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Posts posted by Lordricker

  1. 6 hours ago, Gr1d1ron said:

    TBH this is exactly what paragon should have been.

    ? paragon should be like warframe? cause if your saying paragon should be a moba well that is exactly what it is.

  2. 2 hours ago, Valsako said:

    and everybody else that I talk to and ask about it says that it's total garbage? Raids at least are enjoyable and fun when they go well, so it's not so bad.

    Well if you talk to PvE people who dont play it then yes you will get a garbage response. For me its the other way around PvP is enjoyable and fun when you have a decent host, but I never seem to enjoy raids much, even with people I know. So I guess saying which one is more enjoyable is just up to opinions.

    Also the problems with PvP that people keep bringing up, like what are the so important items locked behind conclave? a few cosmetic skins? I mean come on, if you dont like playing conclave I dont think its going to hurt too much to pass up a skin or syandana. Also the finding a match thing, I'm not sure if I just play at the right time or its my ping limit is higher or what but finding a match is not as hard as some people have been trying to make it out to be. It is very rare for me to not be able to find a match, sometimes yes I might switch to the Europe server or US West but I am still able to find matches.

    I wont deny balance issues and lag problems but lets not pull the other things out of proportion

  3. I dont have much trouble keeping up in warframe, just need to practice more stratego. Smash on the other hand, have you ever tried to do moves like in that video, i tried for 20 mins then gave up after realizing the crazy amount of effort that would be required.

  4. 24 minutes ago, rawr1254 said:

    Conclave had potential? Weird. Felt like nothing but mechanic abuse and "best current available weapon" abuse. Before Parkour 2.0 it was nothing but people coptering around with kronen. Then I think recently it was a flux of Gorgons. It has never had potential and the day they have an item that's only acquirable in PVP(and worth using) that works in PvE too is they day I flip my table.

    Yes, conclaves has potential. If you were expecting it to be like halo or CoD then you could play those. Just because its not your style of PvP doesnt mean it doesnt have potential.

  5. Im confused Im pretty sure there are crits for headshots which has been around for a while, and i thought there were status effects like poison and magnetic in pvp. 

    1.0 didnt really work, from what I hear. 2.0 made it much more accesible for people, although that doesnt mean I wouldnt have played 1.0 (wasnt around then) or that certain things would work from 1.0 to 2.0 like the 2v2 permadeath thing I would probably like.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Yeah, definetly ironic hell.

    Watch us next week on another awesome episode of "Why Conclave is bad (acording to raging pve player)". Stay with us though, because in short begins another episode of Hew Haw: the next generation


    really...... why dont we just throw rocks at eachother till someone breaks.


    Stratego, Im still confused on what is so important that it shouldnt be locked behind PvP, as far as I know it is a few skins and a syandana. none of these affect gameplay and were added for two reasons, one for the people who actually play PvP to have something to show for it, and two as a small incentive for those on the edge of trying PvP. They could have put actual weapons or frames specifically gotten through PvP but Id say it is a convenience to you that it is only cosmetic and not necessary items.

  7. No one is forcing you to do anything. Its just cosmetics and a very few select mods that are useable in pve SO that if you dont like pvp you dont have to play it. If your are that dead set on getting the cosmetics and you are a decently high mastery rank you could probably just grind it out in a couple days which is pretty similar to what you do in pve. 

    For the pvp toxicity in game the matches I play about 70% of them dont even have much communication much less toxic hate, unless you play anna :P. On the forum, yea we have arguments but normally they are not toxic. People coming in and saying "pvp doesnt belong in this game" is what causes flame wars (you didnt say this but you did say you hate pvp and are throwing things out of proportions by saying its unfair they lock stuff behind pvp when all it is is cosmetics)

  8. On 3/18/2016 at 6:20 PM, Phasedragon said:

    Yeah, right. Tell me exactly how you'll try to defend against invincible enemies that teleport to you automatically and one-shot you. There's literally nothing you can do unless you, too, have a team with even more broken OP S#&$ like that. That's not balance.

    Yes, I did. I was in six feet under well before dark sectors and was being hired for plat to run for top alliances.

    I don't have to prove anything to anyone who actually plays PVP or posts here regularly, but if you would like to have a match ingame I'll humor you.


    On 3/18/2016 at 6:30 PM, Trimaxsingi said:

    Much wow's... xD

    You think you can win everything with ash? I'm gonna tell you this ---> melee block = GG!! countered ash

    Rule #1 - Never underestimate your enemy. You may not have heard of me but you may regret saying this in here someday when I see you on the battlefield

    I still want to see this fight (btw ash ult was nerfed ages ago) Why does it have to be "someday" instead of "today" :P

    I would love for PvP dark sectors to come back with PvP 2.0 since it would give me a chance to try dark sectors, I wasnt around then :(

  9. 58 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    What motivates me is the thrill of the hunt, you can't get that from PvE enemies who never dodge anything and you can CC into oblivion. In Conclave you have your guns, you blades, you powers and your own cunning pitched vs other players. I personally enjoy when I'm left alone with a new player and I can teach them some lessons and give them advice so they get better or when I'm in a lobby with a lot of veterans who put up a hell of a fight, the pure awesome moments, the funny moments, the rage moments. All that make PvP special, and the rewards are very good yet not mandatory so you can take your time, enjoy the journey and make friends.

    Also: This very forum. Arguing over this or that strategy/weapon/power, reading the awesome number crunching and graphs of Pythadragon and trying to understand without going mad, or reading the cool/hilarious/insane suggestion threads. It's a hard to get bored here when it's active.


    this forum is pretty entertaining, i just got to remember to not take stuff personally , just cause we dont agree and argue a lot doesnt mean we hate eachother XD. Most of the regulars here have pretty reasonable heads

  10. 47 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:


    As for this second part I think you TRIED to reply to someone else because I cannot find a single tangent to anything I said and I know the new forums' reply function is... wonky still...

    I didnt say second part i said middle.

    "Also there are matches going on, maybe check your ping limit or try a different region if your having so much trouble finding a match."

  11. 9 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:


    If you dont like PVP you dont have to play it. The only "content" locked behind it is cosmetic and a few mods that are not really important for pve so im not sure what your so worried about. Also there are matches going on, maybe check your ping limit or try a different region if your having so much trouble finding a match.

    So igo, things that are unique cannot be good? People like the fast movement, you may be right that uniqueness doesnt immediately make it good but the comment "Unfortunately some people believe that unique somehow immediately makes it good." is a little arrogant. 

  12. Well I tried reading it but its soo long, I did make it through your solutions though.

    -dedicated servers would be great but they dont seem interested (we have had so many requests for the)

    -I agree with the camera fading your frame if your crosshair is behind it

    -I dont agree with reducing parkour, they have tried that and we didnt like it, if you move quick you have to aim quicker and yes its possible to hit them.

    -Balancing is always ongoing and the more data they can gather the better I would assume

    -The higher your mastery rank the more standing you can earn daily. As long as it isnt bugged I think it is in a decent place

    -Most mods have a downside (I think you mentioned that) but i agree the ones that dont, should.

    -Matchmaking would be nice but the player base is not really able to support it, it can already be difficult to find matches. Its circular problem of matchmaking might bring more people but we need more people for matchmaking to work.


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