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Posts posted by Taipion

  1. They only buffed the raid version, because I was doing that to the raid version as well.  As I type im currently killing jordas for the 240th time for a group.  Would you like a hand?


    I'm merely a player who has archwing gear leveled to the content I'm trying to do.  It's like going to Hyena Pack or Corrupted Vor, are you going to bring a non leveled non multiforma'ed weapon and frame and expect an easy time?

    But you do realize that archwing is kinda ...pointless, grindy to level, and yet, even with a good, multiformered weapon.... whatever...

  2. Devs didn't end it early, the farmers for the part obliterated the fomorian's health. It wasn't fair to those grineer really. Mine was an original vandal though from fighting 15 different fomorians.

    So you either say the devs had no idea how fast that would be gone, or they intended the extreme grind required to get one in relation with the "HP" of the event to end it when it did.

    Chose one.

    Dying in

    of sustained fire isn't exactly what I'd call spongey.

    Was before they buffed it, right?

    Also, not the average player, huh?

  3. Well the only one shooting is the main issue, as he scales with people in mission his health goes up accordingly. less people means less overall health. I personally take him out darn easily using a crit based imperator vandal (normal variant works well too) and odonata first ability to drain his health pretty quickly.

    Don't even get me started on that imperator vandal, all my friends arer super pissed because of that, starting an event thursday night and end it friday noon, wtf....

  4. There are some exaggerations in this post. Average is not 50 runs, that's just those who are unlucky. I got all parts in four runs. Also if you are referring to the golem itself as spongey, he is yes, but he ironically is much much easier solo than in a group. As for the parts themselves, they conform to the regular basis of frames, either part of a quest or dropped from a boss/special enemy, not much to argue there.

    Could be be cause in the last "group" i was like the only one shooting, but there was pretty much no difference between solo and group, what exactly do you mean?

  5. First of all, it is kinda sad that you can not post your opinion here if it does not conform to what DE wants,

    therefore I am absolutely unable to express my thoughts and feelings, but I assume they are easy to guess.



    The farming for the Atlas frame, requires to kill a boss that is about the most spongy thing I have seen in any computer game lately, even with decent equip.

    On top of that, I heard it takes like ~50 runs on average to get a full set of three parts, as, you guessed it, you don't even always get one.


    Furthermore it is nigh impossible to even get a group up for that.
    My friends don't want to to that mission anymore, and in the recruitment channel, of those few that might join you, most are ...not a help at all. Because it seems like no sane person does that mission.


    In that case, why, DE, have it ..."drop" in a mission, instead of just making it buy for real money only?

  6. I too have a problem with zoom on right mouse button.


    It just won't stay zoomed in when I press the button, the first few clicks it will zoom in a little and then jump back to no-zoom.

    After a few clicks, it zooms in fully and stays that way until I release the right mouse button OR move OR shoot.


    Trying to zoom in eventually results in a constant switching of zoom / no-zoom while the button is held.


    Kind of annoying, I have it mapped to a keyboard key for now and that works, but I'd like to have it back on the mouse.



    Also: Why is it impossible to  map the zoom and 2nd fire mode to the same key?! That would work really well for almost every weapon ingame.

  7. DE manages to constantly stun me with their ...incredible... design!


    Now, there is ONE option for ALL "global" chats... I never ever use [Recruiting] and [Region], and I consider it a nuisance to be defaulted to them, instead of clan chat.


    Also, I sometimes use the [Trading] chat, witch is apparently impossible to have without [Region] and [Recruiting] as well.

    (Trading in this game is an incredible pain, apparently designed to waste as much time as possible, thanks DE! But that's another story...)




    No, I mean seriously, W.T.F.?!?!?!


    NEVER, in ANY game I asked myself this single question so many, MANY times: Who, with a sane mind, would make it in such an incredibly stupid way?!?





    Is there any way that I have overlooked or missed?

    Can I somehow keep [Trading] chat but de-activate [Recruiting] and [Region], or at least make [Clan] the deault channel?!

  8. Troubleshooting is the most expensive, time consuming process in everything on this planet.

    identifying an issue, finding the cause, and finding a solution that doesn't break everything around it.

    Trouble Shooting and therefore product support is therefore the most expensive and time consuming task there is.

    that's not a bug.

    it's a feature.

    if you take enough Damage in an instance as to where you would have died even if Quick Thinking used all of your Energy, it doesn't bother activating.

    it doesn't waste your Energy in vain.

    there is no bug. it's a feature that's actually being very nice to you.

    Thanks for showing how much you don't understand this!


    So that you understand:

    DoTs, especially slash procs, will likely, though not always, kill you, even with volt prime and full 800 energy and no mobs alive on the whole map.

  9. Perhaps DE are trying to get people to stop relying on mods like Quick Thinking and actually use skill to survive. I for one refuse to use the mod for that reason, and many people do use it as they don't realise how easy it is to dodge and defend yourself.

    (also, Quick Thinking doesn't work if the damage you take would fully deplete your health AND energy anyway, so say you have 10HP left with 200 Energy, and you take 300 damage. Quick thinking WON'T save you, and you'll go down instantly)

    Don't embarrass yourself, please.

    200 energer = 200*2.4 HP with quick thinking...

    Also, your assumptions are ...off

  10. I just tried quick thinking again, guess what, it's STILL bugged, you die with full energy through various things... it's that way since months, and DE does not even seem to care!


    And Trollkor... you know, you can STILL bump other players, as long as the one who uses it is being bumped as well, all other players in range will be bumped, too.

    There must be a very dedicated troll at DE who tries to "save" that "functionality" of the trollkor..


    I could go on here but I decided not to rage that much.


    I simply ask, does DE care at all? For instance, is that quick thinking bug going to be fixed, ever?

  11. People loved it for the infested thing we had a while back. I had an interesting experience with the Stalker showing up in the mist, and now that was fun!

    Quite interesting what some people consider fun!


    Every time I say to myself: "Wow, that's THE most stupid, boring grind anyone could imagine!" ...DE proves me wrong, again.

  12. Isn't it simply answered by the lack of purpose of most of starchart nodes? Isn't it obvious that people don't want to run random nodes that have no rewards? I don't run it because I want to run other things. If the rewards are scattered, I'd be glad to run them. Just because even millions and millions play a game, it doesn't mean they will do any of the nodes provided in the starchart. if something isn't giving you the right reward, you wouldn't play it. They are people too, they aren't just brainless playerbase.


    The entire focus of purpose and objectives change, and the way people choose missions will be so much different. I'm looking forward to the update a lot.

    Well, I don't know how it is clustered, but sometimes there are only 2-3 groups even for helene, and nothing for draco as an example, which, assuming "millions" of players, would mean that players are clustered on different physical or virtual servers, which would not be a bad thing, except THEN you see those ghost towns, whereas if all mission creations/joining would go over one system, assuming even only ...100k players, you would never see any mission without people playing it.


    So as it stands, either there are just a handful of people playing WF, or DE can't manage the players in a meaningful way, thereby creating those ghost towns themself.

  13. Bouncing friendlies has been "fixed", as good as DE usually does that.


    As an addition to this thread:

    ANYONE can still bounce friendlies if the blast affects the user as well,

    meaning, if you use a trollkor and you get bounced, then any friendly in range will get bounced as well.


    Considering the original mechanic of the trollkor, and now that, there seems to be a very dedicated troll amongst the DE staff...

  14. Why hasn't DE employed you on their payroll yet?

    They only have interns for vital game design decisions because they thought it's not that important.

    Same goes for netcode and anything related to performance and stability.

    The only non-interns are probably in the art department, though artists tend to deliver good work even without payment, so not really sure here.

  15. As someone who mostly plays with a full group of 4 (friends) anyways, I rarely see empty missions, which are not that bad to start with.


    The reality of the situation is, you get the play the same tileset under a different node-name with the same gametype multiple times, and that's it. It's only an illusion of variety.

    The only thing this allows is to fragment the playerbase completely.


    Nodes are dead. Desolated. Nobody touches them. Zero. Nada. Players trying to advance can't do crap, because their frame is not good enough to solo, and there is nobody to team with, unless we are talking about 30minute wait times at BEST.


    Shrinking the starchart is needed. No other way around it.

    It is absolutely incredible how many people here have this combination of not knowing, and an extremely firm believe that what they think is right, others would call it trolling.


    - New players have no problem leveling up, if they are halfway smart.

    - There is no problem getting to Helene on Saturn, though you'd need to know that this mission is so highly frequentet.

    (I for myself had help unlocking all planets, but really anyone can get to/through the initial Vor quest and through mars.)

    - Solo is a bit hard in this game sometimes, but this is not a solo game, you should have a clan/alliance and use those chats, and there will be people to help you out if you need something, if not, go get another clan.

    - Yes, there are just a few mission (helene, draco, seimeni, ...) that are highly frequented, plus at least one defense/survival per planet and the boss ofc, which is ok, if you want to do all nodes on a planet, go get some friends or a stealth frame, it's that simple.

    - On another note regarding "progress", yes, this games trade "system" is a joke at best, as DE apparently likes trolling, but that's another story.


    It is true that roughly 80% of all nodes are rarely played, but that is not a serious problem, there are much more important things to fix.

    Like the ultra stupid way orokin reactors/catalysts work (making any weapon and most frames outright useless without them) and the fact how intentionally rare they are, is a much more crippling factor, well, some people are just that greedy, I wonder why no one complains on that...


    Limiting access to bosses, frame drops, and efficient resource/key farming to once in a blue moon, would kill this game, full stop.

  16. You are the Troll here. Anyone playing this game right now can just try the shield and it will work just like that.


    And thank you, you just gave me evidence that you are spreading false information.

    Especially for your highborn uninformedness, I will say it again:

    The (well balanced) way Volts shield worked (for a long, long time) was changed, and the damage bonus nerfed to nothingness.

    In fact, the first shield now provides only mediocre bonus, whereas instead of a totally linear (cause of the additive nature) damage increase with every shield, you will now only notice the 2nd, 3rd, ...even 10th shield only if you note down the numbers and look very closely.


    It was perfectly in line with other frames damage boost abilities (like mirage), just a bit harder to utilize, now its worth nothing anymore.

    Yes, you were able to get some 10x times the damage out of your weapon just by giving up mobility and casting a dozen times in that you were not shooting, getting even slightly higher damage bonus as mirage could, who just had to stay close and push one button from time to time, and effects abilities as well and not only weapons.

    (This was not related to exploit/bug mentioned in the patch notes.)




    Now come on please and share the hard facts and proof that what I just said is all wrong and you are right...

    Oh, you can't?! How surprising!

  17. Seriously? you are already presented with proof and now you're resorting to calling people troll. I'm reporting mod to just close this thread, too many people have wasted their time for this non sense.

    I am sorry, but I am still not falling for your lowly trolling attempts, but just in case you really did not understand:

    The general way how volts shield amplified damage since a very long time (+50% stacking per shield, +one-time-non-stacking-crit-bonus) was changed along with that fix for the exploit that came up lately (that was referred to in the patch notes).

    Change here actually means nerfed to nothingness.

    The Trollkor/Penta thread and fix are totally unrelated to this, too.


    And again, your trolling attempt was really, really bad, I actually feel sorry for you as I kind of say to myself there is a solid chance you did not try to troll but indeed did not understand, even though I know that's not possible.

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