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Posts posted by aa777nx

  1. Thanks for proving my point. That is a great, war proven rifle with a bayonet attached. Which would make a terrible sword. But is decent for poking at things when you're out of ammo. Any trained soldier will tell you that a knfe in the hand is far deadlier than a bayonet on a rifle. Hence the compromise and my point.

    Also this is about gunswords and something trying to fit TWO distinct roles. A bayonet is not that. A bayonet is nothing but a last resort.

    I posted the rifle with a bayonet to disprove your statement about there not being a weapon that could "remotely preform well" at both melee and ranged combat. Of course, for a gunsword, the blade would be much larger (and more deadlier as a result).

  2. But if you were to look at the gunblade practically, before even getting into all the details of actually making it work. You need to aim, it's a giant sword, you're unlikely to be able to extend your arm like it was a pistol, it would be too heavy, it would be held more like a shotgun. Now, back to the part where it's a blade, it's sharp, now say you do manage to hold it without slicing your fingers off, there will still be recoil to it that will very likely cause you to lose that very delicate, finger protecting, grip and depending on the recoil you might just as well then have a gunsword lodged in your shoulder.

    These would be valid points... if Tenno were typical humans. Which they don't seem to be (they seem much stronger than normal people, so carrying the gun and handling the recoil shouldn't be too hard for them).

  3. My eyes!


    Have you ever heard about disabling the color disruption correction? As for the topic... well, I think this kiknd of room should provide more effectiveness if you're going to play stealth, so yes, more room like this please.

    I didn't think about it at first, but now that you mention it, this kind of room seems perfect for stealth. As for color correction, I prefer to have it on. Everyone has different preferences.

  4. I loved that room. I only got to see it like twice though.


    Btw, have you seen the grineer room with a Jackal/Hyena hybrid? (Not active.)

    Yeah, I saw that one. Maybe DE are hinting at a reverse-engineered Jackal/Hyena boss? I might make a topic about it if I can find that room again and get a good screenshot.

  5. Ran into this room about an hour ago, if I recall correctly it was the Grineer deception objective room. I know a lot of people want more wide open areas, but I really love tight, complex rooms (with lots of crates!) like this one. Rooms like this allow you to really use the mobility of Warframes to your advantage in combat.




  6. Next I go with some friends I met to play a T1 defense mission. I go in with Volt, I am immediately struck with this:


    Dude switch to something else.

    I say: It's only T1 and we have a Frost and Vauban. We'll be fine.

    They then tell me to switch and I switch to Frost Prime.

    If they won't let you play the game how you want to, then it seems like you need new friends.

  7. Again, most of the things you propose reduce power. Reduce power and you might die in harder missions. You die and you let your team down and mission might fail, key might be wasted, etc. Who would want intentionally increase that risk?

    Sentinels use their own, separate energy pool.

  8. Rhino's roar ability is an interesting concept, but I think it's a little bit weak at the moment. At max rank, it will boost your damage by 50% for 15 seconds. That's nice, but for a power that costs 75 energy, I think that most people would expect a little bit more. I think that increasing the damage boost to a maximum of at least 75% would make this power a lot more appealing to players. What do you guys think?

  9. Really? Your complaining that a BOSS takes efort to kill? Get real

    My problem isn't that the boss takes effort to kill, it's that it's much harder to kill than other bosses and has a much lower chance of dropping anything (not to mention that it often drops its rewards outside of the map).


    Actually he is not.... I am leveling my level 19 trinity there.

    Considering you're using a frame that can become invincible and easily refill its own health, that's not a very good argument. 

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