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Posts posted by EndermanBeast

  1. 12 hours ago, Dr_Wonderful said:

    can we get a rick and morty guide instead? 



    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

    I'm sorry. But it had to be done.

    Oh and good luck with that co-- This post has been copyrighted for saying .

  2. I almost thought this was talking about Tau in Warhammer.

    14 hours ago, Xemgoa said:

    So... The Sentients... The Tau System... and a particular Warframe that excels in slaying them.

    From what information we can get about the Sentients themselves and the mention of this Tau System they are likely to reside in, this place the Sentients describes as a beautiful place...

     Any speculations that we might see more Sentient types? Perhaps visit an entirely new solar system? Think the Sentients, as a collective, won't be too happy with us being there?

    Or will there be factions amongst the Sentients, most are riled up by our presence if we can visit a new system - the Sentient Tau system, but some might need our help, or we can help them, for varying affects on how their solar system develops and grows?

    Are the Sentients as complex as the humans of our solar system, with each their own ideas, perspectives, and motivations? Or they all obey to one "head" of the whole group?

    We will definitely see more Sentient types, 
    (Spoilers for Sacrifice below)


    We're almost definitely going to see some sort of Sentient soon. Natah is now a different type of Sentient and the Mimics were also introduced.

    We will almost definitely see a Tau system because of what Natah says, "Mother, I'm coming home." . We're going to have to go in, and they aren't going to be happy that their "killers" are there.

    The Sentients are probably more complex, since the Orokin did create them and their pieces (e.g. Battalyst) are all controlled to one entity, e.g. Hunhow.


  3. (This post should have been sent a long time ago, (when the post below was posted, I wrote this about 2 hours after), but because of personal reasons, and me not pressing the "Submit Reply" button, this is stupidly delayed. Extremely sorry.)

    On 2018-05-02 at 5:55 AM, InfiniumV said:

    The return of reason - All parties

      Reveal hidden contents


    The situation had seemingly gone from a scene of laid back reassurance into a hair-trigger standoff between two groups - To be fair, most of the crewmen wanted this to be over so that they could get back to work and not be in the firing line of the most lethal golems in the origin system.
    It also should point out that one party was quite outmatched, and his support was all to likely to not support.

    "It was a mistake! Seriously! I didn't mean no ill intent." But the plea fell on deaf ears and a silence.

    But this is Hemlock, and his apathy had gutted him a long time ago - His gaze was transfixed on the offending Volt. It didn't matter in his eyes that Zan hadn't done anything malicious or had any offensive intent at all, he'd just made himself a problem.
    Hemlock didn't like problems. Hemlock didn't really like anything at this point.

    "It was just a simple accident. A one-off. Honestly, I won't do it again, and it won't happen again." More noises from the interloper.

    Regardless, when the entirety of the Hangar bay practically was either; A - Glaring at you. B - Pointing their Gun at you. C - Staring you down and finally D - Trying to talk you down, it made Hemlock start considering the situation rather deeply. Deeper than the usual tedium, as for once this seemed like an accident - The Volt caught-in-the-headlights as it were. Regardless, he kept the Quartakk leveled on the offender despite the fact that J'kotal stood in the way like the impertinent sot he was.

    Then everything went a million miles a minute. The sound of talons and rapid footfalls meant that another Tenno was coming to intercede - Allready coiled like a spring, Hemlock waited for an attack -

    "Hey, woah, ease up!" A Zephyr, grinding to a halt as she stood in a ready, but idle position. He could see her, but only via his peripherals.
    - That would never come. It was a symbiote. Good for the mission, He presumed. 
    "What the bloody blue beach balls on Bellamy station is goin' on?" The Zephyr would continue,

    "Hey!" Another voice, Female, and much younger.

    It was at this moment that another party decided to stick their nose into these affairs as he felt the void shimmer and flow. Another Tenno, A Zariman like himself - The way the latent energy felt was more akin to water than anything. The culprit, one Takar Lathra then stepped into view, going around him and to J'kotals side and manifesting her latent powers as a healing light.

    "Calm down. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for all of this, but we won't find it by attacking each other." Another reprimand. Hemlock remained quiet.

    But when Takar appeared from behind him, Hemlocks head tilted enough to catch her in his sight and then was promptly pushed that little bit further into his nigh-livid state, but his somatic training had kicked in and the only hint of his vexation was that he was twitching ever so slightly. The fact that she hadn't attempted to attack was even further proof of a peaceful intent and proof that there would be no fighting. Yet.

    "Look, Sandman. Honest Mistakes happen - No use tearing up a volt for forgetting to discharge after a brisk jog. So level that gun before the security personnel or the other operatives get any ideas..."
    Another voice. This one, however was a fellow that J'kotal spoke highly of. He was a simple, human being. One named Lucas, who had somehow managed to survive the hellish trap that was the Fortuna.

    How he survived this long, Hemlock didn't know but before he could even conceive of another thought, yet another voice piped in - Hoarse and a tad ragged, it took no genius to guess who it would belong to.
    «Calm down, Tenno.» 

    This grineer was certainly...different. A mask concealed most of his features and...Wait. Why was he wearing a shield for a hat?!
     «What the Nox says is true - this Volt Tenno here is just as startled as you are. There was no intent behind the act, certainly not one of threat. I could see it clearly. If anything, you're the threat here, ready to kill one of your own Tenno brothers in a bloodthirsty rage.» 
    «This was a simple accident. Do not make in any more than that.»

    The slate-blue Inaros kept his weapon leveled at the Volt - His position however, had lessened somewhat as he began pondering the validity of the statements he had heard. At last he seemed to see reason and returned his rifle to his back holster and returned to an upright stance. For those with a keener eye, they'd be able to see that he was far from happy.
    "I...see." A quick clear of his throat. "I...Apologize for my rash actions, Tenno. You may continue as you were." and with that, Hemlock performed a quick bow and then turned to depart - Personally, he was still fuming a little but they were speaking the truth.

    As the slate-blue git walked away, J'kotal practically felt the collective sigh of relief - Turning to Zan, he tapped him on the shoulder rather firmly.
    "Oi. You. Lookit what yer shock did to me 'air." Even though he was wearing the hood most Nox troops would wear, J'kotal was one of the lucky few grineer that had natural hair - And what little stuck out of the hood happened to be standing on end due to the residual shock from the earlier incident.

    "You owe me a damn beer or two now." J'kotal stated as he crossed his arms and leaned back casually - Before noting that he felt inexplicably reinvigorated, and turned to another ally from the Fortuna. And now he was grinning ear to ear to see yet another friend of his.

    "Takar! Damnit, if anyone was going to answer the bosses call, I knew it'd be you! How've you been?"




    It was finally over. Finally. No one was shouting at him. Zan felt... happy. Wait, no. Happy wasn't the right word. But he was somewhere close to it. He screwed up though. Already, he's shocked  everyone with that discharge that he gave to the Nox, and he was about to be shot by the facility personal, and the person who sent the message in the first place was close to put a bullet through his head.  That's a new worst for Zan.  How did he screw up so badly? 

    But people did help him. That helped a lot. 

    On 2018-05-02 at 12:14 PM, Ghost333 said:

    "You alright?" She asked the Volt, walking up to him. "Ya look like a wreck if ya don't mind me sayin'."

    Zan almost jumped. Zan looked and saw it was someone who "helped" him. 

    "I'm... okay, I guess." Zan said. He really didn't know how to respond.


    "Oh and thanks, for umm... helping me." He said. 

  4. 5 hours ago, (PS4)jagst3r091983 said:

    Rhinos pretty good

    Jackal isn't hard to kill if u have decent weapons (or begged for help in recruitment) 

    Charge- Decent atac 

    Iron skin- Tanking easy but if your fighting high level enemies u gotta be careful

    Roar- Good buff nothing else to say

    Rhino stomp- One if not the best cc in game


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