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Posts posted by SgtCapricorn

  1. Hi!

    I've been playing Octavia for a while now, and I am a big fan of how her abilities match her music. The only problem I see with her is the Metronome ability.

    I love the idea behind it; Having players dance to the music is a really cool mechanic, but the main issue is that it is simply too difficult, if not impossible, to get most of the buffs out of it. At the end of the day it ends up just being a stealth (and armor, granted) engine, and even then often only for the Octavia herself, due to the stealth buff being the most reasonable to obtain. The multishot buff is impossible to get with a majority of weapons in the game. Beam weapons, burst weapons, charge weapons all make it impossible to get the buff without losing tons of shooting DPS, and burst fire can basically never get it without metronome being minmaxed instead of actual music. The melee attack buff I have seen allies activate by mistake, but again it only works if you are using a slow weapon, quick weapons get too many misses between notes when spammed, and when not spammed they are losing more damage than they'd get from the buff (especially if they are in Amp). My other main issue with the ability is in it's use a s a stealth machine. Sure, it's nice having 24/7 stealth if you dance along, but I honestly can't think of a worse frame to be invisible 24/7 than the frame that is a dance party rave frame. I mean she has the most detailed animations of anyone but you can't see them because she spends the entire game invisible.

     But,l like I said, I love the way it encourages people to dance. The problem is that the only enjoyable way of dancing that does not entirely ruin your DPS or require relearning the entire game, is the crouching one.

    I'm going to throw a suggestion out for an ability that I think should replace Metronome. Obviously it's just me throwing together an idea, so the numbers might be off/OP, and the mechanics might not work perfectly, but this seems like the sort of thing that would preserve the dancing aspect while making it something people actually bother to do.


    Grants buffs to those who consistently perform actions in time to Octavia’s music. Crouching or Jumping to the music builds Sync, where as mismatched crouches and jumps reduce it. When an ally reaches 100% sync, they gain a buff granting 4% / 6% / 8% / 10% Multishot, Movement Speed, and Melee Damage for the duration of the ability. Each Syncozined ally increases the effectiveness of this buff on all allies by 25% and makes enemies less likely to target Octavia.


    -Ideally everyone sync'd would glow their energy color, maybe leave trails like with Volt but without the lightning. Something gaudy, I am trying to put on a dance party here.

    -I don't know if my math is right on the increasing buffs, the idea is that if all 4 players are sync'd the buff is twice as big. It would still be lower than it currently is maxed out because it can last longer and is easier to obtain.

    -I realize this makes Octavia bad at solo, but she is a bard/buff frame, so it seems reasonable to build her around team play.

    -I also realize many people would hate to lose stealth, but it is an incredibly poor fit for the frame, and is much better left to the frames with stealth themes, in my humble opinion.

    -Ideally jumps would count for more sync since they are slower to do, but that would be a bit too much over explaining for an ability tooltip.

    -Still might as well buff armor too, but that isn't in the regular tooltip so I didn't put it in this one.

  2. Well... My Saryn can just go f**k herself with cooldowns...


    On your note of "many games using cooldown mechanics", if you are refering to moba, those are semi strategic games where you have to plan skill usage with care (unless its a spam champ). Warframe is too fast paced for that.


    Also your idea is like trying to secretly make people use melee more which is not that good in the first place...



    EDIT: Forgot to mention, system isn't flawed therefore it doesn't need to be fixed, it's the mentality of exploiting the system (rep farms to a time for example) you need to fight.


     MOBAs are one game.


     Mass Effect is a better example, since it is also a third person shooter and uses a cooldown system.


     In every MOBA I have played, and in ME3s multiplayer, everyone would use all abilities they had.


     PS: Saryn would be FINE with cooldowns. Her ultimate once every 30 - 45 seconds would still work great (considering no one else would be spamming room clears either) and her 1 (which, being a 1, would probably have a very low CD) would see a ton of use since it's actually pretty good.

     I wrote this thread after soloing a few hundred levels by just coptering around hitting 4 as Saryn and winning with zero effort as a result.

  3. 1. Learn how to play by the rules.... Only little kids want to always change the rules, when they can't play by them.


    2. Stop playing only public low level missions. If you would try some solo play you would see that you would use all abilities of one frame.




    If you play Saryn, at low levels, it's obvious that you will only use Miasma because you have to get it over with as soon as posible.


    If you play the same Saryn, Solo, and fight lvl 50+ enemies, that can kill you through your 350 armor in a couple of seconds, Miasma will do nothing, damage wize.


    It's then, when you find out that Miasma also stuns enemies.


    If you get shot at by far away enemies, not even the stun of Maisma can help you....


    But wait .....what's her 2nd ability? Molt?! ..... it creates a copy that draws damage away from you?! .....

    Wow .....you can survive even if Miasma failed.


    The enemies are stunned but you still don't have the damage to kill them??? ......


    !!!!!!!! VENOM !!!!!!!!!!!  for those times where your enemies, simply, refuse to die fast enough!  


    Just apply VENOM on one enemy, pop the spores and before you can say "pop popady pop pop pop" you have a bunch of enemies with 50% less HP.



    Just... play the game! Don't try to change it, just beacuse you don't like it!  


    I'm not saying that suggestions are bad ...... even if DE doesn't give a S#&$ about them if they don't come from founders.


     I do play Saryn. I do solo.

     Quite a bit actually.

     As a matter of fact I solo more missions than I join groups for.


     There is only one reason I ever use Venom or Contagion: I accidentally pushed the wrong button.


     I use Molt to save my arse if it gets hairy, but other that that it's just 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.


     Her 4 stuns everyone effected, so pop it in a group, hop over to the rest, pop it again, hop back, pop it once more to finish them off. Anciant Healers need to be shot, but other than that I never use my gun. Even when solo. My gun is a Boltor Prime too, so it's not like it's a result of having a poor weapon.


     Even after al lthat being said, the game is not balanced for solo either. This is a cooperative team game, and should be balanced for having allies at your back.


     PS: I am a founder, just a low teir one becuase I am not a wealthy person. I gave what I could.

  4. Then you haven't gone too far inside defense or survival if you're only using one ability or proper team coordination.


    Hours of perfecting builds by farming for cores and figuring out the best way to min max for the best way to utilize your frame.


    That's the reward of high level content is self satisfaction prime parts is just a secondary.

    If you're basing solely on drops within 30 waves then you can literally use any weapon or any frame and it wouldn't matter.


     You are seriously insane if you think the game should be balanced on absurdly high defense/survival waves.


     You are suggesting that the vast vast majority of the player base should be just spamming 4, because the 0.0001% of them that bother to do absurdly higher defense/survival waves, for no extra reward, will use more abilities.

  5. If you really get that angry over ultimate spam here's some simple tips for you that won't limit how other players play the game they sink hundreds to thousands of hours perfecting builds that should be that strong.


     It takes thousands of hours to realize that "Streamline + Fleeting Expertise = Cheap Abilities"?

     Builds are not at all as complicated as you're imply in this post.


     I do high level content. Quite often.

     Yet it's not nearly as detailed, complicated, or skill-intensive as you're implying.


     If I'm playing Loki, I spam Disarm. If I'm playing Trinity, I use Blessing when someone is hurt. If I play Nova, I pust 4 over and over. If I play Nekros I push 3 over and over.

     High end content is not a glorious paradicse of teamwork and balance and skill diversity.


     Its the same as low end content you just need to push 4 more times before the numbers that let you know something died pop up.


     Not to mention that that content has no rewards that are not gained in lower level content, meaning it is just making the game difficult for the sake of being difficult. You could unlock and max out every mod and weapon and warframe and pet in the game without ever doing wave 70 content.

     That's an extra challange.


     The game should not be based around absurdly high defense waves.

  6. Everyone is assuming everything in the game would remain the same if this was added, when that's not the case.

    Yes, it would require many tweaks to various numbers and balances across all skills.



     With cooldowns most AoE damage Ultimates would require more damage to scale better.

     Most 1's would need faster animations so they can be used in conjuction with bullets.


    Some abilities might lose some duration to match.


     But with cooldowns in place over the current system at least balance is possible.

     With the Energy system there are too many flaws and quirks for the balance to ever work.

     How can you make something that can be spammed endlessly balanced without making it useless to those that don't have Fleeting Expertise?


     It also puts a ceiling on power. You can't have an ability cost more than 100 Energy, but you can have ones with a longer cooldown. All ultimates are not created equal, so they should not all cost the same. (Disclaimer: I know they don't ALL cost 100, just the vast majority)


     The cooldown system is already in place, it just needs numbers to be changed. The balance team would have to comb over every ability in the game, which would take a few man hours, but the end result would justify it.

     Probably not right away, but some balacing later.



     I'm avoiding dropping hard numbers because that just gives argument fodder, and I don't want to pretend to know enough about Warframes I never built. But the idea was something like 2s - 4s base for primary skills, utility range from 8s - 24s, and ultimates are 45s - 90s.

     Keep in mind these would vary from ability to ability on a case by case basis, and that that is the BASE value. Streamline/Fleeting Expertise would reduce these timers, as would (possibly) looting orbs.


     Yes, it would make 40 minute void survival nearly impossible to begin with. The weird scaling is another issue though, and having powers out of control is one factor that makes it tricky to fix. Any flat nerfs there with the current system just increases the time people will be able to survive without fixing the issue.

     Limiting skills puts it in the hands of the players ability, instead of just being about numbers and luck.


     PS: Threating to quit is petty and childish. Especially when you don't know exactly how the system will work.


     PPS: I don't think Cooldowns are the be all and end all of fixing the game, other suggestions like primary skills generating Energy are quite interesting as well (but don't fix the spam still) and there may be an ever better method no one has thought of. Cooldowns are simply better than the current energy system, not perfect.

  7. Do you read my points...

    You said that abilities will have cooldowns from my understanding, but long duration builds would benefit more because you didn't say

    Longer duration = longer cooldown

    Shorter duration = shorter cooldown.

    Your current idea is that:

    10 second ability = 10 second cooldown

    20 second ability = 10 second cooldown

    Edit: difficult content =/= cheap content.

    Infested end game is not difficult, it's cheap.

    The longer you are in their, the more bullet spongy they become, the less effective your guns are, the more effective your abilities become. After 30 min in ODS your abilities must be kept up the majority of the time if you actually wanna survive because everything except volatiles become one shots.


     You're assuming numbers that I never said.

     Cooldowns would need to be balanced for possible durations.

     But if using Corrupted mods to make invisibility last as long as the cooldown means you don't have as much range on blind, then you are making a trade off and I see no issue with it.

     That's already what Corrupted mods do.


     I know high level survival is difficult, due to poor scaling and armor values, but that's an entierly seperate issue.

     One that could be fixed if it were not possible to spam any ability in the game endlessly.

     They could make that content possible with a system that is easier to balance, like cooldowns.


     It is irrelevent to the discussion as well, since it is a seperate problem with the game.

  8. Did you even read what I said? I'd feel forced to use a Narrowminded on my disarm build because I'm not a big fan of invisibility. How about you try doing an ODS and try surviving 30+ mins by supposedly testing this system of yours? Although this idea might be doable in void and Grineer but not really with infested due to their ancient healers, one shot hits from chargers and toxics. I recall playing a Nyx once in a 30 min ODS and if I wasn't gonna spam Chaos we would've died because of how cheap they are late game.


     Did you read what I said?




     Obviously you'd need to reshuffle builds and priorities and find new ways to tackle difficult content. That's how updating games work.


     That's not a reason to not do it.

  9. Wait so the whole source of this argument is lore and the term space ninjas? You think that Naruto's a horrible depiction of ninjas but Warframe is? Lolwat.


     Please just stop posting, you are reaching new levels of miscomprehension.


    The argument was for game balance and varity. The Ninja lore post was a direct response to the POST I QUOTED, not the base of the argument.


    And yes, I DO think Warframe is a terriple depection of Ninjas, and I never stated otherwise.

  10. And how would you suggest this system to help Nyx? Her ability itself like Chaos requires you to use it most of the time.

    This would mess up some Loki players like me, I want a max range Radial Disarm build but now I have to put Narrowminded crippling my range so that I can have longer duration with Invis.

    Your idea right now is I can have a 10 second invis and the cooldown would be 15 seconds or I can have a 20+ second with a 15 second cooldown. With the duration mods in play cooldowns would be hard to implement your idea because you did not touch duration in your OP.


     You are making FAR too many assumptions.


     Why would you repalce your efficency mods? They would still allow you to use abilities more often, just in a new way.


     Are you getting upset you can't have permanent invisability anymore? Becuase I have news for you: You shouldn't be able to do that in the first place.


     As for Chaos, it would work just fine as a more occasional effect. You shouldn't be able to keep an entire room CC'd 24/7. It SHOULD have down time.


     I think you might be missing a few core concepts.

     If the system prevents people from keeping powerful effects up constantly that is a win.

  11. But your current idea will mess up tons of builds dude. Your current idea is that energy won't exist but cooldowns will be replacing them and Flow will decrease the cooldown duration? Your idea isn't cooked enough as people would be forced to build their frames all around duration.


     What are you even... ?


     Yes that is what I proposed.

    Is people having to redo their builds somehow a problem?

    Things change. Players need to adapt. This happens with anything.

  12. Closed Beta issues are irrelevent.


    No one will wait in a room for their cooldowns, unless it is for a few seconds or they have FAR too much free time.

    Time waiting is time you are not getting resources and credits and exp.

    Even so, energy orbs reducing cooldowns solves that.

    For the same reason you don't see people waiting for Energy Siphon before entering a room.


    Not to mention all the new game modes that force you to keep moving.




    The Energy system needs an overhaul.

    Yes cooldowns might make people wait in a room before moving on, if they are complete cowards, but that is a price worth paying if it means players will use all four abilities (or at least more than 1 non-utility ability) and not be able to spam and IWIN button 24/7 with zero thought.

  13. The only part of WF I wanna see a full cooldown system implemented is the PvP as to prevent abuse from some frames.

    As for it's PvE part - we're fine now and we do not need any changes. Remember - we're supposed to be creatures of immense power with the ability to turn the tide of a battle in the Old War. We are supposed to "use our abilities whenever we want and however we want"

    Also - Nullifiers are fine! Geez, Learn to play and adapt, people!


     Unless you're only sorcuing Naruto (which is a horrible depection of ninjas), the fact we're Ninjas is exactly why we shouldn't be barreling through hordes of enemies with infinite building wide nukes like it's nothing.

     I doubt the lore supports the ancient Teno flinging their powers around like crazy and destroying everything in their vicinity with ease.


     We're Ninjas, we don't win because we have immense unstoppable super powers of mass death, we win becuase we have guile, cunning, and skills. Skill that include proper and tactical deployment of our limited resources.


     If we were supposed to stroll around nuking everything we'd be Space Microwaves instead of Space Ninjas.

  14. so you're suggesting that because Enemies are theoretically more dangerous (debatable), that they'll be forced to use Abilities?

    heh. not really. 4 Players will take turns using Abilities. or with a more organized group, they'll all be 100% invulnerable and just stand there waiting, partially AFK while the cooldowns tick down.


     No one is going to waste their own time doing that. Its not like the game is impossible without your ultimate being avaible 24/7.


     Yes they COULD do that but it would be a huge waste of their time, when they could just use guns and their other abilities to fill the gaps to clear the objective many many times faster.


     At the very least with a CD system they need to waste a bunch of time if they want to just press one button over and over.


     Furthermore the game has Survival and Interception now, which would mean you CAN'T just wait for abilities. You have too much to do.

  15. basically Players AFK'd while their AoE Blasts cooled down.


    the gist of that is we tried that already. it was terrible.

    Cooldowns as a sole balancing metric doesn't work in Warframe because it's too fast paced. this isn't a Turn Based Strategy game.


     Yeah, in closed beta.

     When the only Infected were chargers and Grineer couldn't hit anything further than two meters away.

  16.  I beleive that a Cooldown system would serber Warframe much better than the current Energy system.


     Allow me to explain.


     To start, the Energy system has a few major flaws that anyone can encounter regluarily:


     Most abilities are not used.

    Probably the biggest and most obvious issue, is that many abilities are ignored. Even in ideal situations for that ability, it is not used in favor of saving energy for a more powerful ability. Most Warframes are built around 1 or 2 abilities that are their strongest, and the other ignored. This was most obvious when Ability Mods still existed, but it is still an issue with them gone due to the energy system.


     "Ultimates" can be spammed making the game trivial.

    Equipped a maxed out Streamline and Fleeting Expertise to a Saryn and you can use her 4 pretty much constantly, clearing the screen over and over. This ability is clearly supposed to be a big flashy "Wow look at me I killed a bunch of guys!" deal, but instead just becomes a tedius way to constantly clear the entire map without any effort.


    More flexible balancing point.

    Right now, abilities can cost 25, 50, 75, or 100 Energy. This makes it very very hard to balance. Everyone always receives 25 Energy for looting an orb, which means any ability which costs 100 is just as hard to use as any other ability that does. But are all 100 Energy abilities as good as any other? No. Not even close. Yes, some could be reduced to 75 to balance it a little better, but with Efficency mods that would rarely matter. This would very much so shine in pvp balance, where the energy system is at its worst.


     Ability use dependant on RNG.

    Admittadly this is the least severe issue by far, but there are times when players will simply have bad luck and not receive every orb drops, making the game far far harder for a time based on nothing but luck. Adversely, sometimes too many energy orbs drop, and the game becomes a breeze based on nothing but luck.


     So how do we fix it?


     Cooldowns! Cooldown systems have seen success in many many games as the primary means of limiting ability/power/whatever use, and for good reason. It works.

     It encourages the use of abilities at the right time, for the right reason, as well as encouraging the use of all abilities, since they do not take away energy from eachother.


     The sysem is simple. Each ability has a built-in cooldown that must expire before it can be used again. All mods that currently give +Efficency would instead give +Cooldown Reduction (or -Cooldown, however you want to write it) with Blind Rage increasing cooldowns instead. Every ability would have it's own fine-tuned cooldown, that could be adjusted in balance patches.


     With light cooldowns on 1 abilities (3 seconds or so?) we'd see Warframes actually using their 1s. Saryn would spread poison, Ember would shoot fireballs, Volt would elecracute people. It would be great! You'd be able to tell who is in the fight just form projectiles flying around.


     So what are the downsides?


     The cost in development time is the only one that comes to mind. Yes, balancing the cooldowns and adding them to begin with would take a good number of hours, but I feel the payoff is well worth it.


     I've heard it suggest that it would slow downgameplay, which I disagree with. Yes it would mean you'd see fewer Ultimates going off in the fight, and enemies would stay alive longer as a result, but with cooldowns people would actually use all abilities, which means players would be pressing more buttons faster. This means analyzing the situation at all times to know when to pop a cooldown to the greatest effect.


     There is also a possible issue with abilities that last a set duration and cooldowns. You would not want Nyx with -Cooldown and +Duration to be able to keep all targets Chaos'd 24/7. The simple solution is to give it a high enough cooldown to never have that be possible.


     But then what do we do with X?


     Melee Channeling - The Energy bar could instead be a sort of 'overdrive' meter, which when full, allows players to go on a bersek melee rampage and decimate the enemy with their melee weapon. This would promote the use of melee weapons as well, a currently underutalized peice of equipment. The bar would simply fill from dealing and taking damage.


     Energy Orbs  - Picking up an Energy Orb could reduce cooldowns on all abilities by X seconds.


     The 'Flow' Mod - I had a neat idea for this, actually. Instead of Energy Max this mod could have the effect of reducing the cooldown of all abilities by X (depends on Mod level) seconds each time you use another ability. At low ranks it would need to be low, around 0.25 seconds, but this would make the cooldown system a little bit less static, and a little more interesting.

  17. We still don't even know what is inside the suits.

    Lore states that the Teno developed powers from the Void, and the suits simply channel them.

    Which means changing suits should not give us more powers.


    Also there is the whole changing gender and body type when we change suits deal.


    We're probably playing as cyber-ghosts or something to that extent, so we might not be able to talk.

  18. My game crashes every time my Kubrow goes into a bleed-out state. When the time reaches 1 second, the game locks up and subsequently crashes.


     Happened twice on Pluto Dark Sector Defense.

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