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Posts posted by XtheMATTx

  1. the old arcane helms ARE tradable.


    Why would you trade syandanes with other people?

    You buy them with either 50p or 75p, and then what? You going to sell those cheaper or more expensive then the current market?


    Trade is for in-game obtainable items, not for stuff obtainable by direct plat purchase.

    And since you can trade the arcane enhancements, you dont need to worry if they buy the cosmetics.

    Dang, the art of not reading is strong with this one.

  2. I am not an AMD user, but I got a lot of performance issues !!!

    I got LOW fps and HUGE fps drops, freezes on user interface and in the game.

    Since DE choose to introduce CONSOLES in the party !! this game became a MESS !! Sorry about that, but I am a bit &!$$ed off right now !!

    STOP adding content and FIX THIS BASE FIRST, your stack more and more bugs !!! and this game becomes unplayable and unfixable !!!

    I don't know what you run after DE but leave it for a while and focus on the basics !!! FIX THIS GAME PLIZ!!!


    My RIG

    CPU: 4930k

    8g ram

    SLI NVidia 780TI EVGA Classified

    Display: BENQ 2420T

    Windows 7 64 bit pro



    You do realize that the console version is 100% COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the PC version right? Consoles in no way affect PC gamers.

  3. Still no fix for people who don't appreciate all the hard work you guys do to create such an amazing game.


    But seriously though, I;m loving this game and you guys (DE) are the best company out there for this and some of us can definitely tell that you put a lot of time and love into this.


    Looking forward to the future!



    sorry for the caps but i get pissed off reading all these "I wanna go fast"


    If you want to go fast play freaking solo and stop stealing fun from other players who actually want to enjoy the content of the game instead of rushing to the finish of everything.


    DE did not create this game wanting everyone to rush as fast as they can, coptering shouldnt have even existed as it is a bug. so all you people relying on coptering and going fast to be good at the game. I laugh at you.

  5. From dev stream 50 we learn Teshin is an Orokin (obviously). However we know Lotus is responsible in some way for ordering the Tenno to kill the Orokin race, so now that we know that does that make Teshin (and possibly lotus) the last surviving Orokins. Space mom killed his family he's mad obviously, yet he still wants to harness the Tenno and make them stronger. Why?

    The lotus did not order the tenno to kill the orokin race. Teshin just blames her for not getting the tenno ready completely for fighting the sentinents.


    And if you knew anything, you would know the sentinents were coming back in U17.

  6. When are DE gonna ruin speeding through missions forever for me?


    I heard its U17 or so, but are they in return gonna make the warframes faster?


    I'm also hearing that they changing sliding too.  Wth is going on?



    I got a feeling i'm gonna be moving like frost no matter who I pick in a few months. :(

    From what i understand, they dont like the idea that everyone is rushing the missions as fast as they can.

  7. I would like to be the first to welcome all of you Frost Prime players to the Unified Frost Prime Coalition. This is a Frost Prime Union for all players who are tired of feeling under appreciated while using Frost Prime in defense missions.





    The Unified Frost Prime Coalition bylaws:


    1. This Union is for Frost Primes only. Regular Frost is still obtainable and is under private sector, non-union coverage. Sorry standard Frost.


    2. Frost Prime is allowed 1 Union mandated break (No Snow Globe) during every 10 waves of defense to be taken at Frost Primes discretion and shall last the duration of one wave.


    3. Frost Prime must announce to his/her team members that they are taking their union mandated break.


    4. During the break, Frost Prime may only focus on self preservation and NOT provide a Snow Globe. He/she may still assist in killing, but it is not required during the break.


    5. If there is more than one Frost Prime in a game, breaks may not be taken at the same time. 


    6. Frost Prime may not be fired/flamed unless he/she fails to provide a Snow Globe for 3 consecutive waves, or extends their union breaks. 


    7. Union members provide health benefits to themselves and other members by providing team health restores.




    Before you let the flames fly, understand that this is meant to be fun and to make the no long obtainable Frost Prime that much more special. Bylaws are a work in progress so if you have bylaw suggestions, please post them.


    If you would like to be a member of the UFPC, please just start taking your union, well earned, breaks during missions and remember to follow the bylaws 

    Inb4 OP realizes that frost prime is coming back in the next major update. 


    Im literally laughing right now lol.

  8. People are beginning to say on PC that ember is the next frame to be removed how she was after frost, and excali was first to go, then frost, now i just want someone to easy my headache and please tell me that she isnt gonna be removed still havent got the bp for her. I know this may sound stupid but some people as i have stated above say she is the most likely one to go next. This is about the prime version to be clear.

    Mag prime came out before ember. So if anything it would be mag.

  9. I started this post as an interest in becoming a guide, not to fish out negativity. I've been helping out players long before guides of the lotus was thought up. I like the idea and would like to be a part of the community. If your only posts are negativity, bring it to another forum, please.

    Also. You still going about it the wrong way. Those that became guides didnt beg for it or ask for it, they were designated. 

  10. DE, i implore you to consider alternate methods for consideration on how to become a guide on console. Most players don't use the forums. In fact, most console gamers, myself included, don't even own a pc. I'm using my phone to type this post up.

    I know I'm not the only one, but i frequently take time out of the game to teach new players how to play. I've taught them wall running, void secrets, how mods, polarity, and formas work, how to establish if a weapon should be a status based, critical based, or raw damage build. I've explained most aspects of the game. However, I do not taxi. I teach players how to be self sufficient. I do not play the game for them.

    I currently have 1390 hours of gameplay, and am on for several hours/day, usually daily. I will continue to tabu new players, but feel I am a strong candidate to be a guide.

    I stopped reading after your second sentence. You're obviously able to use the forums otherwise you wouldnt have posted this.


    Just stop and think about your first two sentences for a second...

  11. Hate to break it to you , but they increased the drop rates , some people are even saying that it's 100% drop chance now. I've gotten 3 G3 sigils and a Stalker sigil , I flipped my S#&$ and felt blessed by RNGesus , but I knew it was too good to be true (Well it is true.). Oh well, I'm just happy to have the Stalker sigil and all of it's sick glory.

    Its definitely NOT increased. Killed stalker at least 20 times this week, all i got were despairs. EVERY TIME.

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