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Posts posted by --DSP--Jetstream

  1. 29 minutes ago, Jadous said:

    I get what you are saying but the players and the developers make the game together. If for example all the players would quit or leave because the developers are being unjust/unfair and just abusing their power. Then the game will die. I don't think you should think in terms of "inferior player vs superior develper". 

    Nah so far theres just people goes "Im quitting this game!" but theyll come back like in a day or on a week, lol the truth is things like this are calculated they know the kind of people who play this game its like stockholm syndrome, hate the game but still play anyway.

  2. I remember last years plague star when I jump with some clanmate and randoms, at that time, he appear walking on spot not moving like he afk, but he actually moving along the drone in plague star. This was one example you can mistook someone for afk. Theres many like it.

    Some things can look like this because peer2peer connection this game uses.

    Remember warframe IS still in BETA, some of what you see on your screen sometime isnt what others see on theirs due to this game being beta

    so having kick function is no no unless they can solve this issue, then maybe we can talk about kick function.

  3. 7 hours ago, BansheePrime said:

    FYI only 1.4% of the steam players have gotten a Moa pet. That’s barely over double the amount that has built a Railjack. Geez. Only 2% have even entered the Drydock. And lets not forget only 64.2% of steam players have even solved a cypher.

    Legit my brother doesnt even reach MR2 and dropped the game after he stuck on some stairs on the remove the ascaris mission. Same like his friends who tried the game, so I kinda believe these stats from what I see personally. Warframe kinda aged badly even on the starting quests, de really need to refine the starter quest because early game is totally bad for todays standards. Like stop the fancy trailers and actually put the things on the fancy trailers INGAME, even on steam storepage the "new player experience" trailer with the orokin era grinner etc is there even though nothing in the game is like that yet.

  4. 4 hours ago, Rasdan said:

    Now, how do you expect a game development team of 310 people, able to please the needs 67k worth of active players? Me personally have been very tolerant with the mistakes they made.

    Yeah you just play for how long exactly? the thing is they consistently repeat their mistakes every update and yes I can tolerate but when it happen everytime just look how lich system and empyrean look so unfinished and yet and people like you always say "its ok small indie developer" is why they can just release broken and unfinished updates everytime. And no de is no longer a small indie dev since plains of eidolon.

  5. 7 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

    Mainly posting for solidarity, and because I do happen to agree...

    I just don't hold out much hope for issues like this. I would really like to be proven wrong, especially as someone who backed early and would have pledged even more money if that had been in the games budget to do.

    At the end of the day, I no longer believe DE cares very much about its customers. I think a lot of what gets said is just an act for the internet and for social media. I'd be very happy to be proven wrong.

    Here's hoping you can get some resolution on this.

    Just saying, other online games has policy they wont tell you why you got banned because if they did like "you got banned for x or using x cheat" it will just make it easier for people to know if their cheat is detected for example and theres whole cheaters forums that the users will report to if they got a ban and the program theyre using is detected. Just an example.

    You have good intention, but we dont know for sure if OP is telling the truth, because afk bans came from multiple people reporting it using support ticket, usually with recording or screenshoot.

    • Like 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, X_96 said:

    Let me put it this way. "We made a car, we don't have a way to prevent you from driving into oncoming traffic yet." You chose how you want to play. If you decide to play in a way that you don't enjoy even if the means to do so are already there, it is your own fault.

    Bad analogy..the car would not been released if its that broken and unfinished, and youre making it sound theyre using people as test subjects..

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, ty91 said:

    I started playing and loving this game for the hack and slash gameplay, with this new update I don't understand why i was looking forward to it since it has nothing to do with why i liked this game in the first place

    Kinda remind me of this, pretty fitting for what warframe is now


    • Like 4
  8. Huh yeah OP points kinda valid

    5 minutes ago, MimouAuditore said:

    wow you're one hundred per cent right, DE forgot about what made warframe warframe, and they're just adding different games on top of the game, not only fragmenting the experience, but neglecting the real game! the game that should've gotten most of the developping time, instead DE adds small updates to the main game, and make new games as big updates!

    and this guy summed it up pretty accurate..

    • Like 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, M3tallius said:

    Here's to hoping they don't get adhd and drop it like a hot potato for the next hottest thing.

    They already drop this update undercooked af, cant even board enemy crewship without getting softlocked. Sometime im still wearing my archwing inside the ship making me unable to open door or exiting the ship after I shoot the reactor. Its like the most basic and important feature in empyrean, boarding ship, and it didnt even work properly.

  10. 29 minutes ago, XxSTOZZYxX said:

    Or is that basically it for now?

    Yeah wait for 2020 for railjack part 3, dunno why they called this update "empyrean" when its not the full package, since the drydock update (part1) has its own name "rising tide"

    This should be called something than "empyrean" kinda give false sense to people who think its the full release.

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

    The fact that Diode/Carbide and Pustrel/Copernic requirements are within the same order of magnitude is just insane. You can easily get hundreds of the former in a few minutes, but the latter are a gigantic PITA to farm and incredibly slow. Unless Railjack introduces some incredibly bountiful new source of them, I guess I'm just never going to progress in those ship upgrades, because I'm sure as hell not going to mine thousands of the damn things 7 at a time (on those rare occasions that you get them and not some other useless ore). Pustrel/Copernic requirements should be at least an order of magnitude less than Diode/Carbide IMO, preferably two.

    Just wait a few weeks until the update stable and adjusted, probably will ease up the grind a bit like always (plains, fortuna, old blood, etc) has high crafting/ big amount to grind that later adjusted either make the source drop more, less rng, or reduce the amount needed. Playing early will be just bad experience, its like being a beta tester.

  12. Resource/materials yes, but in wf the economy is so fcked you can have a million unit of useless resource and keep getting it despite nothing used or needed for it anymore and it just keep pilling. So when you get more of those, it just feel eeeh

    Need someplace we can spend those resource so even things like nanospore still have value instead of just piling up into millions for nothing.

    So need to fix the resource economy first before resource as reward can be good, but it seem the easy fix by de is introducing new resource you have to grind each major update (hexenon, carbides, etc) that will end up the same soo its like not gonna happen in this rate.

  13. 1 hour ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

    Even if it got DElayed. You really think it's won't be unfinished. .. DE can't even roll out  night wave without DElays hidden behind Intermissions... 

    next year's content is just going to be what we should have got this year. . 

    DE  didn't even bother to apologize for breaking their New War Christmas release Promise. . You know , to the people that support them...

    Yeah they promised/show too much but cant deliver or it end up worse than what they show in trailers (old blood).

  14. 5 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    The players are not protesting the death itself (despite what a couple of disingenuous individuals are trying to claim), but the cause of it. The Lich doesn't kill you by beating you in a fight, but by forcing you to play a game of Russian Roulette after you have already beaten them in which 7 of the gun's 8 chambers contain a loaded bullet.

    Death should only be a consequence of a player's mistake, be it one of preparation or execution. The only mistake the Lich death punishes is engaging in the system to begin with.

    I shall try to spell it out one more time, in as simple terms as possible: Dying is fine. Dying to a slot machine is not.

    This. Feels like just de way to inflate death numbers even though its not the players fault that cause the death. Fake challenge & difficulty.

    • Like 1
  15. Make efficiency not only tied to how many you can kill or how fast you can map wipe

    Instead take account on how you kill the enemy, ex : killing with combo, melee combo, finishers, ability synergy and more combination get more efficiency

    So this can make any warframe viable and can contribute in a way

    But yeah this was just an idea probably hard to actually implement.

  16. 1 hour ago, 844448 said:

    Does destiny have defense? Does destiny have rescue or capture mission?

    Theres public events and world specific activities that resemble those, basic glimmer drill is basically defend/capture/destroy, escalation protocol require you to capture points, prison of elders cryo containers can be turned from assasination into capture if you made it heroic,High level targets is like capture on open world/lost sector area, Blind well on dreaming city, theres also a defense activity with those towers and sphere you need to charge dunno the name but basically keep the defense obj alive and charged so the towers can zap the attackers like mini tower defense game like.

  17. F2P game rarely goes bankrupt, some of my korean fps from 2003 still alive to this day even though its no longer relevant, kinda sad but im surprised my account still there when I try to login.

    So yeah thats worst case, lets just hope de can pull this one right so wf can still relevant especially its xmas/holiday season where most games release their big updates.


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