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Posts posted by Mintaro

  1. Limited flight is fine you just gotta mate it count or use alternatives for mobility. Don't know why people are so concern with limited flight as majority of community generally doesn't like archwing to begin with.

    Also when he says limited he probably mean like 10 mins of flight or something not 30 seconds so it isn't gonna be that small as well as fuel to plunder from grineer

  2. I think explosive weapons should not kill you instantly but mess you up bad and it be up to the player's relfexes/luck to recover or be picked off by a single grunt. Funny thing about this is if shield gating was a thing then this one shotting self would be solved. So I'm gonna wait for that.

  3. Level 135 Bombard
    Weapon: Gazal Machete
    Ash Power Str: 170%
    With Fatal Teleport: One shot
    With BS: All three marks did not kill it straight away but the bleed procs finish it.
    With normal Teleport: it took about two hits and sometimes three
    I dunno about you but seems like he is doing okay i only fine it problematic with normal teleport cause i didn't build it correctly (or use a diff weapon) and his marks being a bit slow to stack meanwhile if you need more invisibility legend says that Naramon or Arcane Trickery can help you with that.

  4. Sancti Tigris is my love. She always solves my problems in two or less shots gun.

    Supra vandal just feels nice as you spray a light show into thier faces.

    Javlok cause i think of it as a futuristic staff casting fireballs with a satisying feel with the throw. 

    Sybaris series cause i love burst weapons in general.

    (Sorry for the list but there so many good weapons to play with)

  5. I think harrow is well designed and well balance. I find him engaging as a support frame that requires skill rather than just activate buff then afk. I love his look so op fashionframe and i look forward more designs like this sorry but i think this the right way. Now im not against simple warframes i don't mind that but man some of them can be boring when they are too effective at little cost. 

    Yes i understand warframes that nuke abilities is a problem to harrow that always been an issue with everyone that doesn't nuke so this is no suprise i mean trinity can't do it if the team is using drain abilities and especially a bless trin since they are slow at energy sharing to begin with.

  6. on a serious note there are a plenty of frames that can deal with energy reduction Ruk. I say it's all about endurance and a lot of efficiency. Squad helps too as long as they don't go down too quickly. Keep in mind Warframe isn't all about just using one Warframe and one weapon (Unless Loki Master Race). You got to have more Diversity or you will fall flat on your face. I had that happen and it feels impossible but once i had the variety i could face many challenges by myself. I will admit there may be one combination of the challenges and a boss that might make them invincible but lets hope that doesn't happen.

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