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Posts posted by DarthRevan84

  1. Why is everybody so concerned about one node?!

    Honestly it's like a whole battle planning and drama that's going on around here.

    Yea ikr maybe we should start a petition for DE to take credits off the dark sectors so people stop fighting over them.

  2. Sorry to hear that you missed it, but I'm not in support of this. It was a one year anniversary limited-time cosmetic. I support cosmetic exclusivity.


    I'd be fine if they re-released it on the 2 year anniversary, but they advertised it as an exclusive that would be available for a limited time, so I expect any re-releases of it to be limited time as well.


    Otherwise, I can think of two ways you could have gotten the platinum for it. You could have sold some prime parts/mods or asked a clan member/friend to lend you some platinum that you'd repay later.

    +1 good sir, you said everything id planned too.

  3. While I agree with the spawn camping problem i disagree with the rest. Under the current system its nearly impossible to defend a rail the afore mentioned things are one of the few ways defenders have to push the attackers back. Also theres these things called Void keys run those for credits if your that hard up.

  4. Really?  They did it?  F*** this... i've been waiting day one for this and complained serveral times cause they would not update on when it was happening... and then they finaly do it for such a short period... with no announcments at all... some people had been waiting a long time for this S#&$... DE please say that it is going to be done again sometime?  Cause that will really suck cause I know myself personaly have been holding off on playing on the ps4 cause we've been wanting to play with our main warframes.... T_T

    Uhm....they gave ALOT of announcements both on the main warframe website and the forums. If you missed it thats your own fault.

  5. It can only be obtained through platinum as of now. The wrecking rhino bundle comes with it. This is probably something that got overlooked by the devs.

    Oh really? Hmmmm need to relay that to the Devs then.

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