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Posts posted by Racercowboy

  1. Tysis-50% status chance


    Bonus 420% status chance= 260% status chance


    So... Double status? Like red crits?

    Garunteed red crit status chance + a 60% chance for a rainbow proc inflicting all statuses in one shot. I can see it now.



    I still think 150+ is still high. 100 is the highest it should probably go. As is you can achieve 60ish status chance on a weapon with a 10% base. Since you seen to like to compare that to the critical mods, how many critical builds run with a weapon that has a 10 % crit chance. Also I hate that comparison because Status tends to be more about utility, while Crit is pure damage. The mods should not be used for comparison.


    Also Status builds don't need to be viable on every weapon.

    It's true that not every weapon should excel at status infliction, just like not every weapon excel at critical hits. I certainly would not be against having them buffed to 100%, but as I outlined in my post that would create problems. Albeit I used the 180% version in my example, it would still come out to 360% increased status chance, which is still a ton, and enough to make any weapon with at least 10% status chance a status inflicting beast (36% status chance before multishot mods are taken into account). There aren't many weapons with less than 10% status chance, and those that do tend to have very high fire rates or are throw-away newbie weapons.


    This is why I am of the opinion that non-event status mods should be a flat increase. We can keep the number small so it won't stack in OP ways.

  2. And here we see the continuing result of power creep that many people tried to stop long ago, and some are still trying to stop. No, we don't need more damage, we already have the ability to pump out enough DPS or damage to instantly vaporize anything in the game that does not have unconditional denial of damage. At this point, adding damage is literally adding nothing into the game, because all it does is make us go from instakill to instakill. Where is the difference in that?


    I wonder how many people have considered the reason why things like boss invincibility, damage caps, and such exist? Because if they didn't, there would be no boss fight. Even now, a lot of times there still is no boss fight. Bosses have to have these things, because bosses are supposed to be hard to kill, but with out damage they are just another peon. To solve this, they added these mechanics, instead of balancing the numbers.


    Ever considered why Nullifier bubbles originally did not go off of damage? How many times have you seen an ice eximus and thought, "Oh no, that snowglobe is going to give me a lot of trouble! -poor old unranked excalibur with unranked everything". Point is, the stalker globes would have not served their purpose if a weapon could instakill them. DE knew this, and made them the way they are.


    So, for those thinking our damage is fine, I have a question for you: How do you fight back? Can you come up with a reliable, fail proof answer to this question?

  3. Solutions to the grinding issue in general?


    1. Make a "hard cap" on the time it takes to acquire items that are dropped via RNG, or even out the drop chances so we don't have massively weighted RNG drop tables.


    2. Have goals in the game that are not related to acquisition of items, Like a main story line, challenging bosses, PvP (No, we don't have PvP, we have OPvP).


    3. Gameplay is fun, but not space ninja enough. If it were more space ninja, people would play the game just to be a space ninja, and no effort would be needed to keep people playing.


    I think three should take priority. Because space ninja.


    EDIT: Bad spelling space ninja'd me.

  4. Status chance builds are viable... with the event mods. The title can be kinda misleading, but in short OP wants the status mods buffed.


    I notice a lot of people posting against the OP seem to not understand that 40% extra status chance is not going to make up for three things that an event mod provides over a non event one:


    1. Elemental Damage

    2. MUCH less drain (will explain below)

    3. Saving a mod slot (will also explain below)


    One is pretty self explanatory and two and three kinda coincide. You see, since the event mod has the elemental damage on it an elemental mod is not required. This gives the event mod a one mod slot advantage over the non-event one. The event mod already takes two less drain than a non-event one, but the fact that you  can skip out on a 11 drain elemental card makes that gap even bigger. Consider this these two setups, both with elemental damage and status chance:


    two event mods = 120% status chance and 120% elemental damage, total of 14 drain


    two elementals + buffed status card (180% to be generous) = 180% status chance, 180% elemental damage, total of 31 drain


    As you can see, it may appear to be fine at first. but you must consider this: a third mod can be added to event setup to even out or surpass the non-event setup and no matter what mod you add it still will not come out to 31 drain as there is no mod for non-archwing weapons that takes more than 16 drain.


    As you can see, the gap between non-event and even status mods is pretty big. 100% status chance is not enough. Giving them enough will give rise to things like this though:


    4 event status mods + 1 buffed status mod = 420% status chance


    Oh my word! That's a lot of status chance. This will be an issue, so I propose that the non-event status mods be a flat increase. This way, they serve a similar purpose, but in a different manner. It'll also prevent the apocalypse that is 9001% status chance increase.

  5. I don't think that score is relating to the tactical alert at all.

    Mine always showed 1.5M, which was my last score from the Leonov Fomorian mission.


    It's probably a glitch then. Cause 1.5M in that event given how long it has been out would require hax.

  6. The main problem with Well of Life is not just the skill itself, but as someone stated already there's no reason to use it over Blessing. Since they changed Blessing to be recastable mid duration (which IMO was not needed, as it destroyed the overall design of Trinity's skill balance between the two skills) Well of life has completely lost it's purpose of being the go-to healing skill. As long as Blessing remains the way it is, we will never see Well of Life become viable unless it surpasses blessing, which I don't want to think about right now......


    On another note, if they simply reverse the Blessing change and make it so Well of life marks every target in a radius around Trinity to heal all Tenno's health upon death for a small amount, then we might be getting somewhere. Of course, it would lose it's HP boosting mechanic. 

  7. How intriguing, someone posts the same topic as I did, albeit in a different section. Lets just say that some people want to actually play the game rather than view fancy loading screens.


    This also goes to show that many people are probably experiencing this issue, but just aren't coming to the forums for whatever reason. it really is something that should not be ignored.

  8. What I find sad is that Moldy Salad V (Mutalist Alad V) was quite and underwhelming boss fight. I didn't feel like I was fighting a boss, but a glorified enemy.


    Vay "what the" Hek felt like a boss, but he's a pain to grind for. I play this game for enjoyment, not to tire myself from endless rolling of the dice, so I don't even bother. N, I don't have Hydroid, nor do I intend to buy him with plat.


    Lephantis was much better designed than the other two as far as the grind goes, as the OP mentioned. As you are enjoying the game, you get OD key parts to drop. You discover, "Hey, it's a new area to explore, let's go exploring!" As you explore, you find parts to his keys, which you can craft to fight him. It's not locked behind an unbreakable wall of rng, or limited to just one enemy dropping 1 of 4 parts in an obviously rigged drop table.


    I just hope these new boss reworks that are coming are not locked behind walls like these. Like I said earlier, I play this game to enjoy being a space ninja, not to continuously roll the dice to see if the right side lands.

  9. I think people are misunderstanding. I fully understand that banishing frames like Mesa can have devastating effects. I see nothing wrong with this. What I see wrong is if there are no frames like Mesa in the party suddenly his usefulness plummets massively. Like someone said earlier, having rift surge apply to the whole party can solve this.


    It's also true that having enemies accuracy reduced would fall under safety, but consider these situations:


    - player and enemy are not in the rift: Normal situation. nothing to say here.


    - player is in rift, enemy is not: cannot interact outside of warframe powers. This is where damage casters shine.


    - player is not in the rift, enemy is in the rift: Same as above situation, minus the energy regeneration. Better to just banish the player.


    - player and enemy are both in the rift: Same as not being in the rift, except players have more health regeneration.


    As you can see, the only thing the rift does, outside of energy regeneration, is prevent interaction between the two planes. With this in mind, there is no reason for the last situation to happen unless it's Limbo himself who is the player, who then can rift surge to take advantage of it. This is where my complaint is coming from.

  10. Can banish teammates that are near death to save them, and theres even an augment mod for banish that allows the restoration of health when banishing a teammate to said banished teammate. 

    Yes, this reinforces my point even more. This helps people avoid damage. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with this at all.



    finaly we something that favors casters, and people complain >.>

    I'm not complaining that it helps casters so much, I'm complaining that it does not help others so much. If you read my post you would understand this.

  11. I honestly don't know what they were thinking using the buzlok for the deal. Sure, lets put up a weapon no one uses and everyone hates for sale, we'll get tons of money from this!


    Maybe if it came with a change for the Buzlok (the ability to tag multiple targets?) it would make sense, but like this, I don't even....

  12. As a limbo, have you ever wondered about why you banish teammates to the rift? Most reasons can be summarized by what the title says. Now, these are not bad reasons, but it begs the question: Isn't fighting in the rift supposed to give you an advantage as opposed to fighting outside the rift?


    Think about it, Limbo has a reason to fight enemies in the rift and that is rift surge. If he gets himself and enemies in the rift he can dish out more damage. This, however, does not apply to teammates. Having teammates fight enemies in the rift is no different than fighting them outside the rift. You could say they get more energy, but to that I say this: Energy is used for tenno powers, and tenno powers hit things whether or not they are in the rift. If this is the case, wouldn't it be better to only banish the teammate, so he/she can freely destroy things safely? As you can see, it goes back to my main point: outside of energy and safety, there is no reason to banish teammates to the rift.


    The problem with this is that it heavily favors damage casters over everything else. It's not a bad thing that he can help them greatly, but it's a bad thing that others lose out compared to them. So, why not have enemies lose firing accuracy while they are in the rift? With this, not only will people not feel as bad for getting banished, it'll give a reason to send everyone there, but not a big enough reason to perma banish everything all the time. It won't affect his ability to help in the way he does now, just gives an option for tenno who rely more on their weapons for damage rather than their warframe abilities. 

  13. It's just too bad that the Tactical alert vote didn't have an "other opinion" option on it. Currently in tactical alerts people just bring a warframe and some outrageously OP weapon and still blast through it. this limitation does not phase those who should be most affected by it. I do like the idea of enemy difficulty scaling with conclaive, but if a newbie gets stuck with a bunch of vets he'll have a dreadful time. At least the vets can carry him though. I think if the game were actually balanced it would be easier to gauge what conclaive or difficulty enemies should be at.


    Combo cancelling though? Can we cancel a combo... into another combo? If so, all of my yes. If not, still all of my yes, but I will cry oceans of tears.

  14. Most laptops are not made to play games, you can't expect Warframe to be playable on absolutely everything, specially if the deviced is not designed for gaming.


    Edit: for the record i am not against your proposal, but it's just surprising the amount of people playing on laptops nowadays... it's like going to a cars race with bikes and insisting in participating, off course you can try and you might manage to do it, but dude... you already knew you were supposed to bring a car...


    I understand that warframe won't be playable on anything. But for it to go from "works good on my computer" to "100% unplayable" is not a good thing, and makes DE look very bad.


    It's getting to the point where the system requirements on the steam page will not be enough to run this game. One of my friends laptops exceeded the requirements, and he can't play the game anymore. 

  15. DISCLAIMER: Before I begin, I want to clarify that I myself do not play on a laptop. This is more for 3 of my friends who all play on laptops, but can't even play the game with us anymore (one of them only has a chance of loading into the game... Thankfully it's not the same chance as it is to find Nova Prime parts). With that said, please continue reading if you are interested.


    If you bothered to read the above, you'll know that I have 3 friends who all play on laptops. We have been thoroughly enjoying this game together, as it's one of the only games they can play on their laptops. One of them was rejoicing his little heart out when multithreaded rendering was introduced, he was getting 30-40fps framerate on minimal settings! More optimizations made it so their laptops ran the game even smoother! All was going well... until the interactive loading screens attacked.


    The interactive loading screens put so much burden on their laptop, that it would freeze on a regular basis. This would have been fine.... If they could load into a game with us. You see, they have freezes last so long that they loose connection with the host and are returned back to their liset. Back when there was no interactive loading screen, they did not have this issue. What makes matters worse is that if they do want to play with others, they are forced to host because of this and hosting puts a larger burden on the computer, reducing their performance pretty heavily. At least they can still play- oh wait, there goes Jimmy. Host migration ensues.


    As you can see, the situation is very bleak. Two of them already quit warframe out of frustration. The last one seems to be on the verge of going. Whether they'll come back or not is up to them. The sad part is it makes me want to leave too, and my computer can handle anything this game throws at it. I can't help but think what other patch will come that adds something that takes away another friend's or clanmate's ability to play the game?


    With all this said, I will make this suggestion with great fervor:




    We like pretty things, but we also like to play the game. Even if it's just a picture of our four colorful lisets we'd be happy. Keep in mind, these are just my three friends. Who knows about all of the unmentioned toasters that may have left because of these changes.

  16. Title.


    Because it's nice to know whether or not your teammates can press 4. 


    Seeing teammates energy would help encourage more teamwork. "OMG Y U NO PRESS 4!!!" type of deals, it'll be more "Oh, you don't have enough energy to press 4? I'll press 4 then." situations. Well, this can go beyond pressing 4... maybe.... one day when they finally balance warframe powers..... if that day comes...... maybe.......




    TL;DR - If you skipped to this then maybe you have better things to do.

  17. I'd argue that there shouldn't be too much incentive to keep some guns, simply because slots need plat and free players already complain about how limited they are. Guns designed to be obsolete fit into this paradigm well via giving newbies something to cut their teeth on which can then be sold when something better comes along.


    Granted, this system does kind of require a less haphazardly applied tier system than what we've got now.


    Again, though, there will always be stat disparity and a player driven meta that says "this gun is best." There's not much that can be done about that.



    That logic applies regardless of stats though. If people have disposable income to burn they're going to burn it on anything they like the look of regardless of its stats. I mean, you can only use one weapon in a given class on a mission, so once you've got a gun who you like the handling of there is no real incentive to get other guns.


    Also, if you've got disposable income, there's no real need to get rid of "obsolete" guns; I've still got most of my old guns, even though Soma's generally replaced them as my go to gun. Sometimes I take them out for a spin just for lulz. And then there's guns with special quirks; Synoid Gammacor's basically obsoleted all other beam weapons, but I still keep my nukor and glaxion because they have interesting effects.

    Of course there is nothing wrong with starter gear. It introduces different weapons for newbies to play around with.


    Yes, people will always go for what's best, but it would also be nice if what's best didn't blow away everything else by light-years. It would be nice if people actually had to try to make a "best" combination, only to have it beaten by someone else's new "best" combination. It makes things much more interesting for everyone.


    The logic of people getting weapons just to have them though can be applied to either a tiering or sidegrade system, as their decision is based purely on personal taste rather than statistics. Even I have an Ignis that's fun to play around with cause flamethrowers. Once one starts going based on statistics things begin to fall apart. Going for only the best, people will bypass everything else that does not compete, which is what's happening now with the vast majority of people.


    I think another thing that might help would introducing more mechanics to compete with damage when it comes to choosing a weapon. Currently, the only real things we have are damage and status chance. No, criticals do not count as one; all they do is multiply your damage, so in the end it is just damage. If we had more to compete with damage it would open up more possibilities. 

  18. What tier is Grakata in?  What does it compare to?  How does one compare it to other guns?  How does one know that a group of guns are competitive?

    I thought fixing this to increase choices was the main of this discussion. Of course we know that the current tier system, if you even want to call it that, is a complete mess.



    Sure. But that doesn't leave you with a sidegrade system, that's just a roundabout tier system.

    Just to be clear, I'm totally 100% behind a tier system where every gun in a given tier is roughly competitive with all the other guns in its tier.

    Don't get me wrong, I would much prefer a proper tier system over what we have now, but my problem with it is similar to your problem with a sidegrade system: Yes, we'll get more weapons, but how much are we actually going to invest in them? If we know that there is a better weapon to work towards and no incentive to use lower tier weapons, why keep them? You're just going to replace them with a better version down the road anyway. Do keep in mind, people are far more likely to invest in something that is worthwhile than something that is not. All these Somas and Boltor Primes running about are proof of this.

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