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  1. I've been playing warframe for 9+ years, recently i switched to playing in ps5 from pc because i can no longer use my pc. Since day 1 of playing warframe on ps5 I have encountered this problem. The problem is: I am constantly getting disconnected to the host when playing. What happens is my game will stutter/ freeze for 5-10 seconds then the game will show a notification that you have lost connection to the host and I am taken back to orbiter. This happens in 2 situations. First: in the loading screen before the game started. Second: When a new players joined a game that I'm in. Im sure this problem is for me only as the every other player in the lobby is not getting an error. and Im sure this is not caused by my internet connection. Its the game. Once in the orbiter I can choose to join back in (most of the times this worked without any stutter and disconnection) but most of the times the session is already full. I usually just ignored this problem but with the release of protea prime, it's getting very frustrating. Every time I got a crew to do a radshare with I couldn't even join the game because the game stutters and disconnect me in the loading screen. I have been looking for the solution to this problem in this forum and reddits and other sources but no one has been able to help me with this. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS DE OR ANYONE *Im using the word "constantly" to stress how often this happens to me. Although it doesn't happen every time.
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