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  1. Well, its a bit obscure, but one can go to the factions thingy on your orbiter and select to go to Simaris from there, but still need to walk into the Sim itself
  2. Hello fellow Tenno! As I logged onto Warframe mere minutes ago, preparing to go a Guass farm for subsuming (Sold him before the great subsumation was a thing to do) I was struck by what I hope could be received as a brilliant idea. We all have Starchart nodes which we frequent, be it for a Relay visit, a quick stop to an open world, a farm for a Warframe, or good ol Hydron! So here I was thinking, wouldn't it be great to have a new tab alongside the Alerts, Missions etc are seen, which is like a bookamarked locations tab. So you just pop over there and select wherever that location is you're always going too now and again? I'm aware its not a big deal to just go on the starchart and do this as we do now.. just figured its an idea worth putting out there. Also, DE, to incentivize ya'll, just think about all the plat to be made, paying for slots because we can only have so many boomarks free 🤣
  3. Thanks for all the interesting opinions and feedback so far! Definitely agree melee does not need to be more powerful. I guess I'm saying this as an almost entirely melee only player (Daikyu for life steal, Nukor for priming) so if there was anything personally that I was after it would be and Exilus slot for melee, with some QOL type mods, some attack speed, range, that kind of thing but not in any breaking kind of way. Just to free up a mod slot in your main slots, but a guy can only wish xD
  4. Outside of Zaws having their dedicated Arcanes, do you think we will ever see Exilus mod slots on general melee weapons and Zaws alike? I fully understand it would probably be rather OP/broken, but if we are honest, Warframe is always OP in one aspect or another, be it a meta or simply something that needs nerfing as of yet! As an example, having an Exilus slot on all melee weapons (Of course, to be unlocked with an adapter still), would say be a great spot to dump an attack speed mod, which frees up a mod slot or arcane slot on your warframe (Arcane Strike) opening up more possibilities to build on your chosen setup. Even if said Exilus mods are somewhat diluted, such as a less potent Berserker Fury, yet still enough to tip the speed into a favourable one. Let me know your thoughts below!
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