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Posts posted by Doxorn

  1. Hmm, sounds interesting. I am up to the challange (MR24).

    My loadout will be:

    • Excalibur
    • MK1-Strun
    • MK1-Kunai
    • Skana

    I am just leaving this comment here to know where to come back and post if I succeeded or failed, and if failed where and how did I met death :)

    Wish me luck.

  2. 8 hours ago, MBaldelli said:

    Let me add this to the fray...   

    Seems to affect Spira Prime as well... Now I might not have graduated with high maths*, but this doesn't seem to be adding up right no matter how I look at it:


      Reveal hidden contents

    * this is a lie, I graduated with physics, calculus, logic and trigonometry magna cum laude. 


    I am neither a math expert but I if something has 100 accuracy then if I target a still enemy and attack him I should be able to hit it with all my attacks.

    For some reason Spria Prime 100 accuracy is so accurate, out of 12 throws I only hit the enemy 3-4 times (who is standing still!)

    I have a feeling warframe has it's own law of physics :D

  3. Tempest Barrage - is this ability still around? No one used it and no one will. All the change is just you can charge it. That didn't fixed it. Should be replaced completely.

    Tidal Surge - still unimpressive, it's uncontrollable, no reason to use it. My suggestion would be: make us able to control our direction (like Exca's 1st) and if we are in Undertow then enemies who are inside the puddle would dragged alongside us (then Tidal Surge would have some use)

    Undertow - movement speed should be a faster (it's painfully slow atm)

    Tentacle Swarm - energy cost is doubled if charged to full, remove the increased energy cost (it's a bad idea and no-one will like it) and give us more tentacles with the charging (for example 15 at max charge)


    This update feels like a nerf. ATM

  4. Well Ivara's navigator is kinda forgotten. You are better off just killing the enemies regularly than trying to use your Navigator.



    Would be better if it would be replaced with something like: While activated Ivara's projectiles seek out enemies if the enemy is maximum of 1/2/3/4 meters away from the projectile

  5. So I noticed there are some keybinding (PC) which are not shown anywhere and are not changeable:

    1) 'N' and 'M' are for switch between "Progress & Rewards" and "Syndicate Standing" in summary screen AND to switch between panels on the World State Window (Navigation)

    2) 'Z' are for many things:

    • Quick Cipher use
    • Decline/Abort mission(while on you ship in the Navigation menu)
    • Choose to stay in mission (BATTLE)
    • Expand the MATCHMAKING dropdown menu so you can choose to Public, Friends Only, Invite only or Solo (and can navigate there with W and S and Up and Down arrow keys)


    3) Pressing 'Numpad Enter' while on the Mission Select screen (Navigation menu) will make Planets move around as you move your mouse until you click once OR if your mouse if hovering over a planet then 'Numpad Enter' will zoom into the planet


    If you know about a hidden keybinding that are not listed here please write down for me :)

  6. I collected a few warframes that you may like since you are interested in melee and supports


    Wukong - the immortal warframe with Rage and Duration/Efficency build. Good for melee

    Rhino - the noob hard to kill warframe, full strength and armor build for his Iron Skin build

    Atlas - the One Punch Man of Warframe.

    Loki - can make himself invisible

    Ash - the Ninja among Ninjas 

    Valkyr - the berserker warframe, invulerable while Hysteria is activated.

    Inaros - if you like Darude Sandstorm very high health pools

    Nidus - another high health pool and high sustain warframe, but more dependent his on abilites


    Support warframes:

    Oberon - an offensive support

    Trinity - the ultimate support, instant heal everyone and dedicated energy generator

    Harrow - Crowd Control support, the newest warframe


    The ultimate Crowd Control Warframes:

    Nova, Nyx, Frost, Vauban, Limbo


    The warframe that is always welcome in a survival mission or when farming resources:



  7. 16 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    Snipetron is the exception the weapon was removed because the weapon does not fit the lore.

    Honestly they should reintroduce it with a faction who as taken corpus tech and added non-energetic properties to them making lore viable.

    Or it could be Darvo, who tried to mix Grineer and Corpus weapon together and made Snipetron, it wasn't popular so he stopped selling/producing it but he would willing to give us its bp if we help him get some stuff from some other corpus :)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Raidann said:

    I was doing fine without them last time I played, maybe last year or something, came back to this mess.

    For every 10 noobs that cant do stuff for themselves there's another 100 people like me who don't annoy people with every little thing in chat and just get on with things.

    If you played Warframe in the last year then why bother creating a new account? Why won't you just continue on your old account? They would be easier to complete.

  9. Just now, AlphaPHENIX said:

    I mean, they were put in the game to guide newer players in where to go...

    Cause you know, without them you had at least 10 noobies in Region chat asking ''How to unlock next planet?'', every single day.

    I remember when I was one of them :D

    With the Starchart 3.0 it's much easier to navigate. But I miss the always shows planet resources, it's so unintuitive now that players nowadays always asking where does X resource drop :D

    But still it's much easier on the new players since all Junctions give 1000 Mastery, which is very much for new players

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