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Posts posted by Taipion

  1. Stability, that's one simple word, and something that is THAT BAD in warframe, I would not expect that of an early alpha!


    On top of that, it looks like it would have been avoidable, which makes this incredibly embarrassing.


    It constantly happens that a mission crashes before it actually starts loading (client crashs, restart client) THREE TIMES! But only if you do it solo, but it then miraculously loads and runs fine without any problem ever...

    And then when doing something in a group, chances of loading without crash are completely different.


    I guess something in the direction of (pre)caching stuff before loading it... which really can't be that hard.


    The fact that this problem is around for quite a while only makes it worse.


    For instance, If I play with 3 of my friends, we can do 1 of 3 missions normally, whereas in 2 of 3 cases someone crashes, loses connection and so on... can it be that hard to write a reliable netcode?!

    The basic concept of how a multiplayer sessions in warframe works is pretty bad btw, but that's another story.



    And there are just so many things that are not even technical problems but very bad game design decisions... just look at that great new way to practice mastery-rank missions, you honestly need to:

    - select the relay

    - load the relay (and pray you get there without a crash)

    - bear the "cinematic" which is NOT optional and NOT skipable

    - run through the whole level to the exact opposite side

    - take some time to find the (not labeled) test you are looking for


    Now, if you want to do it again, you need to do most of that stuff again, as you come out of a test you have to watch the unskipable "docking at realay cinematic", again, and run through the whole damn thing, again.


    Who, I meam, what human being with a halfway sane mind would wilfully implement it like that?!

    Oh, and guess what steps are necessary if you want to play with different loadouts on those test...



    This whole game is all around on a level of an early alpha, and there are apparently many things the devs of this game need to learn.

    Please do so, as I am probably stuck here due to my friends for some time, I'd really love to see those very avoidable and highly embarrassing things fixed, thanks.

  2. Sure, this is free to play,

    sure, things like daily login rewards can be good to "motivate" people to spend cash.

    (heard you can only get the 75% discount once, now that IS stupid o.O)


    But IF you want money, you need to hook players up, you need to make them feel good for loggin in, even if it is a tiny reward.

    Giving out 2400 xp or so where you can easily make 100 times that much in one mission is absolutely pointless!

    This feels demotivating, makes you feel you lost, before you even started playing, that is just NOT the way to go.


    - give out varying quantities of (rare) ressources, make sure not to give stuff that the player already has tons of

    - (rare) chance of small ammounts of platin

    - chance of prime/warframe parts

    - other things that make sense and do not demotivate the player

  3. If you are in the middle of that quest line, that thing (and ordis) are talking every time you enter the liset, every fking time.

    It is kind of embarassing how such a bug can get into a live version, but DE seems to be very much into embarassing themself lately, maybe someone should show them how to balance stuff and such...


    Anyway, is there an option to mute him besides muting everything? Speech level did nothing.


    And @DE: the new Ordis talks are, unlike the old ones, rather annoying.


    Not to speak of that there is such a sanctuary scanning target in every missing, and hearing that annoying simaris repeat the exact same lines every ...every time, just no.

  4. Working again now, just my luck I guess...


     [edit:] There should be an ingame link for support, having to go to the website manually is kind of outdated and bad design.

  5. ...finally got home and was just about opening a support ticket because of that horrible patch, but guess what, I can't acces the support via this website, is that normal? Any ETA on this? Also, is there a sub forum for things like that?

  6. Looks like almost everyone simply took it for its huge dps...


    I for myself took it because of its ammo efficiency, and how you could constantly fire for about a minute without reloading,

    which made it a perfect sidearm for a main weapon with bad ammo efficiency.

  7. TL;DR:

    Keep the weapons main traits, that are:

    - ammo efficiency

    - constant, long time shooting

    - short range

    - good status chance


    And just balance the damage, which should still be MORE than all other syndicate weapons due to:

    - short range

    - limiting innate magnetic damage

    - no special on-hit-effects


    The current "fix" turns the weapon upside down regarding its characteristic traits and purpose!



    And now here the full read for those who care:


    Do I need to say I just bought it like two days ago for platinum? (like surely many other people did before)


    I have not played the update yet due to being buisy with work, but before I do, I gotta file a ticket to support demanding my platinum back for that unannouced removal (= not usable anymore, not for what it was intended) of something that I payed for!

    As well as the formas I already put into it... not that they would really matter at all.



    Dear DE, I have seen some horrible game design decisions over the years and games that I played, and it happens to even the best of developers, sometimes because they just listen to those who are crying the loudest, sometimes because of money, and sometimes it is just bad luck coming together.


    The first and most important step is to admit that you made a mistake, that does earn you the trust of your customers in the long run, and is a very important action.


    Second thing to do is fixing stuff, in this case, start again at how the Synoid Gammacore was, look at its characteristic traits (that are = long, continous fire / good ammo efficiency / good status chance / short ranged but good damage), and what was wrong (that was = too high damage in comparison to other weapons of that tier).


    The easiest and most straightforward "nerf" to adjust balancing would be to simply reduce the base damage of the (pre patch) Synoid Gammacore, it should still be more than other syndicate weapons, as its range is very limited, but not as much higher as it used to be, so to say maybe 20% more (assuming maximum possible sustained dps) instead of 100% more than say a vaykor marelok.

  8. If you read your own text again, don't you feel how op Synoid Gammacor was? Is there any weapon, not even only secondary, in the game that have such op characteristics? Is there any weapon that can fire 1 minute straight, and only consume 75 ammo? Amprex has 20 rounds/second and no one and no one crys Amprex is useless.

    Yea, Amprex annihilates whole groups of mobs with one shot if used right, that is something that the gammacore never could.

    Either your ability to read, or your understanding of the game prevent you from supplying anything useful to this discussion, so please refrain from further embarassing yourself, thanks.

  9. Synoid Gammacore:


    x7.5 Ammo consumption AND reduced magazine?! Seriously?


    This is not only nerfing the weapon from "short-range, single target, overkill" to "completely useless", it as well REVERSES the main trait of this weapon and the main reason to use it:
    AMMO EFFICIENCY + Constant relaxed 1 minute nonstop firering


    Do I need to say I just bought it like two days ago for platinum? (like surely many other people did over the years)


    I have not played the update yet due to being buisy with work, but before I do, I gotta file a ticket to support demanding my platinum back for that unannouced removal (= not usable anymore, not for what it was intended) of something that I payed for!

    As well as the formas I already put into it... not that they would really matter at all.



    Dear DE, I have seen some horrible game design decisions over the years and games that I played, and it happens to even the best of developers, sometimes because they just listen to those who are crying the loudest, sometimes because of money, and sometimes it is just bad luck coming together.


    The first and most important step is to admit that you made a mistake, that does earn you the trust of your customers in the long run, and is a very important action.


    Second thing to do is fixing stuff, in this case, start again at how the Synoid Gammacore was, look at its characteristic traits (that are = long, continous fire / good ammo efficiency / good status chance / short ranged but good damage), and what was wrong (that was = too high damage in comparison to other weapons of that tier).


    The easiest and most straightforward "nerf" to adjust balancing would be to simply reduce the base damage of the (pre patch) Synoid Gammacore, it should still be more than other syndicate weapons, as its range is very limited, but not as much higher as it used to be, so to say maybe 20% more (assuming maximum possible sustained dps) instead of 100% more than say a vaykor marelok.

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