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Posts posted by KrainKron

  1. For sure it's the best possible way.

    Nerf Styanax in the point when he only can spam 4 on infinite loop to survive at high lvls. We don't need running in such mobile gameplay. Only spam your 4 in one place.

    Tanks are not tanks at high lvls but only one shot dummies. We don't need any armour/health rework. Only KEYS! Only I, Vor.............

    The most squishy frames are the most tanky frames at high lvls. God bless shieldgate. Skillful stuff.

    Do you want to play tank as it was designed? No way. We have no tanks in this game. Are you sure you want more than 20 waves? It's not how it was designed. No tanks, no fun. Go shieldgate. It's sooooo skillefule...

    • Like 2
  2. 23 часа назад, peterc3 сказал:

    And destroy the early game progression.

    So - maybe that's why I said that it is a brainless path?

    19 часов назад, JayB33 сказал:

    There could be separate mod slots for accessories, where you can only attach mods like ammo mutation or reload speed.

    And we will have same 5 slots for mods out of 8.

    19 часов назад, Gabbynaru сказал:

    Bake Serrartion into the weapons, Elemental mods will become the new "mandatory" mods. Bake those into the weapons, Split Chamber is the next mandatory mod. Rinse and repeat until you have baked every single mod into the weapons, because at the end of the day, people will just use what's best and damn the rest.

    As for your "credits and endo" idea, it's good on the surface, then you realize you need to vary your elemental mods for different factions and fights (and especially Warframes), then it flops on its face.

    I'm talking just about base damage and multishot mods. As for second part. Hmmm. You need to vary your elements right now, don't you?

  3. 11 минут назад, Loza03 сказал:

    Steve is at least thinking about it and we may receive our first taste of it soon.


    But who knows, this was literally brought up months ago and not since then.

    I'm actually already confused with the state of this rework. Searching gives so different results. It's in work, It's not prioritised, it's moded with Primed Soon and etc.
    But, thanks for your reply. I'm not involved in twitter so much, maybe cuz it's not so popular in Russia.

  4. So. Besides "What Is Dead May Never Die" we need to get new damage system. 
    DE constantly drops new mods in game now. But, can we use them? Or - better say will we? Let's take for example our secondaries. How many builds do you have without Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion and Lethal Torrent? Let me guess... 2-3? Pox? Zakti? Hikou Prime? Maybe few more fully assembled for pure utility. 
    How often you're using for example Sure Shot, Perpetual Agony, Hawk Eye? (If you don't know - this mods also exists and pretty sure that you have them in you're inventory...) Or, maybe Ammo Mutation? Never - I guessed?
    Why? Because we almost everytime have only 5 open slot's out of 8.
    Cuz first 3 are mandatory for almost every build.
    Someone can say, that elemental or base damage mods are mandatory too. But. Here we have options. You can go for 90%, or 60/60%, you can chose 4 of the last or 2*90%+2*60/60%. You can go for crit, or status, or raw damage, or hybrid. Take Magnum Force, or Augur Pact, or maybe better to go for reload speed (rarely, but could) or fire rate instead.  
    Will you sacrifice base damage mod (no, chroma-mains, say nothing here, you're the only) or multishot for something? I don't think so... 
    And the same story with primary weapons. Serration (or 25% sprint speed) + Split Chamber, Point Blank (Primed) + Hell's Chamber
    Is there anything besides Sarpa and daggers you're using without Pressure Point (Primed/Sacrificial)?
    Why we always should have less, than 8 slots for mods?
    Why for example we can't put endo and credit's directly in weapons for get our base damage bonus? (just an example of challenging way) Or just up all weapons base damage to that point of mods bonus and remove them (most easy brainless way).
    Same with multishot. Why can't it grown up with polarisation, for example up to a certain limit. And, finnaly add please "Status chance befor multishot/per pellet" in UI. 
    I definitely sure - we need this rework for the long-long time ago...

    UPD: "If I'll have 8 free slots - I'll put all my 90%+60/60% damage mod's." - So, let only 4 elemental mods would be alowed.

    P.S. Sorry for horrible english.

    • Like 4
  5. R.I.P. sparring weapons. I'm not a fast fist ninja anymore. I'm a shty midnight dancer now, trying to kill everyone with my slow mo brakedance...

    You definitely should do something with sparring stances....Boxing, karate, taekwondo, muay thai etc. There's a lot of martial arts. But not that dancing, that no one would use in a fight.

    • Like 1
  6. For the name of Clem, make toggle option. 

    В 12.12.2018 в 22:25, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

    There's a few skins I would have done differently, but I don't ask if I can toggle pieces of them off. I just... don't use that skin.

    And what if this skin is absolutely gorgeos IMO, exept of this piece?

  7. I've been played arbitration alert with random team.After almost 2 hours we were attempt to leave since we forgot about air, cuz it was just fun and pleasurable run.We're had a connection issue.And as I saw in team chat: my teammates get they're rewards after some time and has left the party. As for me - I've lost everything. Actually resources, credits and regular mods doesn't matter. Since I can easily farm them solo in other missions. But as for arbitration rewards I want them back. 1.4 hour without any valuable rewards between those 10-mins intervals.
    For sure, I'm here not to cry. I've opened a ticket on technical support page. And I sent them these photos. Even not screenshots. Photos. And the only one things that could not be seen on photo are Vigorous Swap (cuz in Russian it starts with letter "С" that goes after "Р" for Sundering Strike in alphabet) and Vitus Essence for the same reason, but cuz it is arbitration it should be anyways.
    So, I want to get only my arbitration rewards:
    9 Vitus Essence
    3 Ayatan Orta Sculptures
    1 Ayatan Say Sculpture
    1 Vigorous Swap mod
    2 Rolling Guard mods
    4000 Endo (Some was as a rewards and some as loot)
    And what did they answer me? I should send them: 1) My teammate's nicknames. (And you can see them on photo) 2. Exact date and time of the missions end. (This is the most strange thing, since they answered me after 6 days after my ticket and I just can't remember exactly the time and date. Aren't there any logs for this?) 3. I must choose ONLY ONE reward from all that I lost because of their host migration and connection problems. 4. What type of missions I was played. (Also strange since you can get those rewards on phot only in arbitrations)
    IMO almost all of that are pretty weird conditions.

    When I would be at home, I would be able to put those photos in this thread.

    P.S. Sorry for mistakes and my overall poor English.

  8. 34 минуты назад, (PS4)Equinox21697 сказал:

    We slaughter thousands of their proxies every day, if the Corpus became a actual threat (and if DE allowed it) we could simply cut the head off the snake by taking out the elusive board of directors that runs the show, then the rest of them might even become good. 

    But if you want powerful I'd say the syndicate leaders are the most powerful, we literally work for them and get attacked by them regularly yet do nothing about it

    There millions of them. And how many tenno children could be on the Zariman ship? All their might was in ability to control warframes and channeling void power. And now corpus can simply switch it off.

    As for syndicates - we don't actually work for them, we help them.

  9. Corpus
    When I started play warframe it was so clear why everyone wants warframes for themselves. It was powerful guys, who have all those destructive powers and so on. But after all those nullifiers, bursas, combas, scrambuses... It's not so clear in starchart missions. But I was thought about it earlier. And now, when gorgeous FORTUNA is up it is so understandable. Why? Because of spawnrate of all those mobs. You fight them alot and you can see difference. I don't want to talk about infested (despite the spawnrate of Ancients in endurance runs) just because it's wild power that trying to melt everything. GRINEER. They were slaves of the old empire, who fight to become only one power in universe. They are making dangerous weapons for the fights to stop Warframe before it uses powers, and tough armour to stay alive if they would be used.
    What about corpus? At this moment warframes are nothing for them. It's just trash bins with little Tenno inside. They have so many devices to deactivate frame powers and use another devices to throw it from side to side like a toy. You can say, that corpus uses Orokin technologies. But there's a thing. Orokin was destroyed by tenno. They wasn't had such technologies to stop them.
    So why we need all that farce about standoff corpus and grineer, about frightening sentients and new war? And most of all - about power and value of warframes? Not the tenno itself. They have void powers and weapons. It is worth something at least. But besides of that - corpus can destroy any enemies. Not sentients, maybe. But they simply can enslave tenno for that purpose.

  10. @mrhapps, I'm playing solo, maybe thats why. I taking all incoming damage.

    @Loza03, Limbo is my main. I know, how to handle things. I can easily avoid danger in endless runs, or in sorties. But in here. I'm dashing in the rift for take a breath and something killed me. Another try - same. I don't have Magus Elevate yet (I had a big pause in game). Think it would be usefull, but not when you get one or two shots till death.

  11. 27 минут назад, mrhapps сказал:

    As long as u destroy the beacons so its not 4 star wanted level the nullifiers don't spawn as far as I know. Also the enemies unaffected by the rift are few and far between, just shoot them and you no longer have a problem.

    They don't need nullifiers, since I've not seen any of them yet, some of the troops can just kill you through the rift doesn't matter cataclysm or your own rift through dash. They simply kill you.

    And, since Limbo have absolutely no survivability outside the rift - it's totally ruined my favorite frame... 

  12. Something wrong with arbitrations. When it occurred first time I was thinking that it was my mistake. But now I'm shure, that I was randomly oneshoted by someone. While I've played Trinity, I have adaptation in my setup, and Link and Bless were both active at that moment. (Power Strength was enough, since there were +300% PS on Trinity) My teammates said, that this bug happens time to time on arbitrations.

  13. They need immunity to allies fire. Not range, duration, or anything else. Yesterday I've played bounties and there were 2 random teams. 1. Team was killing every my thrall I've created. It was so annoying and unplayable, since I have no reactor and forma yet on revenant. 2. Oh, gorgeous people. We were making mission objectives, while my thralls were fight against enemies. Problem is in players, that's why thralls are need immunity.

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