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Posts posted by (PSN)Zelisius

  1. Based on quick math and round down. Here's the clone numbers:

    Intensify = 9

    R5 BR = 10 <- Cost cancelled out by R5 Streamline (not worth it)

    R10 BR = 13

    R5 BR+Intensify = 12

    R10 BR+Intensify = 16 <-R5 Streamline will make the skill cost 125 (not too bad)

    R10 TF = 10 <- Duration hit cancelled by vanilla R5 Continuity (not worth it)

    R10 TF+Intensify = 12

    R10 TF+R5 BR+Intensify = 16

    Max TF+BR+Intensify = 19

    Personally, having too much duration isn't a good idea since Shadows will end up taking too much flak and getting killed, hurting your damage mitigation. Having sub 100% or even 100% duration is good. Makes mod arrangements hard to fulfill though. Obviously, this type of tanking requires you to be active in killing to be able to Desecrate for health and energy. Having a heavy hitting melee with an R0 Lifestrike will definitely help quite a bit, since aggro is split and there's damage mitigation and meatshields all around.

    Thank you for this. I was trying to do the numbers in my head, but I'm also at work, so couldn't do it all. This helps allot! Guess I will drop rage for intensify. Gives me 2 more bodies, an extra 12% DR and it'll beef up my minions and terror. Thanks again!
  2. You're not even supposed to kill enemies in raids unless it's a drone or Vay Hek. You're going to make the Loki players or the leader facepalm. Either way, with all that CC and Trinity Blessing, of course you can tank a level 90 mob.

    For the OP, I recommend taking out rage because Equilibrium gets rid of the need for it. Health converts to energy and you can always get health orbs from desecrating your shadows. Late game, you cannot depend on rage because enemies will blast your your health, QT and energy reserves anyway. Desecrate will drop health orbs that feed your energy either way.

    Guess I'll swap out rage for a PS mod then. I don't want to use TF due to duration loss. So that leaves BR and intensify. Would intensify be good enough, or would you just take the efficiency loss and run a one from Max BR?

    Edit: just read the wiki on sotd. I don't recall PS increasing their damage and health. Of course, I stopped playing for a while when bloodborne and ESO came out. Chroma and volt weren't even out yet. Stayed playing when they released ash prime, but yeah.. That's cool what they did there with PS making them tougher. Now I'm really debating on just using a one from the top BR to get the most out of sotd, but won't PE effect the amount of life I lose from despoil?

    Edit again.. Guess BR does make despoil use more hp.. Bummer. Intensify it is then!

  3. I could swap out rage for a power strength mod. I was just using it for that extra energy gain to help out when channeling (life strike).

    I've got a one from the top BR and TF as well as max intensify. Intensify seems like the better choice since BR would kill my efficiency.

  4. I couldn't tell who my allies and enemies were at some times. The ankus limited range also hurt. Should of ran tipedo. But I liked the scythe for appearances.

    No death metal background music, 0/10.

    I don't like cookie monster music :p

  5. https://youtu.be/7VKmIaxOlyc

    This build is about using despoil with rage, equilibrium, quick thinking, prime flow and shield of shadows to create a desecrate engine that can tank under harsh conditions. The video listed was this builds trial run. Would really like some feedback on it and possible suggestions. Thanks!


    Made a few changes thanks to feedback from you all.

    I replaced energy siphon for rejuvenation. The HP regen works better for the build to help counter the despoil augment. Also replaced rage with a max intensify and its working out allot better now. Thanks again!

  6. pros:

    - Easier to keep alive than a sentinel since you can revive it

    - Deals great damage

    - Some of them have great abilities

    - Unlike sentinel's weapon they have their own mods so it doesn't have any problem of matching with your weapon



    - More expensive than sentinel

    - You have to keep them alive by using DNA recovery thingy > more money needed

    - They are stupid (but sentinel too so.... worth it)

    - Some of them have bad abilities (especially the diging one)

    - The mods needed for kubrow damage are both rare > hard to rank up   (i'm talking about bite and maul)

    - Only slash damage

    I actually Love the digger one!

    Probably because it's my only Lotus one, but still, that digging is great when you are loot hunting or playing defense. Gotta love it when the kubrow digs up ammo and energy while you are pod sitting.

    But to OP, Kubrows are great! They are a cash sink, not only for their DNA things, but for their mods as well. Many of them have alot of ranks to them, which will eat up money/cores. Still, they last forever, have great survivability, do good damage, can be revived and have great skills.

    There is also a skill that gives them a 90% chance to open lockers, which is a handy little skill due to the amount of locked lockers in each tile.

    My two favorites are the Raksa for it's Howl and Protect skills and Sahasa for it's digging skill when Im loot hunting.

  7. Used to do just that to Rhino players, usually 3 out of 10 would rage quit cause I'd cover him in tesla balls.

    My favorite thing to do to rhino players (When prime came out) was switch teleport all the ones that bought him on day one.

    (Loki was upset that rhino was primed before him)

  8. ATM I Run:

    Streamline R4
    Fleeting Expertise R4
    Natural talent
    Quick Thinking
    Primed Continuity R9

    I know alot of people say to not use Fleeting because of the duration loss, but I like to spam cataclysm, so having max energy efficiency is important to me.
    Having max energy regen is also important!

    Rage/QT might not seem like a good idea, but it works quite well has great synergy with Rift Walk/Cataclysm.
    Gonna replace Flow for Primed Flow when it comes out.

    Just stay in rift walk, have a weapon with a large aoe attack and drop cataslysm bombs on enemies and proceed to nuke them. If things get too heated, collapse the cataclysm and recast as needed.

    Use either a weapon with HP regen or lifestrike when you need to restore lost hp.

    The Build might look a little whack, but it works quite well. At least for me it does.

  9. Limbo is quite interesting. He's an excellent solo frame, but he can also play well with others, if used right.
    He is best pared up with caster frames or frames that like to spam their powers often, since powers can hurt enemies both in and out of the void.

    Casting banish on Mesa turns her into a sentry turret of immortal death while casting it on nyx or banshee can allow them to use their ult for extended periods of time for great CC.

    Here's what I use on him: (All maxed unless stated)


    Quick Thinking
    Fleeting Expertise (One from the top)

    Streamline (One from the top)
    Natural Talent
    Primed Continuity (One from the top)

    The idea is to stay in rift walk.
    Use banish on caster frames or high valued enemies.
    When you see a large mob, fire off a cataclysm and attack with a high damage/AOE weapon. Once enemies start to open fire on you, close the cataclysm to quickly recover if needbe and repeat.

    I've been debating on changing his aura so I can equip a Rejuvenation to synergise better with setup I am currently using, but I could just equip a syndicate weapon with life gain, too I guess. Hek with Scattered Justice is a nice weapon for him and works great when you are singling out a target through banish.


    All in all, a fun build, but tricky to use.

  10. Would be kinda cool to see something like this with it's own stance to where you would start off dual wielding and combo into you grabbing the chains and twirling them around like a maniac! Could also give them a unique charge function to where you could hurl one end towards an enemy, and if it hit, you could pull them to you like Valkyrs Ripline.



    Some vids of it's fighting style.
    Just replace the ball at one end for another scythe and there ya go!

  11. I tweak my builds to see if there are better ways to optimize them. Forma almost all, of my guns that I keep. Even if they aren't "end-game" I'll multi forma my stuff because I simply like the weapon. Same for Kubrows and Sentinals+Sentinal guns.

    I'll play void missions for money and random void loot to trade in for ducats, or sell if I find a rare item.

    Decorating my dojo has been a big pass time as of late. I admit, my friend and I went a little over board in many of the rooms, but we were tired of it looking empty. even though the decor isn't finished, just seeing it's silhouette makes the place feel better and gives me motivation to go grind for the materials needed. And I enjoy doing it.

    For some odd reason, I enjoy the grind because I KNOW what my reward will be when I finish the grind. Not to mention the collection of mods i'll find while doing said grind.


  12. Yes, NM is very good with Nova.


    First, aim for energy efficiency.
    SO you would want a one from max Fleeting expertise and Streamline for the 75% eff cap.

    Second, focus on Duration.
    Max narrow minded, continuity and constitution

    with your last 3 mods slots, I'd run Intensify to increase MPrimes slow effect and the run max Redirection and Vitality.


    If you want to hit the slow cap, then you would need at least a rank 1 Blind Rage along with Intensify, but this would require putting more points into Streamline and Fleeting.

    You could also swap out Intensify for a Transient fortitude, 2 from the top and hit the slow cap while leaving Fleeting and streamline both one from max.

    You will take a hit on duration, but it shouldn't be THAT bad. And with Prime Continuity coming soon (Hopefully) then the duration loss from transient won't matter at all.

  13. Each faction is weak vs certain combos. However, multiple combos can be good vs a single faction.

    Grineer: Weak to puncture, but can also be weak vs slash damage if you can negate their armor. (Corrosive projection or Corrosive elemental combo when it procs)

    People usualy like to run Radiation/Viral vs grineer.
    radiation to deal with the bombards and Napalmers while viral is good vs the faction as a whole.

    However, Corrosive/Cold is good, too. Corrosive debuffs armor (Great for mini gunners) while cold does extra damage vs Bombards and Napalmers.

    You could even do Corrosive/Heat since the armor debuff from corrosive will allow the heat to do more damage, but I would only use that on a weapon with a really high status chance to ensure the corrosive proc goes off when needed.

    Viral/Heat would also be an alternative to corrosive/heat if you have a team with 4x corrosive projections,

    Radiation/Toxic is also good if you don't have enough mod slots for a 4 element build.
    Radiation vs bombards/napalmers while toxic does more damage vs armor.
    Or you could run Radiation/Cold for all out damage vs bombards/Napalmers.

    For Corpus, the are weak vs Impact (For taking down shields) as well as Magnetic/Toxic.
    Mag/Tox is the norm to use on corpus since magnetic nukes shields and toxic by passes them directly.
    However, if you have a weapon that deals impact, I would suggest running Viral/Electricity.


    Impact already deals with shields while Viral does more damage vs crewman while Electricity does more vs the robots. Much more synergy with this IMHO, but I'd only run it if the weapon deals primarily impact damage.

    Blast/Toxic or Blast/Electricity are also good. The first, is like an alternate version of Mag/Toxic, but you trade shield disruption for CC. Blast is just pure raw damage vs corpus. It has no strength or weakness against them.

    I only run one of the 2 on shotguns due to the Blaze Mod.

    For infested, Corrosive/Blast is what I see alot of people use if they can. You get the MAX damage you can deal to the ancients while keeping crowd control via blast.

    Other good choices, if you can't run 4 elements are Corrosive/Heat or Blast/Electricity.
    I honestly like Blast/Electricity more, but I only run it on high status weapons, otherwise, I run Corrosive/Heat.
    Blast does bonus damage vs ancients, plus gives you that knock down while electricity is like pure raw damage to them. But it's ability to chain lightening to near by targets and stun makes it amazing against large mobs when you are getting swarmed.

    You are trading pure raw single target damage for the ability to tag multiple targets and increase your survivability.


    For the Void, I tend to run one of my grineer setups.


    In the end though, you shouldn't try to focus on just one type of element combo and stick with it. There's a lot of neat things you can create when you play around with the different combos and you do have an A, B, C slot to have different load outs. Might as well make use of them.

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