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Posts posted by Vanist

  1. I'd pay cash for it, do I hear the cha-ching of limbo prime with matching prime Cane and umbrella gun? He'd be classy AFdeaqw.jpg

    Also on another note, does anyone else hear the Song " I got friends on the other side!" from Disney's princess and the Frog while playing him? He reminds me so much of the top hat bad juju guy...

  2. Its cool to see DE do that for their fans.


    Although everyone has to remember, this was done by constructive criticism and asking for the change and giving suggestions of what DE could do. It did NOT come about from all the rage posting, spamming and toxicity.

    I agree, it was not my intention to fuel a war, but to advocate a non violent protest and fight for change! Thats why I made the post, some took it too far, others tried to derail it. In the end I think I made my point, as well as many other in the community. I am glad to see its worked out, and that the Company remembers its fans and heeds the player base.

  3. As some of you may remember, I recently posted a forum topic 2 days ago, complaining about the oversight of the prime accessories pack being excluded the kubrow gene masking kit and forcing accessory pack users to buy another pack to get the full kubrow. Over the two days I was hardhearted to see so little from the DE's and even see many of my supported get banned in-game for flaming the chat into the game. ( Keep it civil guys! or we cant be taken seriously)


    (this was not my intention I wanted peaceful protesting and our voice to be heard by the DE's, not a violent witch-hunt.) https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/540207-des-have-responded-they-have-fixed-prime-access/

    I was overwhelmed by how many supported my idea and cause to have the prime access changed. 40,000+ views and over 850+ replies later the DE's had finally locked my thread due to white knights pushing the topic in the wrong direction. I was worried that would be it............... Until now..........


    Nearly 2 hours after they locked my thread the DE's have sided with the community and we are getting our just rewards people! They have announced ( in a thread I'm linking below) to give us the prime gene kit in the exclusive bundle as well so now u can get the full cosmetics in the 50 USD$ exclusive prime access pack, just as we could get the previous cosmetics in the last 2. The DE's have listened and besides the initial issue, I am very pleased to see that they have listened to us and shown they do care about the community. I have retracted my refund request and am very pleased.



    Today the community has won, but let us not forget its the DE's who listened, proving that they care about us and this game as much as we do. Otherwise this sort of change never would have come about, so give you praise and thanks to the Warframe and Digital Extremes for listening to the community and making this game great together!


    (update for clarity)

    Remember guys, this wasnt a war on the DE's or the game, but our chance to voice ourselves and show our love for them and this game, and push when things are unjust and express ourselves, NOT to pit ourselves against those who give us such great content. But rather let them know when we feel its not up to par and have it corrected, this time they have exactly this..

  4. You're welcome... Seriously though... All this crying about prime access is ridiculous. It's been going on two full days now.

    From people who feel they have been cheated from digital content in a free to play (core) game... It's pretty sad.

    If it wasn't for platinum and prime access packs, how would DE be able to provide anywhere near the amount of support they have given this game?

    and if they continue to milk us and ask for more money for less quality eventually they will lose all funding and support. This isnt a complaint about paying for goods. It is a complaint that they are cutting the quality and quantity of those goods and expecting you to pay more for less. We are demanding they keep PA what it was in previous releases and keep the quality and of the goods fair. Otherwise there is no point in paying them, and this game goes under.

  5. First of all, that's just plain rude. That's like me saying your opinion doesn't matter because you bought the Blessing pack. Wrong and disrespectful.

    Second of all, some people do not speak English as a first language.

    Third of all, your arguments this entire thread have been focused on demonizing anyone who disagrees with you. Just because you think they're going against DE. Lord forbid anyone offer some honest feedback concerning their business practices, right?

    I eagerly await the inevitable pruning of your posts.

    lol this is why i ignored that guy, i wont even bother responding to his grammar nazi accusations, im going to stay on topic and keep this about the DE's short sighted marketing not my English skill base


    Hey Tenno,
    We understand there are some concerns regarding the current offerings of the Kavasa Kubrow items and the way they were distributed in the Trinity Prime Access packs.
    To give you some background, the Kavasa Prime Armor was placed in the Accessories pack to mirror Sentinel cosmetics in past Prime Accessories. The comparison being the base Prime companion visuals (Skin + Collar) are part of the core packs in the same way the full Carrier Prime was offered in a previous Prime Access. That said, we cannot make adjustments to the Trinity Prime Access offerings. 
    We do however want to assure you that discussions of how to better place Kubrow related items will come about in future PAs. With your feedback in mind their grouping in the packs will be reassessed. 


    I find this to be a regrettable circumstance, I think its time i request a refund.

  7. This community is terrible. Bunch of people complain about how DE is trying to MAKE MONEY after they have already given YOU this FREE 2 PLAY game AND all of the updates with new weapons, levels, warframes, etc... ALL FOR FREE.

    So DE does one thing every 3 months to try and make some money and the community jumps down their throat for what they feel is "unfair"?... "Underhanded"?... "Bait and switch"?... For real guys, if you all are so hard up for some accessories and such then I think you need to reevaluate your priorities...

    DE probably can't even pay one of their developers a days salary from 1 purchase of both Prime Access packs...

    Idk but I think anyone complaining about this Prime Access rotation is being a bit selfish.

    if they want our money they should be good to its users and community and keep the packs the way they have always been. (real exclusives in the exlcusive pack and 2 prime items and a prime frame in the main bundle and rotation.) You can argue all you like that where being unfair, but id love to see how fast you're responses turn sour when they do something you don't like. The bottum line is that they anonymously changed how they've done there PA packs this time, in a way that not only seems cheap, but shady. Before we pay for this pack, ( and if they fix it ill continue to support them) they should rectify this and make the packs like they used to. As  stated i bought the last 2  packs, they where fair, balanced, and I had no complaints. But this here AGAIN is not about us hating DE's or saying the games terrible now. Its about knowledging a sever oversight and lack of community respect that IF WE AS A PEOPLE do not catch and fight, could continue to get worse until this game is a broken mess of random ideas spewed out to general cash then a fluid game full of great content and gameplay.

  8. It's mostly been people expressing why it bothers them, derails aside lol.  We probably just need to keep reminding people not to get mad and just be constructive.  Wait till we get a response, and just keep pressing the issue till then.

    exactly! if we don't let this go and get swept under the rug then they have to listen to us!

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