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Posts posted by Heliopata

  1. You can leave a post or message me on the forum, have a good day.

    [Dread Crita-satido]800p ....

      MAXED .. ......................


    [Strun Crita-hexatio]400p  Maxed  ....[Amprex Visi-ignitron 200p] Maxed



    [Akvasto Visitis]300p .....................[Vasto Visi-critades] 400p Maxed

    eGRGv0T.jpg ...... hqk5Ziv.jpg


    [Ignis Vexican] 400p




     [Pyrana toxi-fevatio] 100p .....   [Paracyst Visinak] 70p MAXED


    FgO6wzn.jpg .........9ymVywm.jpg

  2. 13 hours ago, Ruin_Uranor-er-nelde said:


    Sorry, alredy sold it

    20 hours ago, --SKZ--Doug-Desu said:

    I'm interested  Vasto mod (Acri-scicron)

    Sure, just send me an invite on the game or tell me a when we can trade

  3. You can leave a post or message me on the forum, have a good day.

    [Dread Crita-satido]800p ...............[Ignis Critatis] 1000p 

      MAXED .. ....................................



    [Vasto Acri-scicron] 400p Maxed


     [Akvasto Visitis]300p .....................[Vasto Visi-critades] 300p Maxed

    eGRGv0T.jpg ...... hqk5Ziv.jpg




     [Pyrana toxi-fevatio] 100p .....   [Paracyst Visinak] 70p MAXED


    FgO6wzn.jpg .........9ymVywm.jpg

  4. 4 hours ago, Jeoxz said:

    Since the changes to exterminate you can feel there are way more numbers on the ranks of grineer. But I haven't found any mission that lets you have the area for you alone after. I kinda enjoyed those moments. Are there any missions that let you do that?

    I think sabotage(The old ones, which still exist on some planets) and spy missions have limited spawns, so you cant stealth farm them to infinity.

  5. You can leave a post or message me on the forum, have a good day.

    [Dread Crita-satido]800p ...............[Ignis Critatis] 2000p 

      MAXED .. ....................................



    [Vasto Acri-scicron] 400p Maxed


     [Akvasto Visitis]300p .....................[Vasto Visi-critades] 300p Maxed

    eGRGv0T.jpg ...... hqk5Ziv.jpg




     [Pyrana toxi-fevatio] 70p .....   [Paracyst Visinak] 70p MAXED


    FgO6wzn.jpg .........9ymVywm.jpg


    Sub 40p: Viper, Magnus,Gorgon,Kraken, Deth Machine





    You can leave a post or message me on the forum, have a good day.

    [Dread Crita-satido]800p ...............   

      MAXED .. ....................................



    [Vasto Acri-scicron] 400p Maxed


     [Akvasto Visitis]300p .....................[Vasto Visi-critades] 300p Maxed

    eGRGv0T.jpg ...... hqk5Ziv.jpg




     [Pyrana toxi-fevatio] 80p .....   [Paracyst Visinak] 80p


    FgO6wzn.jpg .........9ymVywm.jpg


    Sub 40p: Viper, Magnus,Gorgon,Kraken, Deth Machine





    You can leave a post or message me on the forum, have a good day.

    [Dread Crita-satido]800p ............... [Dread Igni-visican] 700p       

      MAXED .. ....................................... MAXED



    [Burston Visi-ignican] 400p Maxed [Vasto Acri-scicron] 400p Maxed


     [Akvasto Visitis]300p .....................[Vasto Visi-critades] 300p Maxed

    eGRGv0T.jpg ...... hqk5Ziv.jpg

     [Javlok Feva-ignitin] 200p



     [Pyrana toxi-fevatio] 80p .....  [Paracyst Visinak] 80p


    FgO6wzn.jpg .........9ymVywm.jpg


    Sub 40p: Viper, Magnus,Gorgon,Kraken, Deth Machine






  8. The weapon needs more than a Stat buff, the beacon should be hitscan and take 1 ammo 3 tops, so it's use is justified. A buff on the bullets flight speed would be very welcome. 

    Sound and feels awesome but I only use the beacon for fooling around while waiting at the exit. 

    The wraith should buff the damage part. 

    21 minutes ago, (PS4)Danilo_Franz said:

    It's that hard to buff a weapon?

    C'mon DE, Sicarus it's the biggest example of how a simple buff makes a huge change

    There is no need to another new weapon that would be another fodder, they need to buff the original weapon first

    The buff was issue at the mid of the un vaulting, I think it was to make it attractive, so people would bother to farm/buy it other than from mastery points. 


    You can leave a post or message me on the forum, have a good day.

    [Dread Crita-satido]1200p  [Dread Igni-visican] 1000p       



    [Spira Croniata] 250p [Javlok Feva-ignitin] 200p


         [pyrana toxi-fevatio] 100p





    [Viper satitio] 50p                    Magnus Crita-magnatak] 50p


    9coL6WP.jpg    hkU5e7n.jpg

  10. Prices are for reference  and can be negotiate, I  also accept trades, LF rivens of vasto, mutalist cernos (dash or v polarity) and akmagnus . 

    You can leave a post or messege me on the forum.

    [Dread Igni-visican] 1100p        [Spira Croniata] 250p


    kpW5Dkp.jpg       PRlziG6.jpg

         [pyrana toxi-fevatio] 120p




    [tiberon insican] 150p            




    [Viper satitio] 80p                     [Attica Sati-vexinok] 50p


    9coL6WP.jpg    s6WWLoq.jpg


    [karak vexitak] 50p                  


  11. 21 hours ago, Mak42110 said:

    i have a vasto critades it has +172.5 stat duration +306.1 Crit chance and -33.2 to infested i dont need and also

    Vasto Visitak with +436.8 dmg +99.6 reload and -36 mag size but i really like that one so the price would be higher

    sorry, wasnt following it, not interested on the mods

  12. Prices are for reference  and can be negotiate, I  also accept trades, LF rivens of vasto, mutalist cernos (dash or v polarity) and akmagnus . 

    You can leave a post or messege me on the forum.

    [Dread Igni-visican] 1000p        [Spira Croniata] 300p


    kpW5Dkp.jpg       PRlziG6.jpg

    [Drakgoon gelidra] 200p        [pyrana toxi-fevatio] 100p





    [tiberon insican] 150p           [Viper satitio] 50p  


     SJP5jSQ.jpg  9coL6WP.jpg



    [karak vexitak] 50p                  [Attica Sati-vexinok] 80p

    MDyl7Gm.jpg    s6WWLoq.jpg


  13. Prices are for reference  and can be negotiate, I  also accept trades, LF rivens of vasto, mutalist cernos (dash or v polarity) and akmagnus . 

    You can leave a post or messege me on the forum.

    [Dread Igni-visican] 1100p        [Spira Croniata] 350p


    kpW5Dkp.jpg       PRlziG6.jpg

    [Drakgoon gelidra] 250p        [pyrana toxi-fevatio] 120p





    [tiberon insican] 150p            [twin rogga arma-fevaton] 150p


     SJP5jSQ.jpg  sQYtbQ6.jpg


    [Viper satitio] 100p [Attica Sati-vexinok] 80p


    9coL6WP.jpg    s6WWLoq.jpg


    [karak vexitak] 80p                  [Attica Sati-vexinok] 80p

    MDyl7Gm.jpg    s6WWLoq.jpg


  14. 20 hours ago, JudgeXion said:

    Personally I would aim for Multishot and either Status or Fireing Spead.

    Spread out the clouds of doom everywhere.

    If you get Status Chance on it, You can switch out the Dualmods for the pure status damage mods.

    Do you recommend 100% status chance or 2 dual elementals its enough?

  15. Want to revive some weaps, so i bought a mutualist cernos riven and my first roll was (+124.3 Crit damage+168.5 Crit chance +59.7 Ammo maximum +80.2recoil). Maybe i could work out a hybrid crit/status build , but wasnt very sure.

    I want to keep rolling it, but since i dont know what to take...

    What stats I should  be looking for? what builds you recommend?


  16. This thread happend and learnt a few things that now sound obvious. Also saw that status chance and multishot interactions plus the roundup error are not that well known by most.

    I would like to see the following changes:

    • Add Status per proyectile to the arsenal UI 
    • Change Status to Status per shot
    • If Status per proyectile isnt 100%, Status per shot can only be shown as 99.9% max.


    That way we will get more clarity on what we get, or at least players will ask what those things mean, instead of never actually knowing.

    Paint magic:




  17. 7 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    Though man that's only for shotguns - for your Akjagara even a 70% status would be amazing, and you got 99+%...

    The weid thing you're describing is due to the fact that shotguns give you their status chance considered with their innate multishot (the pellets) and thus going from 99.99% to 100% is a huge difference. On normal guns you wouldn't know any difference really.

    Test it on my Daikyu, 100%status  and got 2 procs per shot.

    4 minutes ago, Azrael said:

    This is well known, and makes perfect sense mathematically. But there is another, less well-known issue. Multishot does not actually increase the per-pellet status chance, so if you don't have 100% status before you put on multishot, then you don't have it after. But rounding errors can cause the arsenal to show 100% chance even though it's really not. So in order to ensure you have a true 100% status build, you have to take off all mutlishot. If you're using a riven with status and multishot, then you'll need to remove it and do math to work out what the status chance would be with only that status buff from the mod. It's too easy to be fooled by multishot into thinking that you have a 100% status build when you really don't.

    Thats really nice to know.

  18. This is mostly for people using rivens, since i think the alredy known 100% status weapons using our current mods are working as intended.

    If a weapon reachs 100% status, all the bullets/pellets will proc a status at the same time. 

    Story time (You can skip directly to the TL;DR):


    I rolled an akjagara riven with +damage +electric and +130.3 status chance and for the lols, i slaped all the elemental/status mods entering the sacred domain of 100%status. Damage and armor shredding on my fav weapon, what a nice day.

    The next day i got an almost godlike roll on the Akbronco: +Multshot + Status chance + Heat -Status duration (So close), made a build with 2 dual stat elementals and decide to take one out. It still got 100% but it was red, pretty wierd. Checked it on the warframe builder 99.967 status chance. Well whatever, decide to test it on the simulacrum and the diference was night and day. 2 shots would make armor disapear (Some high level bombard, dont remember) and the "100% status" one would take  a few mags. 

    After running around some missions i sold it to make some room, but the doubt stayed.

    I decide to test an akbronco with 100% against 99.997% status chance (Which on the arsenal shows as 100%):



    Against a  lvl 145 Bombards

    100% status took around 7-10 rounds to strip it from armour

    99.997% Status took around 15-20 rounds even though it had more corrosive.

    TL;DR : The Arsenal round up centecimals and shows you 100%,but it doesnt actuallly work like one (Multiple procs per shot). You can check your 100% status builds on warframe builder.

    The diference is night and day for armour shredding on no so fast fire rate weapons, pretty niche now that i think about it.

    P.S: RIP akjagara 100% status dreams, 0.036% too far.

  19. Next time bring a invisible frame or a way so the mobs dont bother you and hack it all. You dont have to enter the portals, you will hear the rescue target when you hack the correct one. I went with ivara and had to hack the all the portals, he was on the last one.

    The reason we have those ¨challenges¨ is because balance is a mess with permanent invis frames and cc.

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