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Posts posted by Simmml

  1. He should have multiple passives like newer frames often do. 1) Lowest possible threat level - always 2) Bonus damage against irradiated enemies 3) Invisible while no alerted enemies within 20m

    1st I wouldnt give his decoy a damage stat but I would give it the ability to tag enemies with rad procs Health it should work like Molt from saryn tap is place decoy, hold is swap position with decoy You can swap with your decoy as often as you like, it has a 5 second swap cooldown that is negatively affected by duration

    2nd His 4th becomes his 2nd, base range 10m. If already irradiated Loki gets a damage bonus against them

    3rd Transfer stealth to allies . But would be cool to make it conditional. Like it teleports you to an ally and turns you both invisible, ally for 10 at base, you for 5. But if you target an enemy that's irradiated you get 15s of stealth and stab them

    4th summoning Fenrir, you can ride him like one of the Duviri horses or he just attacks random enemies close to you can be modded with pet mods



    We all know he needs some love. All he does currently is run around in stealth and maybe press 4 sometimes. Check out steves shocked little nod "He's not an unloved child" 😳

    That's all.

    • Like 2
  2. He should have multiple passives like newer frames often do. 1) Lowest possible threat level - always 2) Bonus damage against irradiated enemies 3) Invisible while no alerted enemies within 20m

    1st I wouldnt give his decoy a damage stat but I would give it the ability to tag enemies with rad procs Health it should work like Molt from saryn tap is place decoy, hold is swap position with decoy You can swap with your decoy as often as you like, it has a 5 second swap cooldown that is negatively affected by duration

    2nd His 4th becomes his 2nd, base range 10m. If already irradiated Loki gets a damage bonus against them

    3rd Transfer stealth to allies . But would be cool to make it conditional. Like it teleports you to an ally and turns you both invisible, ally for 10 at base, you for 5. But if you target an enemy that's irradiated you get 15s of stealth and stab them

    4th summoning Fenrir, you can ride him like one of the Duviri horses or he just attacks random enemies close to you can be modded with pet mods



    We all know he needs some love. All he does currently is run around in stealth and maybe press 4 sometimes. Check out steves shocked little nod "He's not an unloved child" 😳

    That's all.

  3. 19 hours ago, Prexades said:

    The main issue with Valkyr is, that she lacks group utility. If she would be bring something to the table like Rhino's Roar or Volt's Electric Shield, she would see a lot more use.


    For example with Hysteria active she gets lifesteal, but could project part of the life energy she took as healing aura around her.



    You mean like enemy defense reduction and slow? Sounds like good group support to me.


    14 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

    I'm not sure how any of this makes her "usefulness" increase. All this effectively does is replace her 1 with a generic berserker mechanic, removes the ability to freely use talons and shifts the ability to use talons as sustain to her 3rd ability, and turns her 2nd ability into an aura. End result is she is worse to play, and doesn't offer anything meaningful that another Warframe wouldn't.

    May as well just have DE release a male counterpart that is a less durable berserker with an axe or something.

    Literally every single ability of hers becomes better, ignoring Hysteria. Sitting in Hysteria all the time is boring and S#&$. Press 4 to win shouldn't be a thing. Work for your invulnerability and use the 'Oh S#&$' button as it should be used. In OH S#&$ moments.


    5 hours ago, _Urakaze_ said:

    interesting proposal. personally I still find your hysteria underwhelming, as Desert Wind would still be preferred because the energy waves can hit groups of enemy and out dpm hysteria claws in most normal <150lvl content. Another reason why the claws are bad is the abysmal status chance. Third and biggest problem is the inability to equip acolyte mods like blood rush ( I know there's workaround but the point still stands).

    I like the idea of removing the invincibility but I think a 50-90% damage reduction affected by ability strength ( or anger meter?) would be nice to have.

    also the current passive is what you've proposed but with the addition of no superhero landing when falling from high places

    You don't need status chance since you can strip defenses. YOu just need a S#&amp;&#036;load of damage to shred health. You're welcome. And you can use her paralysis + augment to bunch them up. Nothing wrong with a frame being anti single hard hitting target either. I like the passive addition you mentioned. She's a cat after all. Good job.


    5 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

    Throw out her 1st and 3rd ability and make the augment of her 4th be part of the ability.

    The 3rd ability could be anything basically since even with her augment enemies behind cover just don't give a #*!%. And without the augment they also don't give #*!% and they will go on doing their thing. Esentially the 3rd ability is the worst ability in the entire game.

    Her third ability is nice now. And it would be awesome with this rework. The end.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Zekkii said:

    The guide is fine, but it doesn't change the validity of my statement.

    You didnt read then. Because the guide tells you why all her abilities are fine as is and why/how shields work well on Mag. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Zekkii said:

    They need to look at shields in general if Mag is ever going to be any good.  As it stands Magnetize is her only good ability, and Polarize is only good with its augment.  If shields were actually any kind of defense, she would be great.

    Same goes for you. Read the guide.

  6. 6 hours ago, ShiruBiru said:

    not the skill magnetize, God. u guys cant read.


    What ppl see with mag passive? Crush overshield only work for star chart stuff, lvl 150+ that means nothing.... What u guys think if it was at least a radial wave, much better no?

    Read the guide I linked you.

  7. If Mag uses the augment Fracturing Crush the host does not see the energy effect for it being active. (it's a swirl aorund the enemies feet). Clients see it, just the host doesn't. The power does work though, so it's just a visual thing. Still a bit annoying :x Can't tell if it works/how long it does as host ❤️

  8. On 2019-02-25 at 10:27 PM, (XB1)UpgradeAcorn989 said:

    1 that picture is amazing and I love it, 2 I agree with you on the sacrifice quest, 3 WHY DO YOU OWN 35 MAGS, DO YOU AT LEAST HAVE A MAG PRIME!?!?!??!?

    They are all Primes lol

  9. I love Mag, I think she's the most wonderful and balanced frame in the game (reason why I own 35 of them as of now).

    I also think that Sacrifice was the most emotionally powerful quest in the game (apart from Second Dream, but that is because of the connection built to the frame prior to the *REDACTED*)

    So I finally got my tablet back and decided to pay tribute with my first piece in a long while.


    • Like 7
  10. The new set mods don't work sadly. I did testing with the Mecha set.

    The status effects don't get transfered at all or get transfered but deal no damage (It's highly inconsistent). The armor buff doesn't apply for the duration advertised and gives inconsistent armor values. In the screenshots you can see that once I got 20% armor for 10s... which isn't even an option on the mod as an example.


    I will look further into the cat and sentinel mods shortly, however I've not encountered any issues with them yet.

    PS: As a QoL improvement the marked enemy should maybe be highlighted like the Argonak does when scoped. In the visual firework that is warframe a translucent small icon above the head of an enemy is difficult to impossible to spot

  11. vor 20 Stunden schrieb SortaRandom:

    I'm sure that any "online" mission already scales the mob count to a full 4-man squad.

    If you want to solo a mission meant for 4 people, you can always set your matchmaking mode to Invite Only or something. (You'll lose the ability to pause, though.)

    The amount of enemies scales up the more players are in the mission. Just swapping from one to another group setting changes little. Actual player numbers are the factor. And fact is if 4 tenno are in the mission it spawns a lot more enemies than if a solo tenno runs around.

    And the whole point is playing solo against masses as if it was with 4. (I hate playing with randoms sometimes. So bloody annoying I am losing hair over it)

  12. vor 16 Stunden schrieb Brandt1:

    Today I learned... never knew setting it to invite only instead of solo would have more enemies. This might make farming resources easier now. Sure not being able to pause might take some time to get used to, but it's actually a lot more fun with more enemies to kill.

    More fun becasue more enemies is the exact point of the thing. And I see no reason not to allow it, since all it does is make it harder... (It's only solo afterall)

  13. I was wondering if it was possible to add an option to scale missions in solo play for (1 / 2 / 3 /4) players. Kinda like difficulty levels for solo play. Increases numbers of enemies as if X players were in the mission with you.

  14. It would be extremely helpful if we could get an option to favourite a few things in the decorations menu and have them be saved in the gear wheel, so when building larger structures of a few components you don't have to search the entire menu over and over again.

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