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Posts posted by Alcatraz

  1. 13 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    Stone Skin is not way-bound. So if you had to activate Unairu for it to work, congratulations: you found another glitch.

    Also since you're NOT reading thoroughly what I even said... let's go back to what I said.


    18 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

    No, you don't know how it works properly since you're here complaining that it doesn't work. I just went and looked myself. On my speed build I have 3732 Iron Skin, and after switching to Unairu with Stone Skin activated, aka highlighted in red signifying that the node is active with the school, and going back and recasting I got 39xx Iron skin. Nothing changed except from Zenurik to Unairu. You're not listening, and not doing it right. Want screenshots and or video tutorial?

    What you took from this was that I was using waybounds, which sure, I have all waybound passives unlocked and activated throughout all of my focus schools. But you're not getting what I said so let's highlight and underline some of the above quote.

    Now let's continue below to where I show you how to make Unairu your active focus school, and how to activate a node within the tree to use it.


    See how I activated the school and it is now showing that it's active? Amazing huh? Now let's continue and teach you how to activate nodes and use them.

    See how in the following screenshot that I have 46 of 177 pool and Stone Skin is gray instead of Red?

    Now let's select that node and high light it in red. Notice my pool capacity is now 39 of 177 instead of 46? That's because the active node requires 7 capacity. 46 - 7 = 39

    When leaving make sure you press A on your controller to accept the changes.

  2. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    1- I'm on XB1. If you're not on XB1, your advices are meaningless. Because you're 1 patch ahead, that glitch could have already been solved on PC. 

    2- Stone Skin is not way-bound. So if you had to activate Unairu for it to work, congratulations: you found another glitch.

    Yeah I know you're on console. It says right there in your name... I want to make a rude remark on that but I'll save it.

    You're DOING IT WRONG>>>> See screenshot showing my Iron Skin at 3732 and the Zenurik Energizing Dash ring?  PwOwrZs.jpg

    Now let's go down to Unairu and let's make sure the nodes are checked off in RED as in Activated....


    Now let's head back and recast Iron Skin. Look at that! 3987! How did I do that?


    I changed nothing in my build...

    Unless you can supply proof that you have it activated, you're 100% doing it wrong.

  3. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    Bro, I obviously did it. Still, doesn't work. 

    Also, it doesn't need to be activated because Stone Skin is not way-bound.

    No, you don't know how it works properly since you're here complaining that it doesn't work. I just went and looked myself. On my speed build I have 3732 Iron Skin, and after switching to Unairu with Stone Skin activated, aka highlighted in red signifying that the node is active with the school, and going back and recasting I got 39xx Iron skin. Nothing changed except from Zenurik to Unairu. You're not listening, and not doing it right. Want screenshots and or video tutorial?

  4. 29 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    But Unairu focus school "Stone Skin" skill is not working. The increased 60 armor didn't affect my Iron Skin value with Rhino (yes, I tested on a mission).

    Not to mention that it doesn't even show on the arsenal, but that is just a detail.

    Not bugged, you're just doing it wrong.

    Let me explain what you need to do: Go to Unairu Focus School, click the Void Spines Node until it's red, and now click on Stone Skin until it's red. Back out, and accept the message about your changes, and now it's activated in Unairu. Make sure it's activated as your primary school, and you're set.


  5. I believe you chaps need to read a little more posts for context. He's pretty much retracted his original post because he wasn't aware of the mechanics.

    If you're interested in giving feedback of your own, please feel free to start up your own post about these weapons and invite each other to post there.

    Additionally, 10m isn't that terribly far. You can judge that just by how your shots behave, and learn from watching that to have it as sort of a memory. It's not rocket science. (pun intended.) And more to that, if you're firing slow, you're probably not properly modded. With just Lethal Torrent I can clear the entire mag faster than I can reload it, sprinting around as Gauss, or any other frame.

    It's an acquired taste. If you don't like it...

  6. That sounds horrible! I mean just drag a cheese grader down my butt cheek why don't ya? This idea might sound fun to you but, you can bet almost no one will agree.

    I've seen a topic just like this one not more than 3 months ago and it was a big fat NO from the entire community.

    This is a very impractical idea in all honesty. There's almost no one in their right frame of mind that would ever consider doing this, and in turn, it would be a very unused feature. Making it a useless idea. And think, I'd rather have a cheese grader drug down my butt cheek than level a single frame to be what sounds like from 105 to 110 times just for this + marker on a frame.
    Think of the actual costs to buy all these forma, or the time of your life it costs to farm that many forma for a really useless feature.


  7. 4 minutes ago, Mikhael222 said:

    Some suggestions:

    1. If you want to keep the idea of semi-automatic, slower-moving projectiles, perhaps turn them into homing missiles?  That could be interesting.


    Akarius is Gauss's signature burst-fire dual launchers that fires a pair of homing rockets with high status chance and a large 5-meter explosion radius. To provide safety for its user, the rockets arm after traveling 10 meters in midair. Uniquely, this weapon reloads faster while sprinting, and reloads even faster when wielded by Gauss.

    Apparently you're unaware of what the weapon does.  https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Akarius

    • Like 2
  8. I haven't if anyone has tried this, but go to warframe.com and log out. Logout here, go to twitch and log out there. Sign back into everything, watch a partner stream for 30 minutes + 5 to make sure. Take note of the time you start their stream. Keep your browser on that tab, and do not mute the stream.

    See if your luck changes.\

    On another thought: Has anyone cleared their browser cache and went back to watching streams?

  9. 27 minutes ago, (XB1)WhiteAngelWingz said:

    It's still theft if someone other that the person who made it claims it as their own. 

    I didn't say it wasn't. I asked how you knew it was theirs.

    NekroArts was helpful enough to show the video. I can see it was published 2016, and this picture was rendered and posted 2019.

    And further, NekroArts even went as far as finding the creator on Twitter and posting the links to them directly. Something YOU should have done in the first place. There's nothing we can do on the forums, nor anything DE can do. It's up to the actual creator to take action as they see fit. Inform them next time, not us.

    That is all Tenno.

  10. All I can say is that it's in the works. PC always easier to deploy updates on and we're looking at a mainline this week bringing new frame. Much further down the read for you guys on console I realize, I'd apologize for your respective consoles terrible cert wait times, but it is what it is.

    Also why does everyone revert to "go play something else,' like no s*** man, that's what I do all the time. I just come to Warframe in hopes of something to do.
    Mind you, I am not saying I am burnt out, I play every day, just I have so many other things to play as well. A little more exciting than Warframe right now.

    Also I'm usually the one that comes off as hostile in these exact kinds of posts 😛 I'm not, I just... the last post with near to same title as yours, just wasn't well received.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Giantconch said:

    Why not a Kuva Lens? Sounds simple enough right? Convert __% of affinity earned into Kuva. Nothing stupid high like 15-20% but something reasonable like 3-5% since we can gain massive amounts of affinity from ESO, Defenses, Survivals, Excavs etc. and perhaps have some limitation in place like the Kuva Lens could only be placed on a frame, and not weapons?

    Or you know, only work when you're doing kuva missions. Either Siphons or Kuva Fortress. Not sure lens would be a correct word for it either, but I understand what the meaning taken from the word to mean.

    A focus lens being something that sounds like you're using energy you would normally gain from the sun, but faster through a glass lens to make it a faster absorption. That same manner would also be applied to Kuva, which is more of a gas (cloud) substance that'd be blocked by a "lens" since it'd make you picture a glass window blocking it, and not filtering it better. Just an additional thought to a better name than "kuva lens"

    • Like 1
  12. I read almost everything up until Primal Fury, I don't really care about that skill as I never used it before, and I hardly do now. More than before, but much less than other Exalted powers.

    I do agree that he needs the momentum fixes because having to stop to use any ability is quite a hindrance. Especially the type of abilities he posses. I almost never use his Twin, and when I do I can't help but notice the feeling of being stuck in one spot for too long. Smoothing this over will help him over all.

    Cloud Walker deactivation is a bit of a time waster as well. You come right out of the cloud and instead of having forward momentum, you drop like a rock. Say it comes off at an untimely spot and you drop straight down the void and get reset to previous "safe" position and now you have to traverse that whole distance again. You should really keep some of that forward momentum that you were clearing using as you were moving forward.

    Like you should just act like you're bursting out of a thick fog. Instead of a sudden change in gravity stopping your entire forward momentum like you hit a wall, and dropping like you had lead in your pants.

    As an Avid Wukong player from old, I don't like the changes to defy, and defy now being your passive. I've had to build him up to be a solid tank just to compensate for the loss of the original powers function, and put a lot to power duration just so I can keep Defy's 1500 armor up, for as long as possible. Kind of limits what you can do with the frame if you absolutely gotta have that much duration if you're going to be in the thick of it for long periods.

    Now that being said, I don't think you need to change the passive any. Just leave it the way it is unless you come up with a different idea, but keep in mind the passive should stay how it is, just a little improvement to it, would be welcome.

    Back to Defy of new: What I don't like the most is the much smaller amounts of damage it puts out. I'm not wild over being stuck in a hover with a stick in my hand, unable to do anything more than float around a little absorbing damage, which releases the damage back at enemies, hardly making a dent in them for the damage you've  taken. I can get around 90k and the enemies hardly sweat it at 100+

    What else was there? Augments? I'm not keen on those in general. I'm not a person who uses augments all that often as they don't bring enough to the table to justify their slot they typically waste. Though I have made the build around Primal Fury's augment, I've since then switched over to Cloud Walkers Augment. I like that I can turn allies invisible for 40 seconds, but they do anything but run, and they are out in the cold again. Ash and Octavia don't have that problem with their invisibility skills(ash's aug) and then there's Wukong's.

    Why was that approached differently?



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