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Posts posted by OrlockCedar

  1. 6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Alarms ring out.

    There is a series of explosions as the generators are destroyed. Power fluctuates and the lights turn off. Emergency lights illuminate the room.

    "Alarms have been triggered." Darrin says. "I expected sooner. Dorren, the other console is across that chasm. Lock onto a Galleon and fire."

    His voice is utterly calm and devoid of emotion.

    Doren would shrugs slightly as he takes a running start before bullet jumping over the chasm. He would then go about loading the new coordinates into the canon's system. He had it locked on before calling it in. "Gun is locked on and ready."

  2. 2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    The room is currently clear. A patrol is leaving the area, so a new one will probably be coming soon.

    Darrin motions for another to jump down after the barrier flickers off.

    One of Doren's Tenno hops down with ease.

    Seeing as the area is clear, Doren would check the timer. Two minutes until the dropship was at the designated target.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    ((Outside battle will wait for Teloch. Infiltration will continue as planned.))

    Darrin drops to the ground, scans the room, and holds up a hand. The barrier flickers back on for fifteen seconds, then off. Darrin motions for ou to drop, then holds up a hand to stall the next person. He is not looking at the barrier, but seems to know internally when it will activate.

    (Back) Doren would hop down quietly and clear the area scan the area for hostiles though his sights.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Darrin leads you to a small area beside a vent.

    "Main guns are through here." He says. "We'll need to take control of the targeting center. Left canon has faulty rounds. Right canon will be aimed at a galleon."

    Inside the vent leads through some tunnels to a scanner that flickers on and off every fifteen seconds. Below is a drop into a control room. 

    Doren and his team disengage their archwings and pull out their silenced rifles. Doren nods to Darrin. "After you." he looks at the display once more. A holographic image came up of the drop ship as well as a countdown.

    (Going dark for a bit. Gotta drive)

  5. 2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    After the first set of scans Darrin motions for you to follow him.

    He detached from the hull and floats towards a cluster of rocks. The sheer number of asteroids make plenty of openings in the defenses.

    Doren and his team follow Darrin. Doren would push a small  holographic console on his arm. A signal would be sent to the main dropship. "Alright people. We got the green light. Strap in, 'cause things are gonna get real bumpy." The Dropship would then take off from the Leviathan and make its way to the designated target area.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Darrin is floating almost leasurely with the shuttle.

    "Codes verified, proceed." The voice says. "Prepare your ship for scans at the checkpoint."

    Thw shipmmvoes forward. The scans ahead look to be randomized.

    Doren motions for his team to hover back behind the dropship once they're passed the station. They would watch each scan to allow the dropship to block its view from one point and pass from there.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Brok steadied his hand as he urged he ship forward. Minutes later the call came in.

    "Shuttle Chee-ke Chok-ke please identify." 

    "Kuva Fortress we bring tribute from a reclaimed colony on Phobos." Grok says. "Glory to the Kweens."

    "Transmit identification codes now." The voice demands.

    The three Sigma Tenno remain as still as possible as the dropship pilot sends the ID codes.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Grok opens a channel to both generals. He sits at the helm of the spare ship.

    "We are ready." He says. "Encryption codes prepared. We will be bringing a "tribute" from a recently captured colony. Going silent now. We will wiggle the left rudder if anything goes wrong. One wiggle for a delay, two for of our cover is blown. Good luck."

    The channel closes and the ship begins to move forwards.

    Doren nods as they go quiet. He and his two other Tenno would follow along the underbelly of the dropship.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    "Order it to move forward with us." Darrin says. "A Grineer ship with Grineer colors will not draw attention. They won't check the authorization till we are nearly to the door. Cressa has an encryption matrix with the latest codes. She can get the ship through the checkpoint. The ship can shield our approach as long as we keep it between us and the base."

    "We have an extra. That one's been decked out for the special surprise. I'll have someone get on the spare so we can use it as a decoy." 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    "As long as it is precise and does not irradiate the target area." Darrin says.

    He simply steps out of the hangar, his archwing snapping to his back,  and then flies to the front of the group. 

    "We will be going in under the radar." He says. "I've plotted a path from a steroid to asteroid. As long as we avoid the scans it will work."


    "Oh it'll cause one hell of a diversion." Doren would follow Darrin and anyone else he had with him.

  11. Just now, Rakawan said:

    An archwing flies up the side of the ship, a figure stepping into the hangar the moment it clears the floor. The archwing turns and hovers near the entrance.

    "General Dorren." Darrin says. "You are with me. We'll use archwings to get close and then sabotage the big guns from inside. "

    "Understood." Doren turns to the other two. "Greenlight! Go! Go! Go!" The three of them would break into a sprint with their archwings attached before jumping out of the hangar bay. Each of them would activate their archwings as they hit dead space. Each of them used Itzal Archwings. "Just let me know when we can hit them hard and loud. We've got something planned for them."

  12. Just now, Rakawan said:

    "Right on time." Darrin says. "Ready your archwing. I will meet you in the hangar."

    The hangar was cleared as the last squads were loaded into the dropship. Thanks to the Steel Meridian, Fireteam Sigma was able to get themselves a Grineer drop ship, which was then heavily reinforced with additional plating for missions like this. "My team is waiting in the hangar for the green light."

  13. Just now, Rakawan said:

    "Leviathan please divert to rail." Darrin says. "The Formorian will dock with you when you come out of punch at the rendesvous site."


    A different voice would respond as Doren was busy prepping with the rest of the men. "Understood. Leviathan diverting to holding position at the Rail."

    Doren would see the change in course and reach comms to the bridge. "What the hell's going on up there?" "Orders from command, sir. We gotta divert to the Rail." He lets out a nervous breath. They were all nervous, the calm before the storm was the worst part of a fight.

  14. Several squads of Humans were lead into a large, fully and heavily armored drop ship. Each squad was lead by one Tenno. Doren would watch them load into the drop ship as he and two other Tenno worked on their Archwings. The three Tenno would also check and recheck their Archwing weapons. "No flak canons" was Doren's only restriction on what his team could bring with them. All squads carried the same weapons as Doren did; suppressed assault rifles. Some of them got lucky and were given heavier ballistics. The Tenno of Fireteam Sigma received better weapons than the average foot soldier.  

  15. 4 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    Ships begins to line up in orbit.

    "All ships report in." Ryoko says. 

    "I want the command on comms pronto." The crew, mostly comprised of humans, went to work getting comms established. One would give Doren the thumbs up. "This is the Leviathan checking in. Incursion team is armed and ready."   

  16. Back aboard the Leviathan, the crew were preparing the main batteries for combat readiness in a moment's notice. The few Tenno within Fireteam Sigma were in the armory preparing for their incursion. Doren was now sporting a Koga model Ash Warframe. He looks over the other Tenno while screwing a suppressor onto his Lex Prime, as well as his Burston Prime. He grabbed his Ryu model Dragon Nikana and let the blade magnetize to his back. The same when for his Burston Prime before holstering his Lex Prime into a thigh holster. After his prepping was complete he would head to the bridge.

  17. 1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

    "I considered that as well." Darrin says. "But currently we do not have a suitable team. Do you possess any members with exceptional archwing skill?"

    "I do. I could lead a small team inside that way and have my crew on hold with the Leviathan. Even if I have one extra Tenno it could make all the difference."

  18. 11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    "Reports indicate they have multiple mine systems." Darrin says. "Our Dreadnoughts can clear a path. What worries me is those guns."

    Kal walks up.

    "Tectonic rounds." He says. "Meant for anti-colony strikes. They will be difficult. I advise removing them from play."

    Doren rubs the chin of his helmet for a moment. "What if we have a infiltration team with archwings go in via the shipping tunnels? Sneak inside and take those guns out of commission." He would point to the small shipping tunnel on the side of the fortress. It would most likely be harder to see due to its placement and size compared to the rest of the fortress. 

  19. 11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Darrin looks at the Graxx and then back at Doren.

    "Unless we take them offline." He says. "Kal'rok, how nice of you to join us."

    Doren looks over and nods before looking over the display. "We could have an incursion team go in and disable the guns so the main force could move in, but I dunno what else the Grineer could have up their sleeves for us. Could be mines, and whatever else."

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