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Posts posted by Vanist

  1. Gonna say this only once, I've seen enough MR 19-20's that feel there the elite superiors to anyone under MR 15 to see why there so much hate on HIGH MR's. Bottom line is you got a lot of good people, and a lot of egotistical people who take there MR as a status symbol and expect it to mean something like you should be revered and have the authority to walk all over anyone whos under your rank becuase aparently MR = skill and superiority to most. 

    Me personally i find this to be simply untrue. I run a 600 man moon clan with no one offline longer then 30 days, we accept ALL master ranks and host 5 daily raids and 1 daily nightmare. ON ced runs we take people as low as MR 3 and HAVE NOT failed a single run in 2 months. We even mentor these low MR's so they become strong productive players that can run the raids and obtain the gear. In fact 1 in 4 newbs we recruit ends up MR 10+ by the end of there first month playing Warframe. 

    In all i feel this disproves the notion that  high master ranks = skill, or that lowbie master ranks cant do runs. I feel the real issue lies in the people, setting up these steriotypes of MR = status and judging people simply by a number that doesn't mean more then the number of trades you have an what weapons you can access. I myself have been sitting at Master rank 13 for 5 months now, I have ALL prime Warframe classes and I have the ones without primes atm as well (including equin/atlas/etc, also i have all primes except founders) and despite having all of them with 2-5 forma and potato's I've still only earned enough affinity to reach MR 13 and I've even maxed 60+ weapons. So does this mean I'm a newb compared to a MR20? Or does this simply mean they wasted more time maxing weapons then I have. The bottom line is we need to stop looking at Mastery ranks entirely and look at the people, what they have, and how effectively they use it. An if they suck at using something, then mentor and teach them how to use it properly. Don't hoard knowledge and tricks and dont insult or ban newbs from your groups, instead share your knowledge and help them so the community gets strong and we have fewer inexperienced players rather then ignoring them and keeping them inexperienced..

  2. hard to believe i started this thread yesterday and its still going strong, still i'm glad to see both sides pushing. I encourage those white knighting to speak there mind, but I assure you. No matter how insignificant the gene kit is, the mere act of doing this is clearly unjust and we are pushing not to  flame the DE's but to encourage a change so the customers are not  scammed and the game keeps some of its integrity

  3. On a hunch, I checked Reddit...


    Here we have the pre-change PA page, complete with 'misleading Kubrow':


    seriously spread this messege into reddit please, get us more support! spread this all over the web! make them notice!

    I thought the point of this thread originally,

    Was to voice a concern over principle at stake by excluding masking kit (cosmetic) from Prime Accessories, creating Prime Access exclusive on top of Prime Accessories exlcusive

    other than profile icons

    Somehow it derailed to misleading pictures???

    really hes helping make our point more valid.. the false advertising and so on

  4. I agree. I am happy to see the "white knights" mostly hiding behind clem on this one too. 

    Hah, you could say I'm a white knight of the people! But really, DE's I hope your listening to these people. We love warframe and we love you guys! But please don't take advantage of that love, gamer's can be cruel and fickle sometimes. If we don't like where a games heading we will move onto better ones. Id rather see that the community is appreciated and answered for things like this rather then ignored or swept under the rug, because we as a community will remember your actions.

  5. I am afraid this thread will be locked soon on the account of dev bashing or lack of constructive criticism, which will be sad. 


    I agree with previous poster on prices as well, I have said time and time again that there needs to be more balance between the grind and prices. 

    Heres to hoping its not locked, its not my intent to DE bash or even start a riot. I simply want us to voice ourselves and speak up, fight for change and keep warframe the fun, fair, and open game its been. To be honest if a DE silences us now then to me that shows there scared of equality and truth. If that happens then i will truely lose my faith in this game. I want to know that they care and listen to us, and want what we want, fun and equality. I pray they listen and heed this warning, before there game and the community suffers for it.

  6. What they should do is offer refunds to everyone who bought any of the packages, delete any items/plat they received from it and amend the pack. It has to be done on this scale because if the gene masking kit was merely moved to accesories or included in-game when crafting the collar those who bought the pack solely for the gene masking kit would complain to no end (and that would cause more unhappiness).


    Sure it's sounds ludicrous and from a business perspective is a scary concept losing so much money but if it was fixed then everyone would rebuy what they bought before + more people would be willing to buy content.


    It's logical and beneficial on both ends. Even if DE was money grabbing doing the above would lead to more people willing to purchase content which means more income and the players themselves get what they want/should deserve for their value and everyone's happy.

    see now this i can really get behind! i support it

  7. It's really not that hard, though. Anyone who bought the dog gets to keep it. That's easy enough. Now move it to the other pack so that anyone who buys the accessory pack gets the gene masking kit and it comes out of the Well of Life pack. Problem solved.




    Yes, it's worth quitting the game. This wasn't a mistake, and that is further enforced by the lack of a change to the Packs, and instead a change to the FAQ. As @Acidulant stated, it's less about the colors and it's more a matter of principle. If the expected behavior is constant money-grabbing, even if it's for just a single cosmetic (that costs $50, by the way), then it's an ecosystem that I'd rather not be a part of and DE is a company I'd rather not support. It's that simple.

    yucess, on 06 Oct 2015 - 7:34 PM, said:snapback.png

    Is it a bad move on DE's part? Yes


    Is it worth quitting the game? At worst it's a money grab (which I always considered Prime Access to be anyway), at best its a mistake. While I will not support DE's decision, threatening to quit the game over colors seem petty and will not change the developper's opinions. Calmly state how it is wrong and not buying the pack or ask for a refund if you already done so seems to be a much better solution.

    This was infact my intent, not to rage or quit, but to voice this injustice. I want it fixed, but I'm not quitting over it. I will try to get my money back or fight them on it if I can, however a rage quit was never my intention nor stated by me at all. In video games its the community that matters, and the developers may make the games, but if they want us to play them, then they should heed us. ( remember the outcry in mass effect 3 that got the ending improved? ( if only slightly) I feel if we voice ourselves strongly enough, they will listen.

  8. Is it a bad move on DE's part? Yes


    Is it worth quitting the game? At worst it's a money grab (which I always considered Prime Access to be anyway), at best its a mistake. While I will not support DE's decision, threatening to quit the game over colors seem petty and will not change the developper's opinions. Calmly state how it is wrong and not buying the pack or ask for a refund if you already done so seems to be a much better solution.

    This was infact my intent, not to rage or quit, but to voice this injustice. I want it fixed, but I'm not quitting over it. I will try to get my money back or fight them on it if I can, however a rage quit was never my intention nor stated by me at all. In video games its the community that matters, and the developers may make the games, but if they want us to play them, then they should heed us. ( remember the outcry in mass effect 3 that got the ending improved? ( if only slightly) I feel if we voice ourselves strongly enough, they will listen.

  9. You cant even see that thing, let alone most ppl use invisible when holstered due clipping. Oh wauw, cant believe i would say this ever in my life, but i miss EA's cut content DLC. In this case EA is millions of lightyears ahead of DE. Heck even destiny's DLC are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy superior.

    Funny i was just comparing it to this in a earlier post. Seriously in all up till now I've had 0 complaints about Warframe, I even supported the mesa and mag nerfs, but this seems extremely unjust.

  10. Gonna say this only once, I've seen enough MR 19-20's that feel there the elite superiors to anyone under MR 15 to see why there so much hate on HIGH MR's. Bottom line is you got a lot of good people, and a lot of egotistical people who take there MR as a status symbol and expect it to mean something like you should be revered and have the authority to walk all over anyone whos under your rank becuase aparently MR = skill and superiority to most. 

    Me personally i find this to be simply untrue. I run a 600 man moon clan with no one offline longer then 30 days, we accept ALL master ranks and host 5 daily raids and 1 daily nightmare. ON ced runs we take people as low as MR 3 and HAVE NOT failed a single run in 2 months. We even mentor these low MR's so they become strong productive players that can run the raids and obtain the gear. In fact 1 in 4 newbs we recruit ends up MR 10+ by the end of there first month playing Warframe. 

    In all i feel this disproves the notion that  high master ranks = skill, or that lowbie master ranks cant do runs. I feel the real issue lies in the people, setting up these steriotypes of MR = status and judging people simply by a number that doesn't mean more then the number of trades you have an what weapons you can access. I myself have been sitting at Master rank 13 for 5 months now, I have ALL prime Warframe classes and I have the ones without primes atm as well (including equin/atlas/etc, also i have all primes except founders) and despite having all of them with 2-5 forma and potato's I've still only earned enough affinity to reach MR 13 and I've even maxed 60+ weapons. So does this mean I'm a newb compared to a MR20? Or does this simply mean they wasted more time maxing weapons then I have. The bottom line is we need to stop looking at Mastery ranks entirely and look at the people, what they have, and how effectively they use it. An if they suck at using something, then mentor and teach them how to use it properly. Don't hoard knowledge and tricks and dont insult or ban newbs from your groups, instead share your knowledge and help them so the community gets strong and we have fewer inexperienced players rather then ignoring them and keeping them inexperienced..

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