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Posts posted by Heliopata

  1. 42 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

    Wish more people understood that with a few forma any weapon can get past the highest expected enemy difficulty.


    1 hour ago, kkinnison said:

    any 6 forma weapon can be good.  melee only needs maximum of 3 to be good.  any 4+ forma Frame can be good

    Except the Panthera, I really tried. It falls hard at the end of the starchart, maybe even before that. Although i only used 5 forma.

    @OP meta, is a way of doing things efficiently . So depending what you need to do, what team comp or frame you pick. (Defense,Raids,Exterminate,spy,etc).

  2. 7 hours ago, unknow99 said:


    Before : e-e(hold)-e-e(pause)-e

    After :e-r-e-r-r

    What do you think? :)

    Timing those would be a nightmare on fast stances or with speed buffs, the same problem we have now.

    I think combos should be decided on the first combination and the rest should be E smash.


    1)E - E - E - E

    2)E + HOLD - E - E - E

    3)E+RMB- E - E - E 


    20 minutes ago, PrivateRiem said:

    Maxed primed Fury + Berserker + Volt speed buff on the Ack&Brunt


    I can pull off any of the combos very easily. Take off berserker and I can still pull off all of those with ease.

    The problem is less the hold pause system, than WHERE those are placed in the combos.

    Final Harbinger,s Hold combo can be done from holding E from the very first melee attack for example.

    Your solution is bogus and would be incredibly challenging for console users and would force me to redo my entire steam controller. Hell, I can't even find room to separate reload and Action buttons.


    With that said, maxed speed Tidepo is just way too fast for any serious combo-ing.

    Final harbringer is how boton combos should be done on the other stances. Very easy to pull them off (Shield throw FTW)

  3. I  think that the Primes where made after the normal variants. The orokin empire was in a dire situacion (Resources and getting they asses kick), so i dont think they went full bling bling on experimental weapons. Also ,crafted by artisan doesnt sound like you could make so many and fast.

    So you got you normal mass produce warframe stuff for the normal soldier or low guardian and the prime variants for high ranking officers, propaganda and maybe outstanding individuals.

    I imagine that the prime variants where the ones that decapitate the orokin empire, since where the closer ones to the top brass of the orokin.

  4. The Ogris can trigger Growing power, but not the Nightwatch napalm fire ring, which has a 100% fire proc chance.

    Picture of fire proc enemies and no Growing power trigger:



    Weapons that left clouds like Pox, Mutalist Cernos and Torid do work with Growing Power.

  5. I think the main problem is the lack of a dedicate server, like 95% of the problem

    Things like matchmaking are useless with such a small playerbase, since you always meet the same guys.

    The game is pretty balance and there are always tweeking it. In Conclave, most mods are sidegrades, you trade  buffing stat for nerfing another and if you dont know your way around, they will probably impact you in a negative way. So they arent must have.

    Conclave is here to stay guys. PvP Offers a lot of replayability because of the enemy AI (Other players) that makes every match diferent (When it works). I think they though this as a solution  for the what to do now once you get your shinies or are bored of the repetiveness of PvE problem and the guys who llike PvP.

    Its connected to PvE since  you have to play it to have frames and weapons to play PvP.

    P,D; I could say that raids have no place in warframe since its not a puzzle game, but a horde shooter. 


  6. 1 hour ago, Praxxor said:

    Maybe it only affected duration-based abilities? Or maybe i had bad luck and had a bug or something, but this isn't something that happened just once, each time the hyena procced me all my buffs disappeared, we had a Titania on our team and her buffs disappeared when she got procced too.

    I had no problem with Mirage Hall of Mirage and Eclipse. Report that, pretty sure its a bug.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

    Pretty sure that Hysteria doesn't ignore the Ancient Disruptors, there were moments pre-nerf when I have died at max energy as Valkyr in infested missions. But your point still stands, we need more consistency in enemy status procs, and IMO magnetic procs shouldn't be able to eat all your energy AND dispel your abilities, I mean, how are we even gonna survive against that at higher levels if we were to get more of those? You HAVE to depend on abilities at some point, and having all your energy eaten isn't any fun either.

    Magnetic Procs dont nullify you abilities, they eat your energy, part of the shield( I think) and the fuzzy camera effect.


    I think magnetic procs shouldnt last that long, since it also denies energy pickups for that time.

    The magnetic hyena shouldnt have a magnetic aura, since it always rushes you, making it really hard to keep your distance and dish out damage (On sortie level) . Maybe a magnetic atack like fire atack of the fire Hyena or a telegraphed spread attack.

  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    Not anymore, it's not.

    You didnt have to wait 40 mins to get a part, only 20 and it was a piece of cake. Endless void missions were mix of self impose challenge and key efficiency.

    On 29/8/2016 at 6:56 PM, Kaiser_Suoh said:


    Just accept it? Yea, but it could use some changes.

    Still doing endless missions? Yes, for farming relics,exp and trying some builds. (Mot is like t4 void should have been)

    About your old keys? what you will do? Use them for random missions if looking for traces or in those spy fissures so i can recicle relics and get a prime part.

    You will farm or buy new primes in new updates? Farming them like usual, seems easier if you prepare .


    • Miss a bit void survival, since it was an easy choice to kill time, not going to miss the other 2. For farming primes i wont miss any one of those and for ducats i was a Capture/SabotageMasterRace.
    • The next generation will know, i expect DE to bring something by then.
    • Relicshare its not elitism, its the same as keyshares. Non endless mission keys were more valuable, T3 T4 keys in particular and the same can be said of radiant relics.

    Overall im kinda missing Void Sabotage and would like a reason to repeat sorties other than exp or scanning eximus.




  9. My go to frame when there are radiation sorties. I run it with max range,effciency and rage. Always spamming 3 and occasionally 4. Really helps when someone dies on those radiation things or you get rad proc and cant revive.

    My only 2 problems are, that Renewal is not toggable and  the passive bothers more than it helps.

    I would change Renewal to an ability that lasts as long as you can hold it and gave proc inmunity. The reason maybe this wont happend, is because we could make unkillable sentries, by keeping the timer up of downed warframes. (Undying will + Provoked new meta)


  10. 46 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    She was a researcher and biologist specialising in the Infestation. That's why she was on Earth.


    And now, we have a hard canonical fact telling us that Earth was abandoned to the Infestation at some point before or during the Orokin Era. The Infestation might actually predate the height of Orokin power.

    It doesnt say she was on Earth because of the infestation, she was trying to grow plants and  was probably trying to terraform it/clean it. It looks to me more like the planet was polluted really hard. Thats what it first came to my mind at least when i read about the smell of sulphur and toxins. 

    I could see the idea of an infested Earth as a hard link with the Dark Sector game and the technocyte virus.


  11. The can be scary at high level on the cramped parts of Eris infested ship map. Especially when you cant run past them on the vents.

    18 minutes ago, Plushy said:

    I think infested are kinda cute once you get past the whole extra arms and faces thing. The tiny infested I want to keep as pets.

    Yeah i can see getting a maggot for pet and throw it on an grineer or corpus face so it matures inside of them. Xenomorphs FTW

    (Now im thinking on an infested throwing weapon that spawn maggots when you kill an enemy)


  12. Hi, devs, stances have some really flashy combos, but i think that almost all of the playerbase dont bother with them. Most are hard to pull off and/or not worth it, so  you just E spam or  use quick melee for killing enemies. (Really few can be pull off that give CC, headshot potencial or good mobility)

    Any plans of:

    • Changing the key combinations for combos on the PvE stances to be easier to pull off (Like the PvP stances)
    • Introducing the PvP stances to PvE
    • Revisite the viability of the combos in some stances


    P.D: Buff the machete family and bring all those changes i mention at least to the machete  as an experiment. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Ghostars said:

    I think a lot of people are forgetting one very important thing about stance mods, it's not just the combos and animation, stances also give damage multipliers to them as well. They are balanced specifically for PVP and are not for PVE. All the stances you love give nice benefits to using them, but from what I understand the PVP stances don't have any multipliers. They would be bad for PVE and end up making you do less damage overall.

    In a way it's like asking for PVP stats to be on PVE weapons/frames.

    The multiplier can be changed. When the PvE stances where on PvP, they got tweaked multipliers.  They had separated stats for each mode.


  14. 1 hour ago, KJRenz said:

    There's zero point in the stances to go to PvE since the combos are just reused animations and are just specifically designed for PvP since you really aren't fighting hordes of enemies.

    The conclave machete stance is better that the PvE one. They just changed the boton combinations (Making easier to pull the combos{Spin to win}) and put a glap closer,

    They need to change the botton combination on stance in genereal or make the PvP stances usable and obtainable in PvE (That would also help with some weapons that have hard to get stances) as a temporal QOL change.

  15. 13 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

    Well the S. Stalker still drops Hate. Just bad RNG. I still need his Despair.

    My only problem with regular Stalker not spawning anymore is that I can never, EVER, SCAN HIM. (Not unless I get lucky and a noob gets hunted by him which is like a 0.000000000000001% chance) D:

    Buy a stalker beacon from baro

    Go to earth

    Search for newbies and introduce them to stalker  using the beacon

  16. 19 minutes ago, ThePhalanx said:

    Wow, SoTD sucks balls now. Still do pitiful damage even on max power strenght, only there are (much) LESS of them now. Jesus Christ.

    Well, the shadows were always meatshields. On one hand the hp decay sucks hard for that purpose, on the other hand they now have more aggro which is really nice.


    My shield of shadows build, 84% reduction, handles pretty well. As long as there are enemies to kill and desecrate you will be full on hp and energy. Bonus points if you have a high slash with status weapon, for cutting corpses. (I may do changes when i get my hands on nekros prime)



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