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Posts posted by Karukiku

  1. I'm not so sure about this one since it's my first time drawing a female body, and the website started lagging for me towards the end. THe problem was I made her to small so the details were hard to make with the limited options.




    Thanks! Feedback is appreciated!


    Past Sketches:


    Oberon- http://sketchtoy.com/65320496




    Ash- http://sketchtoy.com/65309975

  2. Good to know. Any chance to see a translation?




    -Distraction and subterfuge become Prime lethal weapons and ash. Featuring a large number of changed polarities for Mod customization use.
    -Small thrown knife directs big damage to its target, skewering it to the wall
  3. -snip-


    Remember pretty much every Prime is just the original with some fancy add on's, Ash looks completely re-done!

    From that picture is seems the stats are:


    Health  150

    Armor   125 (65)

    Stamina 150 (100)

    Power 100

    Shield 100


    So a increase in armor and stamina?


    No that's shields, not stamina. Wait you pretty much got all the stats wrong.


    Ash has the same base health, energy pool, and stamina.


    25 increase in base shields, 85 increase in armor.

  4. DE you sly dogs you.



    Edit: To everyone saying it was Leaked, it was Leaked on Reddit a while ago but there was NO CONFIRMATION from DE and everyone was arguing that it was fake. Now DE has officially shown it on their DevStream. Please keep this a tight discussion on Ash Prime since he was the screenshot revealed I'd like to not get this post closed because of images or links popping up to other sources including leaks not shown by DE. I'd like this post not taken down.


    Especially you AntoineFlemming I see you down there leaking all over the place disgusting. 


    Ash Prime Base Stats:


    150 Health- Same


    125 Shields- +25


    150  Armor- +85


    100 Power- Same


    100 Stamina - Same



    -Distraction and subterfuge become Prime lethal weapons and ash. Featuring a large number of changed polarities for Mod customization use.
    -Small thrown knife directs big damage to its target, skewering it to the wall





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