diminishes when you really need it, making it less useful. Instead of having pets buff Khora, I'd rather have Khora buff pets (including all squad companions).

    1. Whipclaw: Serviceable, but I am not a fan of the delay between using the power and it affecting/damaging a target. According to the Wiki (I know, not official) it also takes Rivens and Weapon Augments into consideration? If that's true, is it a bug? I would assume so at the moment.

    2. Ensnare: I am not a fan of this power. If the targeted enemy dies, the Crowd Control effect ends. That makes it really ineffective in my experience, both in Solo and in squads.

    3. Venari: Not bad considering the current state of companions. AI is still clunky, but at least there's some control between Attack/Protect/Heal. I am glad the decision was made to share Kavat mods between Venari and other pets and not needing double like we do for Sentinel weapons. I am disappointed that Hunter mods don't give a set bonus on Venari, I would understand this might be a coding limitation so that the pet mods are not counted twice (i.e. putting Hunter Synergy/Recovery/Command on both Venari and Kavat = 6 mod in set equipped), but still feels like a disapointment for the "Beastframe". Also, why does Venari have a Naramon "-" polarity when but the only mod that matches (Animal Instinct) doesn't have any effect when slotted? Finally, a personal nitpick I also have is that under Options I have "Mark your Pet" on so I can keep track of Kubrows/Kavats. Venari shows up on mini-map, but she has no waypoint.

    4. Strangledome: This ability is so disappointing. Not only is it redundant (being a more effective version of Ensnare), but I still have issues with how it performs. Even with Overextended the range is abysmally small, especially considering this is her ultimate ability. Furthermore, as part of it's function it will also lift enemies high off the ground and out of melee reach. I'm hoping this ability has it's height reduced and it's diameter increased.


    She is a Warframe with a melee-based whip power, but no exalted weapon. She has 2 Crowd Control powers, but both seem to under-perform. 

    Her 1 is out-shined by Gara's comparable power.

    Her 2 is overshadowed by Nidus' similar power.

    Her 3 is at least unique, but needs tweaks.

    Her 4 is out-performed by the ultimates of Limbo/Gara, as well as the tertiary abilities of both Frost/Vauban.


    Sorry, but I'm looking forward to tweaks if not a full rework. My first suggestions would be increase speed to Whipclaw, drop Ensnare as a power and make it a single-target effect of a HOLD of Whipclaw, move Venari to her secondary power (it's her signature ability now, make it available sooner), Strangledome becomes her third with range adjustments noted above, and give serious reconsideration towards an Exalted Whip for her ultimate.


  8. Verification:

    When in the Arsenal screen, the Hunter mods can be equipped on Venari, but the set bonuses do not show up after mods are placed. Checking other Hunter set mods for Warframe and Primary also only count the mods equipped on Warframe and Primary and not the ones equipped on Venari.

    Also tested Animal Instinct in Simulacrum, and can verify it does not work (initially I got some false positive results, but that was because the Sense Danger mod does put enemies on the map temporarily in bursts).


    I am dissapoint.


  9. I did have to delete Cache.Windows, which meant I had to download a ton of stuff. Basically I had to leave it running overnight, only to find next morning that it gave an "Update failed!" afterwards. I ran a Verify and Optimize afterwards, and that finally got it back to "Play" again.

    However, this also caused Warframe to be detected as a new installation so I had to go through 2 Factor Authentication once more. All in-all it was an 8 hour process to fix the problem again. I'm not ready to believe that this is the last time either.

  10. 19 minutes ago, RoyalHaze said:

    Basically Venari (khora's cat) comes with naramon polarity, the only mod you can equip there is animal instinct.. but it doesn't work. So... idk what to think right now.

    I don't want to believe this is true. Not that I'm calling you a liar, I just can't believe the Devs made the Dark Dagger Stance polarity problem again...


    13 minutes ago, RayxAyanami said:


    Players should not have to waste resources fixing Dev oversights. This is like buying a car from a dealer that is already using the spare donut tire instead of a regular tire that matches the other 3.

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