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Posts posted by Etan-gK

  1. see, I'm having issues more with the lore behind this space boil, konzu says his uncle was on a trading thing (lets call it a relay) that got blindsided by the boil right? and we know it only takes one rouge spore to start an infestation infestation. so they jettisoned the escape pods so nobody could leave the relay and spread the infection right? Now, what if there were already spores on the escape pods and they grew into these malevolent traveling boils, maybe that's exactly what the plan was, infect the relay, have them launch escape pods, which grow into traveling boils to spread the infection, I mean, an escape pod would already be programmed to b-line it to a planet, so it makes sense to infect them and have the crew launch the soon-to-be space boils themselves.

    in any case, we'll probably be seeing more of these boils in the future on other open world maps on other planets

  2. 15 hours ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    And said rewards were what again, a sigil and a decoration? Ya, because you would be inferior if you didn't get those, right?

    yes, because me, and everybody else like me, and you know there's a bunch of collectors out there, feel a need to collect everything,


    like I said, it doesn't matter if it's exclusive content or the dumbest looking item in the game, if we can get it, we want it,

    now, I'm willing to put up with no small amount of S#&$ to get an item, but putting PvE items, (especially timed exclusives and decorations), behind a syndicate esque grind wall in conclave is a good way to turn people off of warframe

  3. 3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Yamanishi1 said:


    So... My suggestion is let everybody happy! I'm not talking about exclusive important content or items there... Alerts with conclave matchs would be great! Something optional that really rewards you and could be separated by Conclave levels as Sindicate missions does to avoid the situation related to noobs against pros and vice-versa. Regarding ping/host advantage... This already exist in a dozen of other games, PvP players know that they need to deal with this.

    "PvP players know that they need to deal with this."

    and what about the rest of us huh? I guess the community that doesn't play PvP just doesn't matter then.


    separating conclave alert rewards by rank like the syndicates would only make it worse since now there would be exclusive PvE content locked behind a reputation grind wall, in conclave

    all the veteran conclave players would be lumped together and everybody else would be thrown into one large pool, so you'd end up with a group that only plays PvP and doesn't care about the rest of the game and so doesn't need the higher level PvE rewards, and the rest would be lumped into the laggy rage-fest that comes from forcing PvE players into PvP, these people would be stuck grinding for the lowest level rewards in a game-mode they don't like and don't play

    And before you come back with that old "well nobody's forced to play conclave so they can't complain about the game-mode"

    it doesn't matter if it's exclusive content or the dumbest looking syndana in the game, if it can be gotten, people will want it, locking anything behind a game-mode nobody asked for is dumb

    and yes, I've played those (thankfully) few PvP alerts we did have, and they were laggy rage-fests that nobody enjoyed, like the snowball thing, people played their matches got their reward and never touched the game-mode again * slow clap* yup, really convinced people to stay and breath life into the PvP mode

    Warframe is a PvE focused game that just so happens to have a PvP mode shoehorned in that very, very few people play. locking PvE content behind a grind wall in a game-mode nobody plays is a great way to turn players off of Warframe. Leave conclave content in conclave and PvE content in PvE


  4. *sigh* this thread again,

    no, we don't want or need content locked behind a game-mode that was shoehorned in just to please an extremely small sub-set of the community

    we've had events that had items locked behind conclave, nobody was happy, PvE players felt forced into a game-mode they didn't like and more experienced conclave players were unhappy about the influx of players who didn't know what they were doing.

    couple those feeling with garbage ping/host advantage that conclave brings (especially with an influx of people who don't usually play the mode) and it just makes for a bad time had by all

  5. sooooo...since these infested boils are clearly coming from somewhere, and with force, there must be a source right? some kind of huge malevolent infested space boil, (an entire infested/living planet?) that just flinging these boils into space in the hopes of hitting something and spreading the space aids to other planets and systems.

    with that in mind, wouldn't it be prudent to try and find this source and kill that, otherwise more space boils are just going to keep getting let loose on the universe

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