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Posts posted by XtheMATTx

  1. The problem is: exactly when will it be released?  I want to know the exact hour, because since Ontario in Canada is 6h back than Europe CEST, i might not be able to get my hands on the update before friday. Because i'm sure as hell that DE will release it around 18pm which will result in midnight where i live.

    Since when did they add 6 hours to the day!?!?

  2. Starving...


    2 years have passed, and apart from an amazing mission rework (thank you mr Whirrrrr), we've been starving...


    A myth, I tell you! Stealth 2.0 is a myth! However, a weak light of hope is still shining in the eyes of the members of the darker part of our community... The part who prefers to make it look like it was an accident...The part the enemy is unaware of...


    Suddenly, a spark! Briefly seen in a recent devstream, an unexpected mod blew us away. It...It would make our work a lot easier! It would make Infiltration way more viable! It...


    It was Covert lethality.


    Nevertheless, a little detail raised the eyebrows of some of us : a dagger only mode? What the Hek?...


    I can understand that daggers need some love & I heard here and there that it's used in rpg's or stuff for Stealth play.


    HOWEVER, I don't get it : you're telling me that a dagger to the throat has 100% chance to kill unaware enemies, meanwhile we're not sure if a hammer 4 times the size of their head will give them more than a headache?


    Meanwhile a neck-breaking move with our Kogake will neutralize them?


    Meanwhile a sword, piercing the guy from the back to the front will give him more than a tickle?






    Threads about Stealth :


    - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/3930-stealth-feedback-suggestions-thread/

    (It's been archived? Noooooooooo)


    - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/394960-stealth-20-quality-of-life/


    - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/494221-will-de-ever-fix-stealth/


    Thank you for reading.

    you should google the definition of Covert before you make a meaningless thread.

  3. U17Dev_Timeline.jpg

    well we can see J3-Golem is 100% not U17 and they said its ganna be U17.5 but Valkyr skin is on unconfirmed list if it is U17 soo if i would to place my bets i think for it to be U17 is around 40-60% for u17 but if its not U17 then its 90% going to be U17.5

    That list really needs to be updated.

  4. Actually, they'd make one helm out of three parts, and just hide one half of it while a single form is active, and show both halves during the balance form.


    That's pretty much how the current transformation works - they're not model swapping the frame, they're just unhiding whats already there on the form switch.

    Actually, you're wrong. The two different frames have two different meshes.




    That's the point. Yesterday there already was a link to the next part that hinted on its content (parkour). The same was true two days ago - link to the upcoming teaser read "#jump". Now there's no link to the tomorrow teaser. I think that's quite suspicious.

    So even if we won't have U17 tomorrow, teaser may show something new and/or unexpected.


    Read what Letter13 said, they update the code daily. 

  6. welcome U 17 (hopefully tomorrow, everything else starts getting worse after nearly 8 month and no changes)


    if we get new planets / systems, environment im shure i hype again after more then a year of playing and all primepacks and more of more ^^)


    i for shure welcome the new things in U 17 when i was able to expirience them ... and then i will share again what i feel


    best wishes (^^

    u17 WILL NOT come tomorrow. It may not even come wednesday, delays can happen you know.

  7. Since the void trader brought old event weapons this week (vandal prova and machete wraith). Do you think we could get some even older event/speciality weapons I.E. the Snipetron Vandal (and regular) and the Braton Vandal?

    snipetron vandal and braton vandal are never coming back, sorry.

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