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  1. Clan name - Dolmari Clan Tier: Montain Platform: PC Role: Founding Warlord / Architect Submission: Emergent I want to introduce our new dojo, which whole is made to look like huge space submarine. Every room in submarine is decorated and full functional, but there is also very long trip to check our old dojo (connection of this two parts has lore's explanation). "New" dojo is docorated in 95-98% by myself. I made also own clan's lore, which is explaining, how clan was made, why our ship (dojo) looks like this etc. I made crossover with series The Longest Journey, where is also faction named Dolmari. My idea was to create own small lore, where, we are not in center of universe, but we have own place / niche in game, where clan is specializing in something in this world. We are starting in contest first time and I hope this unusual idea for presentation will make you also love this dojo. ;) Trip (last 16 sec are sources): Images: Our full lore (if you like to read): I hope you will like my idea for maximazing imersion of playing Warframe, by creating something more, like own lore, to get own place in game's world. ;) BTW, on my youtube chanell is also extended version of lore, if anyone want check it out. :)
  2. Hej, stworzyłem pewien projekt, który osadza nazwę mojego klanu w świecie gry. Mam nadzieję, że się spodoba i inni także zaczną osadzać własne kreacje do świata gry, żeby wyjąć poza schemat "choosen ones". Miłoby było, jakby taki trend się rozwinął w społeczności gry. 😉 https://youtu.be/f2-wXNAMLo8?si=6anXMedm8bi8JPS0
  3. Hi, I'm not quite sure, should I post art, or roleplay topic, but I think it will match mire here. I created lore for my clan. Because name is same like one of the races from The Longest Journey, so I have made kind of crossover, which is connecting both games. I hope you will enjoy it and maybe more people will create own lore, to make huge meta game, placing ourselves somewhere else in game, than only role of "choosen ones". BTW, please don't be too harsh, it's my first project like this and I'm learning myself, how to use clip edit programs. https://youtu.be/f2-wXNAMLo8?si=6anXMedm8bi8JPS0
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