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  1. @trstAlready put this well, but to expand or iterate differnetly. There is a difference between the groups of extremists. The ones who go after straight people are the leaders of forums. The ones that go after LGBTQ+ are the leaders of countries. As a result, yes, the extremists that go after LGBTQ+ are more important because they can cause more harm, as well as having greater ability to influence people towards extremism.
  2. The most reasonable explanation is Entrati took some void tech back with him. We know he went back multiple times - presumably he was sending through resources and tech. In fact, this page: Warframe: 1999 ZeViLa MK III Atomicycle - Product Page suggests Entrati inserted himself into business to fulfil his plans. And he mentions here that the Atomicycles use void energy, or at least are void-exposed.
  3. I've been running with the Kuva Ogris lately, and yeah it's a bit annoying, especially in lower-density missions. Still, using Arcane Dexterity and a good Melee usually lets me keep killing individual enemies to regain more ammo. End of the day, the point is that extremely powerful AoE weapons shouldn't be as comfortable to use as a single-target assault rifle.
  4. I'm not judging in the slightest. Song won't leave my head either, nor do I want it to!
  5. Out of curiosity, if Tau was introduced and with its own star chart, but you accessed it by a tab on the star chart (y'know, to switch between star charts), would that qualify as a 'theme park update'? The content island argument has always rung a little hollow to me. Progress in Duviri grants upgrades to your core abilities once you get to intrinsic rank nine, grants you new arcanes, new weapons, and upgrades to older ones. Progress in the Open Worlds, again, new weapons, new arcanes, new amps for Fortuna and the Plains. Gameplay that deviates from the core Warframe gameplay of frames and so forth is always in the minority, and rarely if ever does an update with such sorts of gameplay not come with plenty to do with your Warframes. I remember when the focus of the argument was Operators, which usually at most had half a boss fight associated with them, or a quest tops with TWW. And let's not forget that every now and then rumbles of discontent arise when DE loops these areas and seperate progressions systems back in, once they're no longer the new thing that DE would really quite like you be playing, when people who don't like that content complain that they are 'forced' to engage with it. Man, I remember the days of the Sacrifice... people yelling that they had to use their Operator, that they were 'forced' to grind out their Operator.
  6. An unfortunate truth is that as our brains age, it become harder and harder for us to change the fundamental understandings of things. Certain concepts become foundational. But even if it is too late for us, we may yet be able to build a better world for those who have yet to come.
  7. I mean, given that it's a gross hive-mind mimicking the lowest-common-denominator, ear-worming boy-band cliche shlock. Yeah I think it's kind of the point. Though honestly IMO it's still fun, and it seems like it's work pretty well as fight music thanks to the strong beat and high energy.
  8. Yeah, it's weird that there's canonical romances that you can apparently interrupt.
  9. If you're a white foreigner in North Korea, the majority-Korean dictatorship will have a vested interest in oppressing you because you present at threat to their power structure. And if you and people who looked like you and were therefore facing the same dangers arranged a secret place to meet to feel safe from those dangers, you'd have put together a whites-only club that nobody in their right mind would consider hate speech. People who are in danger due to indelible traits create spaces where only their in-group are allowed, so that they are safe there. This isn't a good thing - it's a sign of a sick society. We as a society shouldn't need spaces where people exclude others because they don't feel safe. But the answer isn't to ban the excluding spaces because that only puts people in more danger - it's to change society and heal over a long period of time, a period we might not even see in our lifetimes, so that those people no longer need to hide.
  10. There's one of three answers to this: 1: This was a community intended for LGBT people only. LGBTQ+ people want the world to be more inclusive, but for example, lets say you wanted people to be less closed-off. That doesn't mean you want to be watched whilst you sleep. Overall inclusion doesn't mean that people aren't also allowed to want spaces where people outside their group aren't allowed - especially considering that complete openness, at this time, may put many of their members at genuine risk to their lives. Moderation is a form of protection. Straight people don't need a portion of the world locked off just for them, because being straight is the majority experience so (for better and for worse) it is assumed that unless specified, any given space is for them. 2: You were being Homophobic/Transphobic, or were mistaken for being. A lot of people get enough of that in their daily lives - you can't blame them for having zero tolerance for dealing with it elsewhere. 3: You met one or more groups of A******s. Being an A****** is not specific to sex, gender, race, or creed. There are, indubitably, groups and individuals who hold negative views about their LGBTQ+ status, and enjoy mocking or hurting others because of it. Just like there's groups that feel that way about their ethnicity, their voting habits, their religion and so forth. It is unreasonable to get angry at everyone who's LGBTQ because you have had the misfortune to interact with the small cross section of people who are defensive, rude or vindictive for whatever reason. Indeed, ironically, a number of those people will be vindictive as a maladaptive coping response to their interaction with the small cross section of the rest of the world that's also vindictive and cruel to them. However, due to proportionality and the nature of minority, whilst your experience was probably with a relative handful, that 'small cross section' is far too often the whole of an LGBT person's life.
  11. It's not confirmed as of yet, working on the same information you are. ... But if he isn't I'll eat my hat.
  12. From what information there is, it seems Amir is Neurodivergent. Probably ADHD, but possibly autism. Both is also a possibility. His dialogue in the relay suggests he gets panic attacks or something similar (Elanor seems to help him with those through 'Brain hugs'), he's obsessive, he stims, he seems to have a couple of hyperfixations (tech and gaming), he usually has difficulties focusing on one task but he enters into states of hyperfocus on occasion. Some of the info is from here, if you're wondering: Warframe: data_harvest:protoframes Anyway, it shouldn't shock me so many people seem to dislike him, but it does disappoint me. Personally, he's my favourite so far.
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