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Posts posted by Thetantanman

  1. I really like the diriga sentinel so far. I've tried using a status build and a crit build for it's weapon and they both work all right, but I prefer the status.


    Something you should note is that his Electro Pulse precept is a little bit dodgy. Like vaubans vortex, sometimes enemies will "Break out" for a second and be able to take a shot at you before getting re-stunned. Also, for people who have a lot of sentinel decorations, they should know that wings are asymmetrical, the left one (The sentinels right) is much higher then the other.

    I would also advise against ranking calculated shot past rank 2, because the range bonus seems unnecessary, very few tilesets call for range beyond what rank 2 provides.


    He is a really solid sentinel, and I really enjoy using him.

  2. The idea of a caster frame that doesn't specialize in any particular element seems nice, but I have 2 major concerns.


    1. Magic. it doesn't fit into warframe much. Or at all. I think anything beyond space pirate hydroid would be too outlandish, and this is far beyond the good ol' captain.


    2. The frame seems to be focused around abilities that deal damage, which would make it ill-suited for endgame content.

    Point 2 is very debatable as supposedly DE is looking into a way to make Damage-dealers more viable at, well, damage dealing, so maybe 2. is a mute point.


    Also KkiD4bd.png Might need to be toned down.




    I'm so getting banned for that.


    But anyway, all and all I like the idea, and it would be a nice thing to see in the game but some of the abilities

    (Namely dVydZ0J.png and Magic Circle)

  3. Tons of people have glitched the course to probably the shortest achievable time possible.

    I know that was a thing that happened a long time ago, and that even though it was fixed, the times still remain. But that's why I specified after parkour 2.0. Should probably add that to the title.


    Edit: Either I'm an idiot, or you can't change thread titles. Probably the former.

  4. Hello there! Long time tenno, first time poster here!


    I looked through the forums and never saw a thread for this, so I though I'd make one. if a thread like this already exists, whoops. I primarily wanted to see the absolute fastest obstacle course time possible after parkour 2.0, and I thought people being able to compare each others times (outside of clans) and see what frames others are using would help achieve this. I'm pretty satisfied with my time right now, but I know as soon as I see a time that's better then mine I won't be.

    Just include a screenshot of your time and the frame that you used to achieve it when


    Anyway, here's a screenshot of my best time thus far, after about 30 total attempts and about 8 in the same session.






    Video would be even better, but the only means I have of recording is evolve, and I don't think it's quality is that good.


    Thanks for reading and as always, pics/vids or it didn't happen.

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