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Posts posted by Climaxstriker

  1. Is dragon going to be able to fly in space without an archwing?


    Because I know he's supposed to be "ridiculously ambitious and feel different" I was just wondering if flying through space without an archwing would be TOO ridiculously ambitious. 



    ETA on U16?



  2. You have NO IDEA how cray-cray it's been since U14


    We have archwings! We got a gentleman frame who can send people and himself into another plane of existance, a gunslinger frame. Spy missions just got a bit stealthier (IMPORTANT NOTE: the event mods for the breeding grounds and the cryotics events now serve as drops in spy 2.0, no guarantee on receiving them though.) a dragon warframe (Yes, you've read that right. A FRICKIN DRAGON!) is coming in a few weeks in update 16 along with parkour 2.0. we got syndicates, syndicate mods, POWER AUGMENT MODS, syndicate weapons, AND syndicate syandana's. We got relays but vay hek blew them most of them up because he's a party pooper like that (he's now on earth again if you want to whoop his butt!) We have new weapons. we got new primes. there's a possibility that the sentients are going to come back to the sol system to finish whatever it is that they started long ago. there's a creepy skull thing that we found that may possibly be of sentient origin. 

    Here's a pic of the skull that we found.



  3. dragon.. will it trow fire O.o(ember)?   fly ?  move fast? Rage while screaming with immortality?   think we got those covered.. what can a dragon do that no other warframe can? scream to call other dragons?  ( nekros like)  .....   O . o   wuut  wut


    I believe that the dragon warframe will use different elemental damage depending on their energy color. 

  4. Exactly. Who the hell cares. As long as we have 1 relay and enough for the void trader I couldn't give a S#&$ if we lost one or two. They are all the same and the ones that the void trader doesn't go on doesn't offer anything different.


    One flaw in that little plan most of the lazy players on here seem to admire so much....If there are very few relays players have to work with, how crowded do you think a relay would get? How insane do you think the frame-rate would get in there as a result? 



    I never understood why people have this attitude of "You need to lose something!"


    It's like you hate success.  Do you apply this logic/attitude to real life by any chance?



    ^^This guy, He gets a cookie for using the ol noggin. 

  5. For instance whenever you're going to "assassinate" one of the grineer bosses whose sole intention is to stop them from decaying and make them human again...how is this a bad thing? Because f*** them thats why? And when you complete an assassination she's like "they won't be botheriing us anymore.." I'm pretty sure we were bothering them to start with.

    Has anyone else felt that in fact the tenno are the bad guys blindly following whatever some chick says whose face we've never seen?!?!


    The grineer are evil, if their cloning decay is stopped then they'll have more efficient cloning formulas which will result in an even LARGER army, which is bad news for the people fighting them, us included. Besides, remember how they brought back the infestation that supposedly died with the orokin? All those lives the infestation took are on the grineer's heads in addition to the ones the grineer took themselves.

  6. The low frame rate isnt because 'there is players'. its because de's coding and development isnt optimized enough that we can handle all of it. there are more than one relay that  a player can be loaded into, so when it fills up, it hosts another relay for the new people trying to get in. when you load in it will say vesper relay 2 or 3 if youre in fact not in the first relay with everyone else because its capped. If we are all gathering in one spot, and all suffering lag (well all of you anyway, not me) then they might have more reason to fix w/e it is that causes the severe lag. Performance hotfixes abound!


    as for your 'sounds like the only opinions you care about blah blahblah' ... dont you even know what a petition is? this wasnt a 'lets discuss what we do or dont like' this was a 'if youre on board let us know' 


    here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petition




    You know, you could've just made a poll instead of a petition....because having a petition as a forum-thread didn't really pan-out so well.




     This is a link to a place you can make a poll. (In case you were hoping i'd get a healthy dose of karma, in looking for this strawpoll link, google decided to have a twisted sense of humor and give me a screamer version of this one called "strawpoii" and nearly made me crap myself. Don't worry this the real deal. If you don't believe me, mute your speakers before clicking the link.)

  7. OK, let me explain to you why that is a not a very good idea.


    If we let all of the other relays burn, we'd only have the ONE relay for EVERY PLAYER to use. Do you have any idea how crazy the frame-rate would be of all of those players just dropped by the ONE relay?? I know from experience that it can very hard to navigate through the Medallion menus when there's.... oh i don't know...A crap ton of people walking by you. plus, what if there's a limit to how many players each relay can handle?


    The impending frame-rate nightmare can be avoided if you prevent all of the other relays from suffering the same fate as Strata.


    Besides, I still have my pride as a player to keep fighting the good fight. That's my reason for not giving up on the Strata relay while most of you guys did. I know that pride doesn't get me prizes, however, If I were to choose any reason to lose a relay, i'd personally prefer it to be "we gave it our all but it wasn't enough" rather than "we let it happen."




    If you dont agree, well we dont need any input from you, and there are a few 'do better next time' threads you can go support if you feel the need.


    Sounds like the only opinions you care about in this thread are the ones that perfectly match yours. Don't start a thread stating one idea if you aren't willing to listen to the other players' thoughts and opinions on the matter. Especially if they don't happen to agree with your view, the other players' thoughts and opinions on what to do might even be more valid than the thoughts and opinions I've already stated above. 


    I respect your view of having one relay in the system, I respect that you want to see the relays explode.....


    That being said, I still believe it is a terrible idea, to put it bluntly.

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