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Posts posted by Climaxstriker

  1. Why can't the kubrows appear on the mini map like Nekros' minions? You could even give em their own special little doggy icon. 


    I like that doggy icon idea. 

  2. I think I called my Rhino the Kachidoki frame (Kachidoki is "victory" in japanese) Because with my Rhino, Victory is a 99.99% chance. 


    Also named my Kubrow "Miniclimax" because well, I was thinking "Mini-me" at the time. 

  3. I know how some of us got a bug during hotfix 14.0.9 but with some of us have lost our stasis chambers, yet some of us got 2 extra stasis chambers as a result.


    I know that DE_Glen said he was going to fix this bug, but I still have some questions regarding this bug and what we can expect in the future. 


    Q1. Do we just leave the Bug-acquired stasis chambers alone in the meantime or do we give in to the temptation of acquiring more Space puppies? 


    Q2. (I'll use my own extra stasis chambers as an example) I originally had 2 Stasis chambers, and after the hotfix, I gained 2 more stasis chambers. Now say, I used the bug-acquired extra stasis chambers in order to be able to have more Kubrows than I would've been able to own fairly if I hadn't taken advantage of this bug.


    What would the penalty be for using those bug-acquired stasis chambers for the incubation of more Kubrows? Would the stasis chambers simply be taken away and the Kubrows inside be sent to the Kubrow pound? 


    Q3. For those who had their stasis chambers taken away along with the kubrows inside those stasis chambers as a result of this bug, What sort of compensation would they get for the loss of their beloved space-ninja dog?


    Q4. What would happen to the eggs incubating if the extra stasis chambers get taken away and there is no more room for another kubrow? Does the egg simply stop incubating? and if so would the incubation timer be reset for the Kubrow egg that was already incubating when the fix for this stasis chambers bug occurs and we'd have to wait another 2 days or spend another 15 plat for it to hatch?


    And that's just about all the questions I can think of having to do with this bug.


    If it turns out that some of these questions have already been answered. Please post the answer on this thread, you would be a very awesome space-ninja for it.


    I didn't use the stasis chambers, I just asked some of these questions out of honest curiosity and out of concern for what would happen if I do use these bug-acquired stasis chambers that some of the other tenno are no doubt already using to breed more kubrows.

  4. OK, so I log back into the ship and fine nothing wrong with my kubrow, good Ol MiniClimax is just chilling and Good Ol Zangetsu is (literally) chilling in his comfy stasis chamber.


    When I looked at my kubrow, I found that I had 2 extra Stasis chambers in addition to the stasis chambers I had started with.




    I never spent any plat on the stasis chambers. I hadn't seen anything about stasis chambers in the patch notes so odds are I got these 2 extra stasis chambers from a bug. 

  5. My kubrow kept dying on a few missions, so I tried restoring loyalty by interacting with him but It's still the same level of loyalty it was before. I may have exausted the number of interactions I could use to restore his loyalty the night before but I don't know if these interactions are actually helping. because I only got the cutscene interaction like once every few tries and the other times i tried interacting, I just got no cutscene. 


    Does the Loyalty restoration happen on chance? If so, do the cutscenes give any indication that an interaction was successful in restoring loyalty? If it doesn't happen on chance and it's guaranteed to restore loyalty, how much loyalty is actually recovered just by interacting with the kubrow?



    I just put Zangetsu  (My Huras puppy) in stasis a few days ago, so I could try to get a Sunika Kubrow (which I was lucky enough to get) known for their offense, finish the quest with that kubrow, while I could have Huras mature after I finish the quest with the Sunika.


    When Lotus told me MiniClimax (My Sunika) had matured, I was stoked to see him. Then When I went to Navigation, I couldn't find the quest marker, and when I backed out of the Navigation Menu, I looked at the Navigation's dashboard and saw that "Wait for the Kubrow to mature." message still there. 


    At first I thought that the quest can only progress if the first Kubrow a Tenno hatched matures, but then I remembered that the Lotus told me that MiniClimax matured and she also told me about that Orokin era Kubrow Collar.



    Edit: I just completed the imprint on Miniclimax and now I can take do the Collar mission. 

  7. Put up the name of the Kubrow, Then put up the date of when you got his/her egg to when he/she passed on to Space Doggy heaven/hell (depending how much they treated your arsenal like a space fire-hydrant.)



    For example: 








    Gone (at least til they get revived through cloning) but not forgotten. :(

  8. Not to the extent that it stopped me from doing it again, I sort of agree with you that the Incubator power core shouldn't have to be used only once then we'd have to build another just to have another kubrow. It feels like a low-blow to the Credit-wallet, but it sure as hell didn't stop me from trying to get another kubrow. 

  9. I have this problem, even though the incubator powercore is still building and the egg isn't even hatched yet.


    It's kind of annoying to the point where I want to smack ordis upside his central cerebral unit (term I made up for where AI's have "Brains.")


    For example:


    Ordis: "Great it's hatching" *smacks Ordis upside the Central cerebral unit*


    Angrily annoyed Tenno: NO! NO IT IS NOT!!!!

  10. Oh, the queens should teach vor not to try to sabotage crap when he has no idea how it works. He actually doubled my shields rather than try to sabotage them, I could already hear him thinking "CURSE THIS CORPUS PIECE OF CRAP!" as he throws the cipher against a wall and fries it with a void key.


    I'm not even joking, he actually wound up helping me rather than sabotaging me. It was funny.

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