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Posts posted by Climaxstriker

  1. I'm actually saving up plat from trade to buy mesa.


    Because if i have to stare at the recruiting chat trying to look for an Mutalist Alad V run without the word "keyshare" in the name, I swear to Lotus I am going to put my hands through the computer screen and strangle Alad V back to death.

  2. We need a tally sheet every time they cuss on stream.


    Or we can get a Corpus-funded swear jar. :D



    Also quick question about the Secret Santa thing, is it daily that you give out gifts or is it just during prime times during December?

    The secret santa thing is just during prime time as far as i know. 

  3. Steel meridian: they are willing to protect the innocent. they've been giving the weak a chance for survival and freedom. If that's not worth our time,  don't know what is.


    Red veil: I liked them at first but then i got a glimpse of what's behind their window at their room (watched a youtube video, was rank 10 T_T). They're keeping infested(Sure we're doing the same thing in our dojo's but I don't think a window is going to keep them contained). and what with this "cleansing fire" stuff. it doesn't sound like the red veil is going to make the infested give us puppy love. 


    New loka: They talk way too much of this "purity" crap. In my opinion there's no such thing as purity. and besides, the purity they talk about sounds like "supremacy" like humans are the epitome of perfection. The way they talk about "humanity" and "perfection" make it sound like humanity is the race of perfection, which we all know is crap to begin with. If humans were so perfect, then where were the humans in the Orokin era?....Where are the humans in the new war?


    Cephalon suda: At first I thought she was the warframe version of skynet. but she just wants to learn of things, and she isn't much of a fan of destruction like the red veil is, so there's that.

  4. I can confirm that being dead when extracting makes you lose your points and possibly your mods. Not very nice because that's not how it normally works.


    Plus it should've been stated on the event information that you have to be alive to get the points and the mod. either this is a bug or someone forgot to tell us that our character's have to actually "survive"

  5. I thought i didn't receive anything because i was dead!!!!!!!!! It took us all a half hour of utter hell and torture, and only 1 of us got the mods i think. I almost put my hands through my computer screen in an effort to strangle the infested alad v for all the bs he put us through.


    And there is no way i am going back in there to get the mods. I'd rather make the foolish mistake of making valkyr angry than go back into that nightmare of a survival mission.

  6. Will there be more weapon augment mods to be obtained from syndicates? Also, will we be able to equip a weapon augment mod that can only be equipped to a weapon of a certain variation, to others?


    For example. will there ever be a time where stinging truth for the viper can be equipped to the twin vipers or the twin wraith vipers. Will Gilded truth be able to be equipped and used with a regular burston like the mod can be used with the burston prime? etc.

  7. I'm gonna say my worst and my favorite moments:

    The Worst: I was doing the color quest for my kubrow, and the stalker happily decided to step in. The minute he tried to attack me with his scythe HE KILLED MY KUBROW. 

    Oh but it doesn't stop there, because when I tried to re-do the quest, NO GRINEER WOULD SPAWN AT ALL


    My Favorite moment: The first ever drop he gave me was Hate. And it was the first time I ever encountered him was when he dropped it.



    Ugh, I feel your pain, I tried farming xp for mini-climax and then the scythe wielding jerk killed me AND my kubrow. 

  8. This is a known issue that we are still looking into.  If you simply don't want to hear music but have all the other sliders fully set to 100% then the low level music should be masked by other sounds.  If, however, you want to mute all game sounds then I would suggest setting the Master Volume to 0%, instead of each slider individually.



    I know from experience that doesn't work. I tried setting master volume to 0. still heard the in-game music. 

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