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Posts posted by Alcatraz

  1. 1 hour ago, Tennoludus said:

    As long as my daily standing has not reached zero, allow me to select an item that might go over the limit.

    I can overspend if I can spend at least 1 item.

    I cannot overspend if I can only select 1 item or only have 1 left (not sure which one it is)


    A) working: 29k standing left, got 5 crisma toroids. I can select crisma, I can top of at 4, but can manually increase to 5 to spend 30k and overspend by 1k (which I dont care about)

    B) not working: 5k standing left. I got 1 crisma toroid. I cannot select the single crisma, so I cannot spend 6k (overspending by 1k, which I dont care about)

    please make B) work

    What are you talking about? You CAN cash in your toroids even if it wastes 1k + you just have a prompt that pops-up telling you this, and if you want to continue? (Yes) (No)


    I even went and checked this all for you, after cashing in 25k and then using a Crisma again, to check. It still prompts me to confirm, and adding a Calda Toroid on top of that, prompts me, for 2,000 wasted.

  2. 1 minute ago, taiiat said:

    in principle yeah, though i can left click roughly 3-5x faster than i can right click, so i'll often tend to spin the wrong way anyways since i can generally still rotate the wrong way faster than the right way if it's the alternate click.

    You're a monster! But wait, I do this all the time too! lol glad we still do the same stuff 😉

  3. On 2020-05-25 at 4:47 PM, Deshiel said:

    Whatever they intended at launch is outdated and no longer what they're after because you can now pretty much solo every proxima and forward artillery is the least used device in the railjack game due to its triffling  requirements to utilise.

    Are you telling me you slingshot all the way over to Crewships and blow it up from the inside? Hopefully you're not flying to them...

    You cannot blow them up without using the Artillery, or blowing up the reactor from within.

  4. That'd be so much better than switching from pilot to gun to pilot and adjusting if the blasted CS moved before you got a shot off.

    But I suspect that won't happen because they wanted Railjack to be co-op mainly. With recent changes to RJ though, we can do it solo. I prefer solo honestly. Don't have to put up with someone taking my pilot or grabbing up the side guns and wasting my flux doing who knows what.

    Tactical is great at 10, but just to Warp to any crewmember is very underwhelming for so many intrinsic points to reach that rank.

    Piloting 10 is ok, but it could be coupled with a longer boost bar to go with "Ramming Speed"

    Engineer 10 is perfect the way it is.


  5. About the Crewships, and most of what you're complaining about, all of this was actually explained in devstreams past, but literally no one outside of the more than average/casual player actually watches those, so instructions for new players don't exist for them.

    I knew exactly what was up when I got my Railjack. Where the forge was, the exits, the side guns, navigation, pilot explains itself, and the big gun.

    I had prier knowledge to all these things, but I feel you're being a little more dramatic than necessary. I get that Crewships would be confusing, those aren't explained that I am aware of, but it's kind of so, to give you something to think about, and figure out how to take out this large, difficult enemy.

    On the other hand, a quick once over with the ship would of been nice in a typical tutorial but, that's also why people say we have the best community. We answer these questions about new systems for those who are new to them and do not know how they work. We back up the lack of tuts for the game.

    This game has always been "Here's a gun, go shoot things with it" without any further direction than that.

    In the end though, you are a bit overly dramatic, and a tutorial would be nice, or Railjack for Dummies.

  6. 25 minutes ago, TheHalfsightedOne said:

    I've asked this several times before, and have always been told "Oh that was too long ago, too bad" but that just seems like poor practice that the above was never done during the swap to making them unsellable. It may not be powerful, but it looks like a fun little gun Id still wanna use from time to time for its gimmick.

    Asked who? People of the forums or people of the support desk? They are the actual ones to ask anything related to selling your Azima.

    I've heard of plenty of cases where people sold and gotten "it" back before. Depending on how long ago it was, it may be too late for them to return it to you. I don't really know that, I am no expert, I just know what I've seen around.


  7. Or you know, instead of forcing people to self damage a frame, or hold to charge nonsense, just make the ability cast the maximum based upon it's own power strength right off like it should have always been.

    Chroma is the only frame I can think of that has to go out of his way to get hurt for his ability to gain it's full potential.

    • Like 3
  8. 12 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    i have to express the position of disliking Weapons being able to have nonsensical names, because if i want to see what the Players in my Squad are using to see what they like using or Et Cetera, if i see they have 'booty Blaster 5000' Equipped, i'm no closer to knowing what they have Equipped.

    not against renaming, but am not that happy with Weapons being able to be named things that make them unable to be identified.

    Well then I suppose you'd like and dislike me. I've renamed my Kuva Brakk


    Also I've renamed a few of my other normal weapons. Like Redeemer Prime is no longer named that. There's a few other weapons with new names as well. Like my most used Melee is now "Kindness" I have 350k kills on it, the name fits.

    48 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

    I would prefer it to be "kuva [weapon]" by default.  And Lich's name to be an optional addition if you want (free).   

    So you just claim your "Kuva Brakk".....And if you really liked its former owner's name, you simply apply it

    I'll second this.

  9. Problem with your idea is that neither weapons you mentioned as an example, are skins. They are in fact, actual weapons within the game.

    Like all weapons, they are not skins. That's why you see more and more universal skins coming out.

  10. 1 hour ago, KWessels said:

    I want to make 100% sure that while my account is linked to Steam, I can uninstall Steam and still have my stuff? 

    Since your question is already answered for this, I will go a bit further for you and link you a guide to converting steam to stand alone so you do not have to download the entire game all over. I use it all the time and for example: I convert to steam, check Tennogen, and delete the conversion and simply continue to play stand alone.


    Additional note: You don't actually need to mess with registry at all. Just simply follow all the other steps; like downloading the files required and then pasting over them. If you run into trouble trying this method, I'm open to questions so feel free to DM if you do a conversion.

  11. To go further than the wiki listing it as "type: exalted weapon" you can also mod them separately like all exalted weapons these days. The reason why you would mistake them for anything other than Exalted weapons is because you're thinking of Khora's Whipclaw, and Atlas' Landslide.

    That's where you would be wrong about her Talons because unlike her Talons; Landslide and Whipclaw, are abilities that you mod the only the warframe for. Yes can mod frames to better your exalted weapons, but you can also mod the weapons separately. Thus you would get the thought that they are similar and therefore not exalted. 

    They are in fact Exalted. They are done differently than the common Exalted weapons such as Iron Staff and Regulators. You have to remove your melee to gain the useage of them. You can mod them, you can level them, and you can use them.  This method is just... unique.
    Making them different like this allowed them to have 4 powers and Talons instead.

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